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Сценарій навчально-виховного заходу розроблений з метою поглиблення знань студентів других курсів (11 кл) з теми "День Святого Миколая"
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Сценарій виховного заходу


на тему: «St.Nicholas Day»






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                                                         Протокол № ___ від  «___ »  _____ 2019  року

                                                           Голова циклової комісії _____О.М. Запорожець







 2019/2020 н.р. 

St. Nicholas Day

Здеб Катерина:

(the 1st slide)

  • Hello everyone!
  • Here comes the long-awaited New Year holidays! Everyone, both adults and small, loves the New Year because it is associated with something new, amazing, fabulous, and of course with gifts! Who doesn't love gifts?

(the 2d slide)

  • So today we are going to talk about a magical holiday when everyone, without exception, receives gifts. It's St. Nicholas Day!
  • Today is St. Nicholas Day, and I congratulate you all! I wish you all good health, good mood and all dreams!
  • To begin with, I would like to remind you  the history of this holiday.

(the 3d slide)

Боднар Влада:

  • Look at the video about the history of celebrating St. Nicholas Day.

(Video )

  • So, answer the questions, please.
  • When they celebrate St. Nicholas Day around the world?

Гудим Ілля: - St. Nicholas Day is celebrated worldwide on the anniversary of his death, December 6.

Здеб Катерина:

  • How many national holidays are holy Nicholas?

Полєнова Анастасія: - There are over 1,500 national days. Don’t miss a single one. Celebrate Every Day with National Day Calendar!

Боднар Влада:

  • How people call Saint Nicholas yet?

Стасіва Катерина: - Many people just know St. Nicholas by the name Santa Claus. While the modern figure of Santa derives from St. Nick, you’d hardly find this patron saint of children making toys in the North Pole.

(the 4th  slide)

Здеб Катерина:

  • Who Was St. Nicholas?

Ушарук Іван: - The real man behind the fictitious modern day Santa Claus was St. Nicholas of Myra.

Боднар Влада:

  • When and where he was born?

Роза Ірина: - Born in 280 A.D. in Asia Minor.

Здеб Катерина:

  • What he was known for?

Гудим Ілля: - He was known for giving anonymous gifts to help those in need and was eventually made a bishop.

Боднар Влада:

  • When did the bishop die?

Ушарук Іван: - The good bishop died on December 6th; thus this day is now St. Nicholas Day.

Здеб Катерина:

  • Thank you all for your answers. They were quite specific and comprehensive.


(the 5th  slide)

Боднар Влада:

(St. Nicholas Day Around the World)

  • The feast of St. Nicholas is celebrated around the world in various cultures.
  • And now our participants have prepared small reports about different celebration options in different countries, such as: Britain, Belgium & Netherlands, France, Germany and Austria and Ukraine of course.
  • Let's listen to them.




(the 6th  slide)

Гудим Ілля:

Father Christmas in Britain

  • One thing that Father Christmas was known for, according to the records we have of his time, was giving small gifts in secret – usually of money. One thing he was said to do was leave coins in shoes which were left out for him; this would translate into the Christmas stocking we hang on our mantelpieces.
  • Across the globe, St Nicolas Day is celebrated with parades, feasts, even festivals. Plenty of children in different parts of Europe will wake up to presents on this day.


(the 7th  slide)

Ушарук  Іван:

Sinterklaas in Belgium & Netherlands

  • In these countries, children leave their boots in front of the fireplace for St. Nicholas. Often, they include a carrot or a treat for his horses, as legend has it that he arrived with his horses via sleigh or steamboat in these areas.


(the 8th  slide)

Стасіва Катерина:

St. Nicholas and Père Fouettard in France

  • In France, St. Nicholas arrives on December 6th and gives children small gifts and chocolates. In the weeks leading up to this day, parents and grandparents tell stories of the legend of St. Nick, including a disturbing but popular one. 
  • The story goes that three children wandered away and got lost. A butcher lured them into his shop where he killed them and salted them away in a large tub. According to legend, St. Nicholas revived the boys and brought them home to their families. (At least there’s a happy ending!)
  • This story earned St. Nicholas his reputation as protector of children in France. The butcher (known as “Père Fouettard,” meaning “Father Whipper”) is imagined to follow St. Nicholas in penance and leave lumps of coal or even whip misbehaving children. In France, statues and paintings often portray this event, showing the saint with children in a barrel.


