Form: 6A
Topic of the lesson: Вирушаємо в подорож
Завдання: - поглибити знання учнів про види транспорту, активізувати вживання лексичного матеріалу з теми «Подорож», вдосконалювати навички роботи з тестами на вибір правильної відповіді та послідовність, формувати навички аудіювання автентичного тексту з метою розуміння основної інформації; розширити світогляд учнів про різні країни
- розвивати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання та письма, діалогічне мовлення, мовленнєву догадку, логічне мислення, уяву, творчість; навички роботи в парах та групах; вдосконалювати інформаційно-комунікаційну компетентність ;
- формувати ціннісне ставлення учнів до себе шляхом виховання любові до подорожі
Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, мультимедійне обладнання: проектор, ноутбук, картки для роботи в парах, мапа Великобританії.
Тип уроку: систематизація знань та умінь
І. Organization
II. Topic and goals
T: The topic of our lesson is “Travelling”. We’ll revise different kinds of travelling. You will listen to the text about travelling to Ireland and do some tasks on the computer.
III. Warming up
3.1 Revise the poem:
Poem (slide )
We go by car
And we go by train.
We go by boat
And we go by plane.
We go by land.
And sea and air.
We go, go, go…
From here to there
3.2 “Brainstorming”
Teacher: How can people travel?
IV. Actualization
4.1 Group 1 (on computers). Practice in vocabulary
T: Choose the correct words.
KEYS:1a, 2b, 3b. 4b, 5a, 6c, 7b, 8a
At this time Group 2 does the following tasks.
1) Match a word and its characteristic feature
T: Why do some people like to travel by sea? Some of them travel by train. And other people prefer travelling by plane. Characterize each kind of travelling. Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
KEY: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
2) Match two parts of the city.
T: A good traveler must know a lot of countries. Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:
chester Liver |
pool |
fast |
Glas |
Ox |
Key: Manchester, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, London, Cambridge, Oxford
T: Who can show these cities on the map.
VII. Physical exercise
T: What do you know about Ireland? The capital of Ireland is Belfast.
New words: to book holiday Poznan
Gaelic football
Recent years
To find
Choose the correct answer.
a) fun b) boring c) easy
a) the same b) better c)worse
a) for holidays b) to see their families c) to work
a) is Polish b) lives in Poznan c) is Irish
(in cards)
next, return, please, please, platform, here, next, thank |
9.2 Acting the dialogue
Questions: - How do you like to travel? Why?
2) write a letter about your travelling
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 1
Match a kind of transport and description.
1. Car a. the most convenient and not very expensive.
2. Ship b. you can stop when and where you want and enjoy nature
3. Plane c. enjoy the wind and the sea
4. Train d. It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable
Handout 2
Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:
chester Liver |
pool |
fast |
Glas |
Ox |
Handout 2
Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:
chester Liver |
pool |
fast |
Glas |
Ox |
Handout 2
Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:
chester Liver |
pool |
fast |
Glas |
Ox |
Handout 3
Choose the correct answer.
a) fun b) boring c) easy
a) the same b) better c)worse
a) for holidays b) to see their families c) to work
a) is Polish b) lives in Poznan c) is Irish
Handout 3
Choose the correct answer.
a) fun b) boring c) easy
a) the same b) better c)worse
a) for holidays b) to see their families c) to work
a) is Polish b) lives in Poznan c) is Irish
Handout 3
Choose the correct answer.
a) fun b) boring c) easy
a) the same b) better c)worse
a) for holidays b) to see their families c) to work
a) is Polish b) lives in Poznan c) is Irish
Handout 2
Form as many names of the towns and cities of Great Britain as you know using the following word-parts:
chester Liver |
pool |
fast |
Glas |
Ox |
Handout 3
Choose the correct answer.
a) fun b) boring c) easy
a) the same b) better c)worse
a) for holidays b) to see their families c) to work
a) is Polish b) lives in Poznan c) is Irish
Handout 4
Complete the dialogues
next, return, please, please, platform, here, next, thank |
Handout 4
Complete the dialogues
next, return, please, please, platform, here, next, thank |
Handout 4
Complete the dialogues
next, return, please, please, platform, here, next, thank |
Handout 4
Complete the dialogues
next, return, please, please, platform, here, next, thank |
Evaluation Record Card
Choose the correct word(on computers) |
Match the words and characteristics |
Match the parts of the cities |
Listening (on computers) |
Making dialogues |
Bonus |
Max. |
Result |
Mark |
8/ |
4/ |
7/ |
6/ |
7/ |
12/ |
44/ |
Evaluation Record Card
Choose the correct word(on computers) |
Match the words and characteristics |
Match the parts of the cities |
Listening (on computers) |
Making dialogues |
Bonus |
Max. |
Result |
Mark |
8/ |
4/ |
7/ |
6/ |
7/ |
12/ |
44/ |
Evaluation Record Card
Choose the correct word(on computers) |
Match the words and characteristics |
Match the parts of the cities |
Listening (on computers) |
Making dialogues |
Bonus |
Max. |
Result |
Mark |
8/ |
4/ |
7/ |
6/ |
7/ |
12/ |
44/ |
Evaluation Record Card
Choose the correct word(on computers) |
Match the words and characteristics |
Match the parts of the cities |
Listening (on computers) |
Making dialogues |
Bonus |
Max. |
Result |
Mark |
8/ |
4/ |
7/ |
6/ |
7/ |
12/ |
44/ |
42-44 |
12 |
39-41 |
11 |
36-38 |
10 |
32-35 |
9 |
28-31 |
8 |
24-27 |
7 |
20-23 |
6 |
16-19 |
5 |
12-15 |
4 |