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                                                  Мовний загін  «Pisnayko»

Гра:  “Dont live for eating, but eat for living!”

“Ми живемо не для того, щоб їсти,

  а їмо для того, щоб жити!

Цілі:  -практикувати в мовленні тематичну лексику “Їжа”, “В кафе”

          -розвивати слухову пам’ять, увагу, фонематичний слух, здатність до здогадки

          -вдосконалювати навички монологічного, та діалогічного мовлення

          -вчитися працювати в парах

          -виховувати культуру спілкування та колективну співпрацю

          -поширити кругозір учнів щодо країни, мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання: прислів’я та приказки, малюнки до теми їжа, роздавальний матеріал, стіл, скатертина, посуд, чай, цукор, цукерки, плакат: “Eat well, stay healthy”.

                                                                                          Будеш їсти добре, будеш здоровим”.




1) Welcome is the best dish on the table.

    Гостинність-найкраща страва на стіл.

2) You can’t bake without flow.

    Без води каші не звариш.

3)  Shake the tree when the fruit is ripe.

      Усякому овочеві свій час.

4) Praise is no pudding.

    З похвали ситим не будеш.

5) Bread never falls but on its buttered side.

     Від лихої долі не сховаєшся.

6)  Out of the frying- pan into the fire.

      З вогню і в полум’я.

7) Truth and oil are ever above.

    Правда у воді не тоне й у вогні не горить.

8)  The appetite comes with eating.

    Апетит приходить під час їжі.

9) A hungry belly has no ears.

    Голодний живіт глухий до чужих бід.

10) Eaten bread is soon forgotten.

      Забув про нужду- забув про друга.

11) Tastes differ.

      У кожного свій смак.

12) An apple a day keeps a doctor away!

      Одне яблуко в день з’їдай-скажеш лікарю “Good-bye”!

13) Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

       Краще що-небудь, чим нічого.     

14) Don’t live for eating, but eat for living.

       Ми живемо не для того, щоб їсти,

       а їмо для того, щоб жити.

15) You can’t eat your cake and have it.

       Один пиріг два рази не з’їсти.

16) After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

       Після обіду трохи посиди, а після вечері побільше ходи.

17) The proof of the pudding is in the eating

       Все перевіряється практикою.



                                                                  At the Cafe


Nouns    - countable              –uncountable

               -обчислювані         -необчислювані  

Many       a tomato –          milk            Much

Few          a carrot   -            tea             little

                 a pan       -            bread


  1. Have you got … friends?
  1. Many          b) much        c) a little

2.     We haven’t got … eggs to eat.

  1. Any              b) some        c) no

       3.     Can I have … sugar, please?

  1. a few           b) a little       c) little
  1.  How … oranges are on the table?
  1. Many           b) a few        c) much
  1.  How … milk have you got?
  1. A little         b) much        c) many
  1.  Have we got … bread?
  1. Any              b) no             c) few
  1. We’ll get … biscuits.
  1. A little         b) some        c) any


                                                          Гра “Розкидані букви”

               aet                                  cfae                                rkof                             surga                                                                    

            dirnk                                sopon                              slat                              fuirts


  1. A bowl                                                               7) festive
  2. A fork                                                                 8) to mix
  3. A knife                                                               9) to mash
  4. A napkin                                                         10) to slice
  5. A recipe                                                          11) to cut
  6. A spoon                                                          12) to lay the table

                                        Вірш “Who likes what?”

                                                 “Хто, що любить?

Some of us like brown bread

Some of us like white

Some of us eat cake and meat

Some don’t think it’s right!

Some of us like apples

Some drink juice at night

Some of us eat many sweets

Some don’t think it’s right!

                                            Гра “Be attentive”

                                                 Будьте уважні

You’ve got a list of words. Choose and write down the words connected with food!

1 група: bread, tooth, sweets, a mother, soup, cake, breakfast, a teacher, juice, meat, seven, a tree, tea, ice-cream, fish, cheese, coffee, water, school.

2 група: month, porridge, yesterday, hot dog, a sweater, pizza, salad, chicken, egg, leg, cola,  milk, hamburger, year, sugar, pencil, carrot.   

6.                                                        Гра  “Hurry up?”

                                                                “Хто швидше?”

I read some products, they belong to one of groups:

            Vegetables                 Meat                  Dairy products                  Fruit

After my reading you must pick one of these words up. Let’s start!

* cheese, butter,  yoghurt, milk,  ice-cream (Dairy products)

* turkey, chicken, goose, duck (Meat)

* cucumber, tomato, potato, cabbage (Vegetables)

* strawberry, cherry, apple, plum (Fruits)

* mushroom, radish, carrot, beet (Vegetables)

* apricot, pear, banana (Fruits)

* pork, beef, lamb, poultry (Meat).

                                                           Riddles (Загадки)

  1. I yellow. I am made of milk. You eat me with bread. What is it? (Butter)
  2. I am white. I am good to drink what am I? (Milk)
  3. Oval and green in garden seen. What is it? (Cucumber)
  4. It is white and cold and sweet. All the children like it. (Ice-cream).


                                                              Гра “Заховані слова”

Some names of fruit and vegetables are hidden among letters Find, read and translate them.

