Сценарій казки для учнів 5 класу "Little-Red-Riding-Hood"

Про матеріал
Театралізована постановка казки "Little-Red-Riding-Hood" з елементами англійських пісень і танця квітів. Мета: Розвивати навики артистизму у дітей.
Перегляд файлу


Виховний захід

з англійської мови


у 5 класі.


Вчитель англійської мови : Куца С.Є.                                      

Fairy1: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are going to show you a fairy tale                    “LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD”.

        Once upon a time there lived a beautiful small girl together with her      mother.

Fairy2: The name of the girl was “LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD”, because she always wears a red hat.

Fairy1: One morning a hunter came to the house.

Hunter: I am coming from your Granny. She is not well and she wants to see you, “LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD”.

L-R-R-H: O’key, thank you.

Fairy2: She had to go through the wood, nowhere to stop and nobody to speak with.

Fairy1: What happened next, just listen and look. We start!

(Виходить на сцену Червона шапочка, співають пташки)

L-R-R-H: Oh, how beautiful is here! The sun is shining, the birds are singing. I can sing too. Listen too my song.

(Співає пісню «Barbie Girl.». Під час пісні виходить на сцену вовк і підспівує.)

Wolf: Who are you? And what are you doing in my wood?

L-R-R-H: Hello Mr. Wolf. My    name is  LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD. I’m going to my Granny.

Wolf: Where does your Granny live?

L-R-R-H: Oh, She lives far from here, beyond the forest.

Wolf: O’key, LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD. I am very busy, I am in hurry. You may pick up Flowers for your Granny. Good bye.

L-R-R-H: Good bye, Mr. Wolf. Thank you. Wav, so many flowers. I’ll pick some.

(Танець квітів.

Потім виходить лісова фея і розказує вірш під звуки пташок.)

Wood Fairy: If I were a bird 
I would fly so high.
If I were a bird
I would touch the sky
Carefree and happy,

                     I would be.
Miles I would fly

                     over land and sea
I would be on grain and bread
The message of Love and Peace
I will spread.
If I were a bird
I would be really glad.
If I were a bird
I would never be sad..

(Пісня бабусі і котів. група ABBA “I do, I do, I do…”

Wolf: (стукає) Anybody home?

Granny: Who is there?

Wolf: It is your Granddaughter LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD

Granny: Come in, my dear. The door is opened.

(Заходить вовк, бабуся лякається і тікає, вовк сідає на її місці.)

(А тим часом в лісі Червона Шапочка розмовляє з деревами.)


Apple Tree: Come here LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD. Look, what beautiful apples I have. Take some for your Granny.


L-R-R-H:  Oh, my Granny likes apple.


Nuts Tree: Come here LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD. Look, what beautiful nuts I have. Take some for your Granny.


L-R-R-H:  Oh, my Granny likes nuts.

Berries Bush: Come here LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD. Look, what beautiful berries I have. Take some for your Granny.


L-R-R-H:  Oh, my Granny likes berries. Thank you very much. Good, bye.


(Сцена у бабусі)

L-R-R-H:   (стукає) Anybody home?

Wolf: Who is there?

L-R-R-H:    It is your Granddaughter LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD

Wolf: Come in, my dear. The door is opened.

L-R-R-H: Hello, my Granny. Nice to see you. How are you?

Wolf: Hello my dear. Nice to see you too. I am fine, thank you.

L-R-R-H:    This is for you. Waw, Granny, what big ears you have!

Wolf: Better to hear you!

L-R-R-H:  Waw, Granny, what big eyes you have!

Wolf: Better to see you!

L-R-R-H:  Waw, Granny, what big teeth you have!

Wolf: Better to eat you!

(Вовк підскакує, Червона Шапочка лякається і тікає. Заходить мисливець.)

Hunter: Stand still! Hands up! Tell us where is the Granny?

Wolf: She is over there! I didn’t eat her.

L-R-R-H:  Oh, my dear Granny! I am so glad to see you.

Granny: Oh, my dear LITTLE-RED-RIDING-HOOD! I am so glad to see you too!

Hunter: Go away from here! And never come here again!

Wolf: I am so sorry. Forgive me, please. I’ll never do it again.

Granny: O’key, Mr. Wolf, let’s live friendly and happily! Let’s all be friends!


(Всі хором співають пісню про дружбу «Anytime you need a Friend», Blue Sisters)


Fairy1: Dear friends, our Fairy tale is coming to the end. Do you like it? Good bye!




До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2023
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