Комунальний заклад
« Бериславський медичний коледж»
Херсонської обласної ради
Розробка практичного заняття з англійської мови ( за професійним спрямуванням) :
«Nursing Profession»
Підготувала викладач англійської мови
І кваліфікаційної категорії
Запорожець Олена Миколаївна
2018/2019 н.р.
Тема : «Nursing Profession»
Курс: ІІІ ( V семестр) ( Клас : 11)
Спеціальність: « Сестринська справа»
Кількість навчальних годин : 2
Місце проведення: кабінет англійської мови
Вид заняття : практичне
Тип заняття : формування знань, умінь і навичок
Забезпечення заняття: Tony Grice. Oxford English for Careers/ Nursing1: Oxford University Press., 159 p.; A.H. Sabluk , L.V. Levandovska. English for medical students — Англійська мова для студентів-медиків: Підручник. — К.: ВСВ «Медицина», c.49 -52; Ivanna Zakhachuk, English/ Health: Підручник.- медицина, 2006. – 176с.- с.37, 59
Актуальність теми: Вміння вести мову про майбутню професію, описувати її переваги та розповідати про обов’язки медичної сестри є невід’ємною складовою професійної та комунікативної компетенції студентів.
Навчальні цілі:
Розвиваючі цілі:
Виховні цілі :
Методи навчання:
І. Методи організації та здійснення навчально -пізнавальної діяльності:
2. За логікою передачі та сприйняття навчальної інформації:
3. За характером пізнавальної діяльності:
4. Проблемно-розвиваючі та активного навчання:
- діалогове проблемне викладання;
ІІ. Методи стимулювання та мотивації навчальної діяльності:
ІІІ. Методи контролю та самоконтролю за ефективністю навчально-пізнавальної діяльності:
6 Міжпредметні зв’язки: медсестоинство
7 Очікувані результати реалізації заняття:
Студенти повинні знати:
- лексичний матеріал до теми «Моя майбутня професія»;
Студенти повинні вміти:
- вживати лексичний матеріал під час мовлення та письма;
- знаходити зв'язок між лексичними одиницями та застосовувати їх у мовленні;
- вести мову про майбутню професію;
-здобувати необхідну інформацію під час аудіювання та читання тексту;
- усно і письмово висловлювати власні думки відповідно до теми.
I Greeting and Aim
II The Main Part
1 Warm up
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Do you know health care professions ?
Health care professions
2 Speaking
What is nursing?
Why Become a Nurse?
Where Do Nurses Work?
In hospital - in many areas, such as: obstetrics (caring for child-bearing women and infants); medical surgical units (taking care of ill adults and children); emergency departments; etc.
In the community - jobs are increasing in community nursing, where nurses focus on health promotion, education, and illness prevention. These nurses get to visit the patient’s world, where they see the “whole” person by looking at their living situation and lifestyle.
On-line - technology is now more portable and nurses can do more sophisticated assessments in the community by using video technology and computers and can provide complex nursing care to people in their homes.
In the North, overseas or in independent practice - nurses can work in the North, in the armed forces, and with international health organizations. Nurses who are self-directed and enjoy the challenge of independent practice excel in the areas.
3 Vocabulary
Read and learn new vocabulary
nurse - медсестра
e.g. She is a nurse at a hospital.
obstetrician, midwife - акушер
e.g. Obstetricians work in the gynecology department.
to treat - лікувати
e.g. The doctor treats his patients.
to remember - пам’ятати
e.g. Remember these rules.
order - наказ, вказівка
e.g. Olena must follow the orders of the doctor.
ward - палата
e.g. There were no patients in the ward.
advice - порада
e.g. The doctor’s advice was always good for him.
noble - благородний; шляхетний
necessary – необхідний
medical assistant - фельдшер
e.g. Medical assistants helped the patient.
disease - хвороба
e.g. This disease is not infectious.
treatment - лікування
e.g. Treatment of people is the duty of doctors.
observations - спостереження
e.g. These observationds are very important.
care - догляд
e.g. They care for their parents.
calm - спокійний
e.g. She must be calm.
profession - професія
important - важливий
humanity - людство
to treat a patient - лікувати хворого
under special care - під спеціальним наглядом
to apply compress - накладати компрес
to apply cups - ставити банки
to apply mustard plasters - ставити гірчичники
to make injections - робити ін’єкції
to give medicines - давати ліки
things for nursing - предмети догляду
to carry out prescriptions - виконувати призначення
to take care of - доглядати
to be proud - гордитися
to be devoted - бути відданим
to be responsible for - відповідати за
to be kind, patient, attentive - бути добрим, терплячим, уважним
4 Practice Vocabulary
1) Match the words
Adjectives (Прикметники) Nouns (Іменники)
real profession
noble disease
necessary college
mortal nurse
medical person
infectious doctor
2) Make up a sentences with word combinations Finish the sentences
The profession of the nurse is ....
