Розробка уроку у 2 класі з теми "Animals" Game party "At the Zoo"

Про матеріал

Розробка знадобиться тим, хто хоче цікаво подати тему "Animals". Матеріал поданий у ігровій формі з використанням мультимедія засобів. Мета проведення заходу: вивчити лексичні одиниці, розвивати комунікативні навички. Навички читання і письма.

Перегляд файлу

Game party «Let's go to the Zoo»


  • to learn and practice animal words in different forms
  • to develop communicative skills using active vocabulary
  • to develop speaking, listening, reading and handwriting skills
  • to develop pupils’ attention, imagination and memory
  • to teach students collective work
  • to teach students to be creative and hardworking
  • to bring up to be kind with animals

Materials:  ideas from sites www.dinternal.com.ua and  www.pearson.com.ua, videos: «Happy Campers» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8EVbgiePxk, «Boom Chicka Boom» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2XVfTzel8E . Zoo animals cards, cards with word combinations, paper, pencil, markers, paints, scissors, glue.




  1. Introduction

T: Hello, students! I’m  glad to see you!

Ss: Hi, teacher! I’m  glad to see you, too!

T: Are you ready for «Happy Campers» song?

Ss: Yes, we are!


T: Today we’re going to learn new words, practice them; we’ll play, sing, listen, read, write and make a poster. We can make a common project (спільний проект) about zoo animals. There are different animal cards, sheets of paper, pencils and many other useful things here. (корисні речі).

  1. Main part

1. Game

T: Tell me, please, what can you see? (T. shows cards)

Ss: I can see…

T: Let’s play the miming game. Your task is to show your animal without words. Who wants to be the first?

Ss: I am!

T: Go to the center of the classroom. And try to present it.

Ss: (Children guess the word and shout out suggestions).


T: Well done! Do you want to describe (описати) these animals? I have got cards with some descriptions. Our task is to stick them in the right place.

(small body, big body, small head, big head, small eyes, big eyes, short neck, long neck, short tail, long tail, long feathers, short feathers, long legs, strong legs, pouch, short arms, long arms, big ears, small ears big nose, small nose, fur, clever, kind, angry, beautiful, lazy).

T: What animal do you want to describe?

Ss: A dog (or something else)

T: Come to the blackboard and help me to describe this dog in the picture. (Student places cards at the picture, practices structure have|has got)(5 students)

3.  Singing

T: Do you want to sing a song about animals?

Ss: Yes!

(Student Worksheet #1,song animals in the zoo)

 4. Reading

T: Great!  You sing very well.

 Nastya and Andriy you were the best in the miming game. And you may choose your team for the next competition (змагання). Please, think of the name of your team.

(after two minutes )

T: Are you ready?

Nastya and her team: We are angry birds.

Andriy and his team: We are crazy frogs.

T: I like them! They are very funny.

Take these texts about Australian animals. Your task is to read them and answer my questions. One, two, three go! (Student Worksheet #3)(Teacher helps students if it is necessary)

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes, we are!

T: The first question is: 1.What animal has got a pouch and a big body?

Ss: Kangaroo

T: And the score goes to the Angry birds

      Second question is: 2.What animal has got long feathers and a big body? (Emu)

       Third question is: 3.What animal has got feathers and a small body? (parrot)

        Fourth question is: 4.What animal has got long neck and big eyes? ( Emu)

        Fifth question is: 5.What animal has got big ears and small eyes? (Kangaroo)

        Sixth question is: 6.What animal has got short legs, a long tail and short neck. (Parrot)


     T: And the winner (переможець) is…

5.   Relaxation

T: It was really hard for you. I think it’s time for the «after me repeating song».Are you ready to have a rest and do some actions?

(Boom Chicka Boom)

      6. Doing project

T: We’ll create (створювати) a poster AT THE ZOO. You may choose (вибрати) any zoo animal and all materials on your mind. Draw or paint it and cut with scissors. You may use colorful sheets of paper and glue. Then we’ll stick them on our poster and write short descriptions to each animal.

(Students are doing project with the teacher’s help, talking to each other using phrases

- What are you drawing? - I’m drawing a fox.

- Give me that green pencil, please.- Here it is. – Thanks.

- Pass me the glue, please.

- Can you give me that marker.-Yes, I can…)

T: Let’s unite your creations on the common poster. (Students glue and introduce their own animals).

T: Good job, campers. I’ve seen you have been very creative, involving to the process, active participants. I want to thank everyone for your attention.  


































small body    big body small head big head small eyes big eyes short neck long neck short tail long tail long feathers short feathes long legs strong legs pouch

short arms long arms big ears small ears big nose small nose fur clever kind angry beautiful lazy





До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
14 червня 2018
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