1 група: onionkqjcherryonxpluminpearbdapplekmobanana

2 група: penflowerapricotpencilgrapesonepearchten.



I read the sentence you must say only one word “True” or “False”.

  1. Borsh is a favourite Ukrainian dish. +
  2. Englishmen like varenyky. –
  3. Ukrainians like varenyky very mush. +
  4. Englishmen like borsch very mush. –
  5. Ukrainians like tea with milk. –
  6. Englishmen like tea with lemon. –
  7. Holubtsi is a traditional English dish. –
  8. Deruny is a traditional English meal. –
  9. Kholodets is a traditional Ukrainian dish. +
  10. Pizza is a traditional Italian dish. +
  11. Typical English food is pudding. +


  1. Richard Mac Andrew. Window on Britain. Activity Book Oxford University Press. 1998- 48 ст.
  2. О.Д. Карп’юк. Англ. Мова 7 кл. Тернопіль: Астон 2007- 207 ст.
  3. Зубко В.А. Методич. пособие по практическому курсу англ. яз. По теме:“Meals”. Кривой Рог, 2004- 68 ст.


                                         Good Rules to Remember

  1. Always wash your hands before eating.
  2. Don’t talk with your mouth full.
  3. If you eat meat, eat it with a fork and a knife.
  4. Have a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand.
  5. Never  put a knife into your mouth.
  6. Never eat with a spoon those things that you must eat with a fork.
  7. If you want to have a cup of tea, don’t drink it out of the saucer, drink it out of the cup.


                                                               In the Intellectual Café

Обладнання: картки зі словами і виразами з теми для повторення “CUSTOM’S SERVICE AREA”, меню, картки з написами кафе, теми, девізу; матеріал для гри  Світлофор”, картини з наборами їжі для здорового харчування, скатертина, ваза з квітами, набори фруктів і овочів, кошик, Flash Cards.

Let’s meet at the Intellectual Cafe and speak about food.

Let’s make the TRAFFIC LIGHT diet on the blackboard.


                              ketchup-                                    -crisps

                                 spices-               Stop             -ice-cream

                              mustard-          and  drink       -pan-cakes

                            chocolate-                                   -fried food                                -

                                         hamburgers-                                -pizza

                                                 biscuits-     Go care-fully    -spaghetti

                                             lemonada-                               -soft drinks

                                              macaroni-                               -baked beans



                                       juice-                                               -fruit

                                   cereals-                                              -porridge

                            vegetables-          Go right ahead          -chicken

                                 yoghurt-                                               -cornflakes

                                                                                               -mineral water


Waiter: Welcome to our intellectual café Mr. Eater. You’ll get intellect calories as more as you eat.

                                                               We have MENU:

  1. Starter Snake Right Food.
  2. Drink Scrambled Dialogue.
  3. Cocktail Musical Dialogue.
  4. Salad Eaten Bingo.
  5. The main course Believe It or Not.
  6. The second course Always, Sometimes Never.
  7. Dessert Cake Image with Interviewing.
  8. Ice-cream Corrector.

Teacher: Let’s review your knowledge of table manners.

Pupils: 1) Wash your hands before meals.

             2) Wash fruit and vegetables before eating.

             3) Eat Fresh food.

             4) Eat the right food.

Teacher: Ok. What about table manners?

                                                               Table Manners

  1. You must sit up straight at the table.
  2. You must eat with a knife and a fork.
  3. You mustn’t eat with your fingers.
  4. You mustn’t eat lick your fingers.
  5. You mustn’t put your elbows on the table it is not polite.
  6. You mustn’t talk with your mouth full.
  7. You should say “Thank you” after the meal.


                                   Game: “Selection the MENU”

                                               “Вибір меню”

  1. It is useful to eat too much sweets and cakes. –Yes.
  2. You have to eat the right and fresh food which help you to grow. -Yes.
  3. It’s useful for you to eat only macaronis.
  4. You must eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins. –Yes.
  5. It is necessary to drink coffee 3 times a day/ -No.
  6. It’s useful to eat crisps every day. –No.
  7. It is necessary to eat too much before going to bed.

Starter:                                                    Game Snake

Find the names of fruits and vegetables.


                                                        Cocktail Musical Relaxation

                                                                   Listen to Music.

                                                                Salad Eaten Bingo.

                                                                       Гра Lotto


                                                              Reading Believe it or NOT

Read the information below, then agree or disagree.

( Use green cards-agree, red-disagree).

  1. Over 5 million kg. crisps eat British every week. (True)
  2. There are more Chinese take-aways than there are fish and chip shops in the UK. (True)
  3. One of the most successful food programs on TV was called “Two Fat Ladies”. (True)
  4. Just over half the restaurants in Britain are fast food or take-aways. (True)
  5. National dish in Great Britain is varenyky. (False).

                                       The Second Course. Game “Always, Sometimes, Never”

Give advice each other (children look into the basket with food and say).

-You can always eat-apples, bananas.

- You can eat-sweets, chocolate, coffee.

Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Балко Лідія
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Мала-Федишин Іванна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 лютого 2018
Оцінка розробки
4.7 (2 відгука)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
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