(the 9th  slide)

Роза Ірина:

Sankt Nikolaus and Krampusnacht in Germany and Austria

  • In Germany and Austria (and some other countries in this region), children leave out a boot for St. Nicholas and receive small toys, coins, or candy. In these areas, St. Nicholas still dresses like a bishop and often is portrayed on a horse. Like the French story, a sinister companion accompanies St. Nick, in this case the even more terrifying demon-like Krampus.
  • In these areas, they don’t mess around with an Elf on the Shelf to encourage kids to be good: they invoke the legend of the Krampus! This beast is thought to punish children who misbehave and to capture particularly naughty children in his sack and carry them away to his lair.
  • December 5th is known as Krampus Night, or Krampusnacht, in which the hairy devil appears on the streets. Traditionally young men dress up as the Krampus on the night of December 5th and roam the streets frightening children with rusty chains and bells.


(the 10th  slide)

Полєнова Анастасія:

St. Nicholas Day in Ukraine.

  • How We Celebrate St. Nicholas Day?
  • St. Nicholas was a good bishop known for helping others, after all. We honor St. Nick’s feast day in our country by celebrating in a few ways, adapting a mix of celebrations from around the world.
  • St. Nicholas Day is a very special holiday for Ukrainian children and adults. In Ukraine and other Eastern Christian countries it is celebrated on December 19         (the 11th  slide) (unlike Western Christian countries, where it is celebrated on December, 6).


(the 12th  slide)

Здеб Катерина:

  •  Ok, thank you. I want to add something about national celebration traditions of St. Nicholas Day celebration in Ukraine.
  • Tradition to celebrate St. Nicholas Day came to Ukraine with the Christianity

(the 13th  slide) during the rule of the prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich (years 1088-1089). Saint Nicholas always considered to be patron saint for children.

  • In Ukraine St. Nicholas Day was mainly considered as a church fete, but in some Ukrainian regions national traditions of celebration were also strong, they were similar to Christmas celebrations.
  • At one time in every house beer was brewed for the holiday and on the day of St. Nicholas relatives and friends gathered together to enjoy the taste of beer, to rejoice and to have fun.


(the 14th  slide)

Боднар Влада:

  • Now the next task. I will read the expressions, and you will need to select the appropriate picture for that expression.
  1. Nowadays preparations and presents (presents)

Здеб Катерина:

  1. Shortly before the holiday Ukrainian children (often with the help of their parents) write letters to Saint Nicholas in which all their dearest wishes are listed – material (new toys or other goods) and spiritual (health and happiness for parents, relatives and friends). (letters)

Боднар Влада:

  1. The fulfillment of the material wish depends on the child’s behavior during the year. For those who behaved well St. Nicholas will definitely prepare the present, and even for those who did not there will be something pleasant (sweets, for example) if they promise to make good. (whip or presents)


Здеб Катерина:

  1. St. Nicholas Day presents can be different. It is up to parents to decide what gift to put under the child’s pillow (sweets, a toy, a book etc.). Of course, most of the parents consider their children wishes when they choose a gift. (the child’s pillow and sweets, a toy, a book)

Боднар Влада:

  1.  For those children who don’t have parents different charity organizations prepare St. Nicholas Day gifts. (gifts from different charity organizations)

Здеб Катерин:

  1. St. Nicholas Day in Ukraine is a really bright and joyful holiday. Parents and grandparents tell the children story of St. Nicholas life and teach them to be as kind, laborious, charitable, honest as Saint Nicholas was. (parents and grandparents tell the children story of St. Nicholas life)

Боднар Влада:

  1. Ukrainians believe that in the night of December 19 all their sincere wishes will be heard and fulfilled. (in the night of December 19 all their sincere wishes will be heard and fulfilled)

Здеб Катерина:

  • Thanks. You all great fellows! And now I propose the following task.
  • You should write a small message for 5-7 sentences about how your family celebrates St. Nicholas Day? What are your traditions?
  • Use these words:

Children, families, celebrate, candy, cookies, small toys, fruit, socks, shoes, bags,a tradition, today, around this time of year, to wait, happy, like.


Боднар Влада:

  • Good. Let's listen to your stories.
  • Thanks. You all great fellows!



Здеб Катерина:

  • You all worked very well today, you were active and attentive. But finally, we have something else to do. I suggest singing a New Year's song. The words of the song are not heavy, so everyone can sing!
  • The song is called «Snowman».

(all sing a song)


Боднар Влада та Здеб Катерина разом:

  • Thank you all! Happy St. Nicholas Day! Goodbye!


11 липня 2020
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