Розробка уроку з теми "Family. The person who inspires me."

Про матеріал
Основна мета уроку - формування компетентнісного підходу учнів скріз веб-орієнтоване навчання. Урок унікальний тим, що являє собою Інтернет-урок з використанням веб-сервісів та використання мобільніх додатків.
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ДНЗ «Херсонське вище професійне училище сервісу та дизайну»




Family. The person who inspires me.



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Тема: «Family. The Person Who Inspires Me »

Мета: Формування компетентнісного підходу учнів скріз веб-орієнтоване навчання; практикування учнів в читанні тексту з вилученням повної інформації; удосконалення навичок аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; розвиток самостійністі, логіки мислення; виховання толерантного ставлення до оточуючих та до самого себе.

Тип уроку: Урок формування знань та умінь

Форма уроку: Інтернет-урок з використанням веб-сервісів.

Методи навчання та прийоми: Лексичний тренажер" "Хмари слів» за допомогою веб-сервісу «Tagul» , використання флеш-карток он-лайн за допомогою веб-сервісу «Quizlet» , самостійна робота  за допомогою мобільного сервісу «Plickers» , виконання вправ за аудіо записом за допомогою інтерактивного сервісу «LearningApps.», використання онлайн -генератору  QR- кодів, робота в парах.

Наочність: підручник «English 10» О.Карп’юк (рівень стандарту), Інтернет, робочі листи з текстом «The Person Who Inspires Me» та QR-кодами; набор карток для сервісу «Plickers» ; посилання на веб-сайти:







ТЗН: комп’ютер, мультимедійна система,мобільні телефони з навушниками учнів

Хід уроку

  1. Introduction. Початок уроку.
  1. Greeting. Привітання.

Good morning, students! Take your places. How are you today? How are you getting on?

  1. Мотивація навчання

Let’s begin our lesson. I propose to discuss a wise quote about family: “Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice” Winston Churchill. How do you understand this quote?  Do you agree or disagree with quotes?

  1. Перевірка д/з  "Лексичний тренажер" (при активізації  елемента потрібно його перекласти)


C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\лексичний тренажер.png               https://wordart.com/u31of7v1r43z/word-art

At previous lesson we have discussed the family’s influence on a personality and character traits. And now we’ll practice the words and word-combinations you leaned at the previous lesson .Using I’ll tell you the words in Ukrainian and you’ll give their English equivalents.

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\Quizlet для учнів.pnghttps://quizlet.com/_6vvlx1     https://quizlet.com/ru/mobile (для учнів)

Well-bred - вихований 

Unselfish - безкорисливий

Simple - простий

Hard-working - працьовитий

Rude – грубий                 

Calm - спокійний

Generous - щедрий

Reliable - надійний

Talkative - говіркий

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\Word Art.jpegSensitive - чутливий

Patient - терплячий

Mean - підлий

Selfish - егоїстичний

Honest - чесний

Envious - заздрісний

Clever - розумний

Lazy - лінивий

Moody - похмурий

Bossy - власний

Shy - сором’язливий

Cheerful - веселий

Affectionate - ніжний

Aggressive - агресивний

Charming - чарівний

Jealous - ревнивий

Responsible – відповідальний


  1. Ознайомлення з темою та цілями уроку.

How could you describe the word “family”? First of all “family” means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn’t forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful.

II. Main part. Основна частина уроку

  1. Presenting vocabulary (флеш-картки он-лайн) https://quizlet.com/416337713/learn

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\frame (2).pngto inspire – надихати                                             

inspiration - натхнення

impact - вплив

easy-going - добродушно-веселий

remarkable - дивовижний

to acquire - досягати

to offer - пропонувати

to encourage- заохочувати


  1. Reading

Розвиток навичок читання.

  • Reading and translation of the text “The Person Who Inspires Me”

 The Person Who Inspires Me

                                                                                                                 By Ann

Successful people in every field have certain characteristics in common. It is worth our time to analyze the characteristics of a person who is now where we would like to be in future. Some teens turn to pop singers or actors for inspiration but many find inspiration much closer to home. I'm one of them. My mum is my role model, a person who has made a major impact on my life.

My mum is a tall beautiful fair-haired woman of about 40. She has the kindest greenish-grey eyes and a nice smile. She is easy-going and friendly and we always have a great time together.

