Form: 6A
Topic of the lesson: Національні страви
Завдання: - поглибити знання учнів про національні страви України та інших країн, активізувати вживання лексичного матеріалу з теми через презентації міні проектів та рольової гри, розширити світогляд учнів
- розвивати граматичні навички, навички усного мовлення, аудіювання та письма, діалогічне мовлення, мовленнєву догадку, логічне мислення, уяву, творчість; навички роботи в парах та групах; вдосконалювати інформаційно-комунікаційну компетентність (уміння створювати презентації);
- формувати ціннісне ставлення учнів до батьківщини шляхом виховання інтересу та поваги до національних страв ; ціннісне ставлення до інших країн шляхом виховання інтересу до вивчення традицій харчування; ціннісне ставлення до себе шляхом виховання позитивного ставлення до здорового харчування.
Обладнання: підручник, мультимедійне обладнання: проектор, ноутбук,
Тип уроку:
І. Organization
II. Topic and goals T: Watch the video and guess the topic of our lesson.
(Viewing the video about national dishes.)
T: The topic of our lesson is “National Dishes”. We’ll speak about some national dishes of England, The USA, Japan and of course, Ukraine. You present your projects. (slide 1)
III. Warming up
3.1Answer the questions:
2. Poem (slide 2)
Vegetables and fruit
For children are very good.
Eat vegetables and fruit
And they’ll do you very good.
Those who eat much fruit
Are in a very good mood.
They are in a very good mood,
Those, who eat much fruit.
IV. Actualization Words that go together. (slide 3)
4.1 T. Look at following groups of words. Which of the surrounding words can go with the noun “food”?
(Pupils make up the word combination with the following words).
interesting delicious
boiled vegetarian
freshfrozen rich
young tasty
fast healthy
beautiful wealthy
T. So, we can say: delicious food, vegetarian food, fresh food, tasty food, fast food, healthy food. Say me, please, what fresh food is?
P1.Fruit and vegetables are fresh food.
T. And what is fast food?
P2. Hamburger, hot dog, pizza, chips are fast food.
T. Is fast food healthy?
Ps. No, it isn’t.
T. What do you think, what nationality uses fast food more?
P3. It is American.
T. What about Ukrainian food? What kind of is it?
P4. It is a tasty food.
4.2 Speaking
T. You know that every country has a traditional dish. Look at the pictures and try to guess which country this dish comes from? (slide 4,5)
P1. Borsch is Ukrainian national dish.
P2. Holubtsi are the national Ukrainian food, too.
P3. Sandwich comes from England.
P4. Pizza comes from Italy.
P5. Pudding comes from England.
P6.Varenyky are our national dish.
P7. Tea comes from England.
P8. Rice comes from China.
P9. Pasta comes from Italy.
V. Physical exercise
VI. Reading
New Words: tasteless main course
T. Tell me, please, if every country has a difference between national dishes?
Ps. Yes, it has.
While-reading task.(slide6 6)
T. Please, read the text and try to understand what country these dishes are from?
Some people say that the food of this nationality is tasteless. For breakfast most people have cereal or toast and tea or coffee. For lunch they have a sandwich or fruit. Supper must be light. Main courses in a restaurant give a choice of roast beef, fish pie served with new potatoes and fresh vegetables.
They eat a lot and they love junk food. Their diet is not healthy; they fry a lot and eat fat, sweet food. They say they live on hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips and coca-colas.
They enjoy a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. The most popular traditional food is borsch, holybtsi, varenyky and other tasty dishes.
T. So, what country are these dishes from?
Ps 1. These dishes are from England.
Ps 2. These dishes are from America.
Ps 3. These dishes are from Ukraine.
(in pairs)
8.1 Робота в групах.
Групи по 4 учнів одержують розрізаний діалог. Потрібно правильно його скласти.
T.Tell me, please, what restaurants you know? As for me, I know a Russian restaurant. Some people like to visit French restaurant.
P1. I know American restaurant.
P2. I know English restaurant.
T. Well done! Let’s imagine that every group made a trip to different countries. We don’t know where they have been. But every group visited the restaurant. You have got cutting dialogues “In the restaurant” on the cards. Each group needs to make up a dialogue (put sentences in the correct order), act it and we try to guess what restaurant the dialogue is about. (slide 8)
Dialogue 1:
Dialogue 2:
Dialogue 3:
T. Are you ready? Let’s start. Answer the questions: What country did they visit and what kind of restaurant is it?
Answer 1.They visited England and it’s an English restaurant.
Answer 2.They visited Ukraine and it’s a Ukrainian restaurant.
Answer 3. They visited Japan and its Japanese restaurant.
T: You had a beforehand task. You had to make projects about Ukrainian dishes. We have 3 groups: “Journalists”, “Travellers Around the Ukrainian Restaurants ” and “Researches of the Ukrainian Recipes”. Present your projects.
(in groups)
What interesting have you learned today?
What Ukrainian dishes have you learned?
Handout 1
Some people say that the food of this nationality is tasteless. For breakfast most people have cereal or toast and tea or coffee. For lunch they have a sandwich or fruit. Supper must be light. Main courses in a restaurant give a choice of roast beef, fish pie served with new potatoes and fresh vegetables.
They eat a lot and they love junk food. Their diet is not healthy; they fry a lot and eat fat, sweet food. They say they live on hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips and coca-colas.
They enjoy a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. The most popular traditional food is borsch, holybtsi, varenyky and other tasty dishes.
Handout 1
Some people say that the food of this nationality is tasteless. For breakfast most people have cereal or toast and tea or coffee. For lunch they have a sandwich or fruit. Supper must be light. Main courses in a restaurant give a choice of roast beef, fish pie served with new potatoes and fresh vegetables.
They eat a lot and they love junk food. Their diet is not healthy; they fry a lot and eat fat, sweet food. They say they live on hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips and coca-colas.
They enjoy a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. The most popular traditional food is borsch, holybtsi, varenyky and other tasty dishes.
Handout 1
Some people say that the food of this nationality is tasteless. For breakfast most people have cereal or toast and tea or coffee. For lunch they have a sandwich or fruit. Supper must be light. Main courses in a restaurant give a choice of roast beef, fish pie served with new potatoes and fresh vegetables.
They eat a lot and they love junk food. Their diet is not healthy; they fry a lot and eat fat, sweet food. They say they live on hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips and coca-colas.
They enjoy a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. The most popular traditional food is borsch, holybtsi, varenyky and other tasty dishes.
Handout 1
Some people say that the food of this nationality is tasteless. For breakfast most people have cereal or toast and tea or coffee. For lunch they have a sandwich or fruit. Supper must be light. Main courses in a restaurant give a choice of roast beef, fish pie served with new potatoes and fresh vegetables.
They eat a lot and they love junk food. Their diet is not healthy; they fry a lot and eat fat, sweet food. They say they live on hamburgers, hot-dogs, chips and coca-colas.
They enjoy a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favourite imported dishes. The most popular traditional food is borsch, holybtsi, varenyky and other tasty dishes.
Handout 2
Dialogue 1:
Dialogue 2:
Dialogue 3:
Listen to the dialogue and tick the food the customers ordered
What would you like?
*Vocabulary lotto
Put and number the sentences in correct order
Slice ham and tomatoes |
Chop greens and sprinkle greens on the top |
Enjoy your sandwich |
Take a slice of white bread |
Mix ketchup and mayonnaise |
Put a slice of ham and tomato on bread |
Put ketchup sauce over bread |