Розробка завдання до тексту "What are holidays?"

Про матеріал
Дана розробка за підручником О. Карп'юк 6 клас,2006 року. Текст з підручника,завдання розроблено мною. Завдання в тестовій формі з варіантами відповідей. Четверте завдання на переказ тексту. Пропоную використовувати для 5-6 класів,розраховано на середній рівень знань учнів.
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Text «What are holidays? »

Reading Comprehension

( за підручником О. Карп'юк «English», 6 клас; стор.64)

Many holidays are days when you don't have to go to school and grown-ups don't have to go to work. These are often fun-filled days when your family gets together for a big dinner or a picnic. Sometimes there are parades or fireworks.

On some holidays people go to church. The word «holiday» means a «holy day»-  a day, on which people thank and honour God. We celebrate all kinds of holidays. Many, such as Christmas, Easter and others are religious holidays. Some holidays are the birthdays of famous people, like Taras Shevchenko in Ukraine or George Washington in the USA. Others, such as Independence Day, are the birthdays of the countries.  And there are a number of special days, like Thanksgiving in the USA and Canada. There are also holidays for special groups of people: Mother's Day or Father's Day. And there is your very own holiday – your birthday.

What way do people celebrate these holidays? It depends on the date itself and the country, its national traditions and customs.




































Reading Comprehension

Text «What are holidays? »


           I Match

1.a fun-filled day                                      a) святкувати

2.to get together                                       b) веселий день

3.to go to church                                      c)  збиратися разом

4.a special day                                         d) ходите до церкви

5.a religious holiday                                e)  особливий  день

6.to celebrate                                           f) релігійне свято

II   Complete the sentences

  1. On holidays people…
  1. Have  to go to work;
  2. Don´t have to go to work;
  3. Go to work.
  1. Sometimes on holidays there are…
  1. Fireworks;
  2. Parades;
  3. Fireworks and parades.
  1. We celebrate…
  1. Only religious holidays;
  2. All kinds of holidays;
  3. Winter holidays.
  1. Some holidays are the birthdays of…
  1. People;
  2. Famous people;
  3. Neighbours.
  1. Thanksgiving is …
  1.  The birthday of the country;
  2. A religious holiday;
  3. A usual day.
  1. There are holidays for special …
  1. Groups ;
  2. Classes;
  3. People.

       III Choose a correct answer

  1. When people don´t have to go to work?
  1. People don't have to go to work on  many holidays;
  2. People don't have to go to work on religious holidays;
  3. People don't have to go to work on all holidays.
  1. Where do people go on some holidays?
  1.  People go to the seaside;

       b)   People go to churches;

       c)  People go to their work.

  1. What are the religious holidays?
  1. Christmas and Mother´s Day are religious holidays;
  2. Christmas and Father´s Day are religious holidays;
  3. Christmas and Easter are religious holidays.

4. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

a) People celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA;

b) People celebrate Thanksgiving Day in Canada;

c) People celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the USA and Canada.

5. What is your own holiday?

a)  Your own holiday is Easter;

b) Your own holiday is birthday;

c) Your own holiday is Christmas.

6. What way do people celebrate holidays?

a) It depends on the date, customs and traditions;

b) It depends on people;

c) It depends on the date, country, traditions and customs.

IV Render the text in Ukrainian. Why do people like to celebrate holidays? What are famous national English holidays do you know? What do you know about New Year’s and Christmas celebrations in England?


До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 березня 2023
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