My mum works hard Monday to Friday to ensure that every day basic needs are met for our family. She is very successful because she's very determined and hard-working. Although she works really hard for our family, she manages to find time for me. She says that the family comes first and then a career.

My mum is a truly remarkable person. We often joke in our family that our house has a star in the window to signal a safe place for everyone. My Mum always offers a helping hand to others - a kind word, a joke or a listening ear. Ours is a house where there is always a big, delicious meal and plenty of extra seats for those who would stop by and for those who sometimes come and stay. My mum simply loves people and they love her.

We are very close and we often share secrets. We work together to solve our problems. My mum is very supportive, encouraging me to study well. She says I mustn't be so frustrated about my failures and cry so much. My mum's photo is on my desk and every time I have to take a serious decision I check as if it were her choice. It helps me in my walks of life

My mum is my inspiration because she never puts pressure on me. Her achievements make me work on my own personality. I try to do my best to be successful in my studies. I've got many friends and they can always rely on me.              .

It is impossible to become exactly like someone else and there is no need to. We have to remain ourselves but strive to acquire new traits of character to help us achieve our goals.


  1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою мобільного сервісу «Plickers» (самостійна робота)
  • Choose the correct item (А, В or С) to answer the questions (1-4) according to the text


1.What is a great pleasure for the author?

A to write about the beauty of the world

В to write about the person who has made a major impact on her life

С to write about the people who help in life


2.What sentence best describes the mother?

A  She's a truly remarkable person.

В She's pleasant most of the time.

С She is too dedicated to her work.


3.How is the girl's mother supportive?

A  She encourages the girl to study well and helps her solve the problems.   В She gives her enough pocket money.

С She tells the girl what to do.


4.Why does the girl consider her mother to be an inspiration?

A  She always praises her daughter.

В She does all the work for her daughter.

С She never puts pressure on her daughter and she lets her express herself freely.


  1. Speaking. Discussing

Робота в парах(обговорення)

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. Who does the person write about?

2. What life situations does she describe?

3. Does the author describe her Mum's appearance? How?

4.  What does she say about the mum's personality?

5. Does the author include any examples?

6. Why does a teen need a role model?

7. What does the author write about the mother's success at work?

8. How does she describe the mother's character traits?

9.Who is your role model? Why?

5. Listening

Розвиток навичок аудіювання за допомогою інтерактивного сервісу «LearningApps https://learningapps.org/display?v=p3nx8to6k19


C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\песня с заданием.pngNow I propose you to listen to the song “Family portrait” by Pink. You have to enter the link  and you should complete it with the necessary words

Pink - Family Portrait

Uh, uh, some deep shit, uh, uh


Momma please stop _______, I can't stand the sound

Your pain is painful and it’s tearing' me down

I hear glasses break-in as I sit up in my _________

I told dad you didn't mean those nasty things you



You fight about money, bout me and my ______________

And this I come ____________ to, this is my shelter

It isn't easy ___________ in World War III

Never knowing what love could be, you'll see

I don't want love to destroy me like it has done

my ___________


Can we work it out? Can we be a ___________?

I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do anything

Can we work it out? Can we be a family?

I promise I'll be better, ___________ please don't



__________ please stop yelling, I can't stand the sound


Make mama stop crying, cause I need you around

My __________ she loves you, no matter what she says

It’s true

I know that she hurts you, but remember I love

you, too


I ran away today, ran from the noise, ran away

Don't wanna go back to that place, but don't have

no choice, no way

It isn't easy ___________ in World War III

Never knowing what love could be, well I've seen

I don't want love to destroy me like it did my



Can we work it out? Can we be a ____________?

I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do anything

Can we work it out? Can we be a family?

I promise I'll be better, ___________ please don't



In our family ____________, we look pretty happy

Let's play pretend, let's act like it comes


I don't wanna have to split the ___________

I don't want two ___________

I don't want a step-brother anyways

And I don't want my mom to have to change her

last name


In our family ______________ we look pretty happy

We look pretty normal, let's go back to that

In our family _________ we look pretty happy

Let's play pretend, act like it goes naturally


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(Can we work it out? Can we be a family?)

