Розробка уроку " In the world of Wild Nature.Wild animals" (4 клас за підручником О.Карп'юк)

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Розробка уроку "Nature and Weather. Wild animals" для учнів 4 класу за підручником О.Карп'юк
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Form 4                                                                                                

Teacher Iryna Volodymyrivna Hyzhko

Age 9-10 years old

   Unit: Nature and Weather

Topic: Wild animals: strange, intelligent, funny. What is your favourite animal?

Learning objectives: to form lexical skills; to practise the use of them in different games and exercises; to improve listening skills of students; to improve students’ pronunciation; to develop reading skills; to practise grammar (degrees of comparison of adjectives); to develop creative abilities, logical thinking, imagination; to organize students’ creative work (drawing); to develop  skills of working in groups and pairs; to teach to  be respectful and tolerant to each other; to foster students to get interested in learning English.

Equipment: pictures, special cards with tasks and materials for group and pair work, a song 

        Learning outcomes: The students will be able to name wild animals, speak about their favourite wild  animal (5-6 sentences)



І. Introduction. 

1) Greeting.

T. -Good morning, boys and girls!

S.   –Good morning, teacher!

We are all in our places with shining faces,

Good morning, to you we are glad to see you. 

T.  Nice to see you today! I hope you are well today. How are you?

S.   – We are in good mood. Yes, it’s true. We are in good mood. How are you?

T.  – I am great today, thank you. Let’s start our lesson.

А –active, B – bright, C – creative.

2)      Creating the positive atmosphere of the lesson.   

 “Magic boxwith a chant to build up the student’s self-esteem. Children, look I have a magic box for creating positive and friendly atmosphere of our lesson. Take only one magic card from this box and read.   

I am smart

I am a clever student

I am a talented student

… T: How are you today?

(Учні запитують один в одного про сьогоднішній настрій).

T: Our English guests have a present for you. It is a magic box. Guess what it is there. 

It is an insect. It is colourful and very beautiful. It can fly. 

What insect is it?

(Учні здогадуються, яка ж комаха захована у магічній коробці).

Ps: A butterfly.

T: I wish you to be happy and smile during our lesson and look like this butterfly.

3)      Introducing of the topic and the aims.


A song about animals  





II. Main part.


2.T: What animals do you know? (Учні пригадують усіх раніше вивчених тварин).


       It is very big and grey. It can walk. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. (an elephant)

       I live in the river. I am not fish. I am green. What am I? (a frog).

       I am from Africa. I am green. I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. I like fish. (a crocodile).

       I am grey, strong. I can run, jump. I like meat.(a wolf).

       I am from Russia. I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest.  (a bear).

       I am grey in summer and I am white in winter. I can run and jump. I have long ears and a small tail. I like carrots. (a hare).

       I am not small.  I am  not big. I can run, jump, climb. I like milk. I like mice. I live in the house. (a cat).

       I am red and I have a fine tail, I live in the forest, I like meat. (a fox)

       It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. (A monkey).

       This animal likes grass. It is a domestic animal. It gives us milk. It’s black and white. (A cow).


2. Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

T: All animals are divided into two groups: wild and domestic animals.

(Учні розподіляють наочні картки за групами тварин, підходячи до столу вчителя і вивішуючи картки на дошку). Гра “Pictionary”

(Учитель показує слово, а учні мають намалювати тварину на дошці).


2. Listen and repeat (p. 122, ex. 1, 2).

Pre-reading activity. 

A game “A Chinese Whisper”

Reading in groups. Читання (PB, ex. 3, p. 123 – 124).

T: Now you know much information about some animals. It’s high time to visit a zoo. You’ll go to different zoos and see different animals. So, we need 4 groups.

(Учитель розподіляє учнів на 4 команди за кольоровими картками). (Учні читають інформацію про тварин, яку можна побачити на клітках). T: Read the texts and complete with the words from the box. (Кожна з команд читає опис тварини і називає її)

1.      A chameleon lives in Africa.

2.      It can fly and swim.

3.      Its tongue is longer than its body.


1.      An owl sleeps at night.

2.      It eats mice and lizards.


1.      Chimps are the most intelligent animals.

2.      They live in Arctic.

3.      Chimps eat fruit, leaves and sometimes meat.


1.      A shark looks like a very big fish.

2.      It can be the most dangerous animal in the world.

Text A. 1. changes; 2. doesn’t; 3. changes; 4. catches; 5. It’s a chameleon.

Text B. 1. doesn’t; 2. sleeps; 3. moves; 4. catches; 5. It’s an owl.

Text C. 1. live; 2. eat; 3. destroy; 4. don’t; 5. It’s a chimpanzee.

Text D. 1. live; 2. swim; 3. don’t; 4. It’s a great white shark.

Post reading activity

“Take your position” (True-false)

1.      The chameleon ia a lizard.

2.      The chameleon eats owls.

3.      A owl sleeps at night.

Practice grammar (the degrees of comparison)

                   Work in groups with cards


TWhich animal is faster: a cheetah or a lion?

1.      Which animal is the most intelligent?

2.      Which animal is the smallest?

3.      Which animals are the most dangerous: elephants or sharks?



Work in a circle. “Magic box”   

T. Take a card and tell about this animal


“My favourite wild animal is…(a chameleon).  It is… (interesting and strange…). It is… (small). It can… (climb and change the colour), but it can’t … (fly). It lives in…(Africa).It eats…(insects). It is more interesting than an owl.


III. Summarizing.

1. Making poster “My work at the lesson…” 

Finish the sentences

                  I liked… (The children take smileys, finish a sentence I liked… 

     Thank you for your hard work at the lesson. I should say you worked well and were very active. You have good marks today for your hard work at the lesson 



Tell about your favourite animal  p. 125, ex. 6.


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