Розробка уроку на тему: «Тварини - наші улюбленці» 2 клас

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Градизька гімназія

імені Героя України Олександра Білаша








Розробка уроку на тему:

 «Тварини - наші улюбленці»

2-3 клас







Учитель: Лотиш І.В.















Мета:  Розвивати навички читання, аудіювання, мовлення, граматики. Виховувати любов до природи, дбайливе ставлення до неї.


Обладнання:  зображення тварин, іграшки, картки.


Хід уроку

I. Greetings.


Song “Good morning”

I. Good morning children,

Good morning,

I’m glad to see you again.

Good morning children,

Good morning,

Good morning Sam and Jane.

II. Good morning children,

Good morning,

I’m glad to see you again.

Good morning children,

Good morning,

Good morning Sam and Jane.

III. Stand up. Sit down.

Hands up. Hands down.

Play the piano. Play the drum.

Swim, play, run.


T: Introduce yourself and your friend.

P1: I’m Tina.

P2: She is Tina. I’m Nick.

P3: He is Nick. I’m Jim.


II. Today we’ll speak about animals: domestic animals, wild animals, animals as our pets. We’ll divide our form in two teams. First of all we recollect the names of the animals. Look at the screen.

1) Game “Hot potato”

T: give each other the ball very quickly and say the name of the animal. One team must say the names of wild animals another domestic.

2) Reciting of the poems about animals. Someone recites the poem from one team another team must say what animal this poem about.

3) Who can…?

jump       duck

climb       dog

walk       frog 

swim       monkey

run       bird

fly       fish

4) Who likes…?

cheese      rabbit

honey       dog

carrot       cat

banana      bear

born       monkey

milk       mouse


5) Who is…?

clever       giraffe

fat       monkey

strong       hippo

beautiful      bear

fast       dolphin

tall       tiger



III. Listening.


T: Guess the animals. What animals are these? Listen attentively.

1) It is a very big animal. It is grey and clever. It lives in jungle. It has a very long nose, which is called trunk. (elephant)

2) It is a big animal too. It lives in the water. It is green. It has a very long tail. (crocodile)

3) This animal is not big. It has long ears. In winter it is white, in summer it is grey. It likes carrot. (rabbit or hair)

4) This animal is not big. It can fly and sing. (bird)

5) It is yellow and brown. It lives in Africa. It has a very long neck. (giraffe)

6) It is little. It is grey. It lives in the house. Cats catch them.


IV. Now we recollect the numbers and the colours.


An angry monster has broken the flower. Help the flower to become beautiful.

(Petals of the flower are in the sack. Pupils take one petal after another and call the colour and make a flower). 

1) Make up puzzles. Puzzles consist of two parts. On one we see animals, numbers are on another. Say how many animals are on the picture.

2) We have two families in the baskets: Mummy Cat’s family and Mummy Dog’s family. Cats and dogs are our pets. Tell how many children have Mummy Cat and Mummy Dog and what colour are they.


V. Physical training.


I. If you happy and you know it

Clap your hands!

If you happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you happy and know it

Clap your hands!

II. If you happy and you know it

Stamp your feet!

If you happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you happy and you know it

Stamp your feet!

III. If you happy and you know it

Say “Hooray”

If you happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you happy and you know it

Say “Hooray”


VI. Reading and writing.

This text Neznaika wrote. Complete the sentences.( The text is divided in two parts for two teams)

  Nick is a little boy. Nick has three … : a dog, a cat and a parrot. His pets are very … . The dog’s name is Chance. Its … is short. Its …. are long. Nick likes to  play … with the dog.


(funny, ears, football, pets, tail)


The cat’s name is … . It has three … . It can’t play football. The parrot’s name is … . It is a beautiful bird. Nick’s pets are good friends. They are nice and clever. They … their little friend Nick and he … them.


(love, loves, Chat, Alice, kittens)



VII. Brain storm.

Pupils describe the toy-pets from the basket.



VIII. Summarizing


IX. Home task.

Your home task is to draw your favourite animal and to describe it.



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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
6 лютого 2023
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