We look pretty normal, let's go back to that

(I promise I'll be better, Mommy I'll do


In our family ____________ we look pretty happy

(Can we work it out? Can we be a ___________?)

Let's play pretend act and like it comes so


(I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't


In our family portrait we look pretty happy

(Can we work it out? Can we be a family?)

We look pretty normal, let's go back to that

(I promise I'll be better, Daddy please don't



Think of the problems mentioned in the song. Name the problems and discuss them.


IІІ.Summing-up. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Summarizing. Підбиття підсумків

                                5 Steps to make your family happier:

  • Do things together!

The first step to make your life more colorful and happier is to make some things together with your parents…You wanna watch some film? How about watch it with you dad or mom?

  • Share your thoughts!

Don’t be close with you family! Be open! If you have some “hard” thoughts, share it! Your family will always give you some good advice.


  • Be understandable!

Sometimes your parents have some problems in their life as like any of us…Don’t try to make their life more difficult as it is now. Don’t require some big attention to you from them. Try to understand and help to live through it.

  • Show your appreciation!

Your parents have done a lot for you, that is the only reason that you are enjoying your life with a proper education and job. Parents do so much but never expect anything in return, so why to say a thank you to them occasionally and show gratitude with a card, flower or a hug?

  • Don’t skimp with praise!

Praise your family more! There is no enough praise! You may praise your mom for tasty dinner, your father for his achievements at work, your brother for sports and for many other good things!


Т. My dear pupils! Our lesson is coming to the end. Did you enjoy it? Was our lesson interesting? What ac­tivities do you like best of all at our les­son? You showed good knowledge in English. Thank you!


2. Домашнє завдання.

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\20190727_190449.jpg  C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\д.з. кроссворд.png

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\20190727_191641.jpg C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\д.з. Найти пару.png

















"Лексичний тренажер"                    Повторення ЛО «Сharacter traits»

     C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\лексичний тренажер.png                                                    C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\Quizlet для учнів.png


Presenting vocabulary (флеш-картки он-лайн з ЛО)

C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\frame (2).png

The Person Who Inspires Me

Successful people in every field have certain characteristics in common. It is worth our time to analyze the characteristics of a person who is now where we would like to be in future. Some teens turn to pop singers or actors for inspiration but many find inspiration much closer to home. I'm one of them. My mum is my role model, a person who has made a major impact on my life.

My mum is a tall beautiful fair-haired woman of about 40. She has the kindest greenish-grey eyes and a nice smile. She is easy-going and friendly and we always have a great time together.

My mum works hard Monday to Friday to ensure that every day basic needs are met for our family. She is very successful because she's very determined and hard-working. Although she works really hard for our family, she manages to find time for me. She says that the family comes first and then a career.

My mum is a truly remarkable person. We often joke in our family that our house has a star in the window to signal a safe place for everyone. My Mum always offers a helping hand to others - a kind word, a joke or a listening ear. Ours is a house where there is always a big, delicious meal and plenty of extra seats for those who would stop by and for those who sometimes come and stay. My mum simply loves people and they love her.

We are very close and we often share secrets. We work together to solve our problems. My mum is very supportive, encouraging me to study well. She says I mustn't be so frustrated about my failures and cry so much. My mum's photo is on my desk and every time I have to take a serious decision I check as if it were her choice. It helps me in my walks of life

My mum is my inspiration because she never puts pressure on me. Her achievements make me work on my own personality. I try to do my best to be successful in my studies. I've got many friends and they can always rely on me.              .

It is impossible to become exactly like someone else and there is no need to. We have to remain ourselves but strive to acquire new traits of character to help us achieve our goals.


Ex. 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. Who does the person write about?

2. What life situations does she describe?

3. Does the author describe her Mum's appearance? How?

4. What does she say about the mum's personality?

5. Does the author include any examples?

6. Why does a teen need a role model?

  1. What does the author write about the mother's success at work?
  2. How does she describe the mother's character traits?
  3. Who is your role model? Why?


Listening “Family portrait” by Pink


C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\песня с заданием.png

Домашнє завдання

   Guess the crossword                                        Match the words   


C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\д.з. кроссворд.png                                       C:\Users\Ольга\Desktop\Family relationship\д.з. Найти пару.png


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 липня 2019
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