A nurse must be ... .
A nurse makes ....
A nurse gives ....
A nurseputs ... .
A nurse takes care of... .
A nurse is responsible for ....
A nurse must have ....
3) Fill in necessary words
The work of a nurse is ... to people (presented, devoted).
The nurse ... for patients (cares, looks).
She must apply ... and ... (medicines, cups, mustard plasters, injections).
The nurse must have enough ... (books, magazines, knowledge).
5 Reading 1
Read the article and dicide if the centances true (T) or false (F)
The Nursing Profession.
One hundred and fifty years ago, nurses were unpaid, untrained, and unpopular, but Florence Nightingale made nursing into profession. The methods she introduced in the 1850s were copied all over the word, and now nursing is a career with a three – or four – year training, qualifications, grades, unions, and pensions.
In Britain every nurse is on a grade. The grade depends on experience and shills, and each grade has different, responsibilities and pay. On the bottom grades are unqualified auxiliary nurses who do the routine work on hospital wards .On the top grades are nursing officers, who are usually administrators.
Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom grades, but student nurses get the lowest pay. However, students don’t stay at the bottom of the pay scale forever. When they qualify, they start working on a middle grade. As they get experience, they can get promotion and move up the ranks to become staff nurse, then sister (charge nurse if a man), and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Many nurses work shifts and often they work overtime to earn move money. After basic training, many nurses choose to do further study and become specialists. Nurses can specialize in many different fields. There are training nurses working in Casualty, and psychiatric nurses who treat the mentally ill. There are health visitors who visit patients in their own homes, practice nurses working in GPs’ surgeries and midwives who deliver children.
Many of them say they do not get enough pay and respect for the work they do They say that the work is physically and mentally hard, that they work long hours and get very tired. But they also say that there are many great rewords which have nothing to do with money.
6 Post reading Activity
Nymber these jobs fromhigest grade(1) to the lowest(4). Two of them are aqual.
Find words in the article with these meaning.
s _____________
o _____________
b ___________t___________
f _________s____________
7 Read and act dialodues
Patient: Good morning, Mrs. White!
Nurse: How are you today?
Patient: Thanks, no changes.
Nurse: Let’s take your temperature... Well, it is normal.
Patient: Will you tell the doctor abput my condition?
Nurse: Yes, of course. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.
Nurse: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: I’d like to know how my patients are doing.
Nurse: Well, there are no bed patients in my ward. In the morning I carried out all your orders. Doctor: What can you say about Mr. Smith? Is his temperature still high?
Nurse: No, it’s normal today. He is better.
Doctor: So, let’s go and see.
Young doctor: I don’t know which of the medicines cured him.
8 Reading 2
Read the text amd be rady to discuss it.
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale was one of the greatest women in the history of England. She was bom on May 12, 1820, in the Italian city of Florence after which she was named. Florence was a highly educated woman. She spoke Italian, French and German with ease.
During her childhood and youth she was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. In her days, nursing was done only by women of the lowest moral class. In fact, when women were charged in the police courts they were often given the choice of going to prison or to hospital service.
Her parents were horrified and did all they could to prevent it, but Florence was not to be turned aside. Whenever she was abroad she visited hospitals, read books on nursing, reports of medical societies, histories of hospitals. She spent some weeks as a sister in a hospital in Paris and three months in a nursing school in Germany. When Florence was 34, she became superintendent of an “Establishment for Gentlewomen during Illness”. She had been there a year when the Crimean War broke out. One of the hospitals where injured soldiers received treatment during the war was in a place called Scutari. That’s where 39 British nurses led by Florence Nightingale arrived from London in 1854.
In less than twelve months, Florence Nightingale and her 38 nurses turned Scutari into a clean, well-organised hospital.
Florence Nightingale often worked for twenty-four hours on end dressing wounds, helping surgeons in their operations, easing the pain of the sick, comforting the dying. Every night, carrying a little oil lamp to light her way, she walked by the beds, four miles of them. To the soldiers she was “The Lady with the Lamp”, and they worshipped her.
Florence Nightingale changed the whole system of the hospital organization of the army. She wrote books on nursing. She started the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas’s Hospital. She changed the whole idea of hospital planning and is the founder of modem nursing.
In 1907 she was given the Order of Merit, the highest civil honor the Government can give and the first ever given to a woman. Three years later Florence Nightingale died.
8 Post Reading activities
Why did Nightingales name their daughter Florence?
Was Florence Nightingale a highly educated woman?
What was Florence’s dream?
Why were her parents horrified by her dream?
In what ways had she prepared herself for nursing?
What did Florence and her nurses do at the hospital in Scutari?
Why was Florence called “The Lady with the Lamp”?
What kind of woman was Florence Nightingale ?
III The Ending of the Classes
1 Summary
2 Home task