Розробка уроку для 1 класу "My body"

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Розробка уроку до підручника Smart Junior 1 на тему "Моє тіло". Мета уроку: повторити та закріпити лексику та структури, вивчені на попередніх уроках. Розвивати навички аудіювання та говоріння.
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Lesson plan

Class 1

Topic: My body

Objectives: to revise and consolidate  vocabulary and structures learnt in previous         lessons,

                    to develop speaking and listening skills, thinking abilities, to teach pupils to respect the partner’s point of view, to widen pupils’ outlook, to create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom and promote interest in the culture.


Materials to be used: a computer, multimedia system, pictures of different parts of  the body, handouts.




1. Introduction


-Hi, everyone! How are you?

  Hello song


T: We have a guest today. She would like to play with you. Stand up, please. Make pairs. Say  Hello and  What is your name?



2. Warm up and review:

T: Today we will speak about the parts of our body, do different tasks, but first we will revise the vocabulary. On your desks you can see Bingo game. I name the part of the body and you cross the picture.

Do you like playing games? The next game is Tony says. If you hear “Tony says”- you touch something. If you do not hear “Tony says”- don′t touch.



Song “ Head and shoulders”


3. Consolidating  vocabulary and structures

T: Let′s name the colours and count to ten. Well done. Now repeat after me:


One hand – two hands;

One ear – two ears;

One eye – two eyes;

One finger – ten fingers.


I have got ten fingers. How many fingers have you got, Dima? How many ears have you got, Nastia? How many eyes have you got, Sasha?


4. Pair work


Children have got handouts on the desks. They practice in using the structure

“ Has it got…legs? eyes? ears?  Yes, it has/ No,it hasn′t.”


5. Listening


CD 51   Story “ Big Mouth”

After listening activities:

Point to the pictures and name the animals. Number the pictures.

6. Speaking

There are pictures of octopus and lobster on the board. Children describe them using structures  It has got… It hasn′t got…


Song “ Ten fingers”

7. Watching video about Robot

8. Team work

T: The next  task is a team game called “ Reconstruct the robot”

There are two teams. Children line up. The task is to find the missing  part of the body which the teacher names and stick to the robot′s body. The winner is the quicker team. 


9.  Summarizing

T: Children, look. It′s a tree. It hasn′t got leaves. You have got small paper hands on your desks. Hand is a symbol of friendship. If you enjoyed our lesson, come up to the tree and stick your hand. 


Song   Good bye    

5 березня 2023
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