Сценарій позакласного заходу "Новий рік"

Про матеріал
Розробка сценарію позакласного заходу для учнів середньої школи (4-6 класи). Поєднання віршів, пісень, сценівок та інтернет-ресурсів. В сценарії підбірка матеріалів щодо святкування Нового року в Україні, США та Великої Британії.
Перегляд файлу

Чугуївський НВК "ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів - гімназія №5 Чугуївської міської ради Харківської області»



Методична розробка позакласного заходу  з англійської мови

                      «Новорічні свята»

Мета :


1. Підвищення інтересу до вивчення англійської мови, а також культурних традицій країн;

2. Розширення світогляду учнів;

3. Створення додаткових умов спілкування учнів на англійській мові;

4. Розвиток навичок вимови та усного мовлення, аудіювання;

5. Розвиток міжпредметних зв’язків.


  1. Формування національної свідомості в поліетничному середовищі;
  2. Виховування доброзичливого ставлення до культури інших країн.
  3. Виховування культури поведінки та вміння співпрацювати один з одним.


  1.                    Розвиток творчих здібностей учнів з різним рівнем володіння мовою;
  2.                    Формування та розвиток учбово-інтелектуальних навичок та вмінь;
  3.                    Розвиток пам’яті, уваги, уяви.


                  WELCOME TO OUR NEW YEAR PARTY.

Звучить фонограма пісні «Jingle bells» , на екрані новорічний фотоколаж. Виходять ведучі.


Учень 1:   Good morning, dear children, ladies and gen­tlemen, guests.

Учень 2:   Доброго ранку, дорогі діти, леді та джентль­мени, гості.

Учень 1:   Today we are going to show you our New Year Party.

Учень 2:   Сьогодні ви побачите наше Новорічне свято.



Учень 1:    We prepared many poems, songs and dances.

Учень 2:    Ми підготували багато віршів, пісень і танців.

Учень 1:    And today we want to show our work.

Учень 2:    І сьогодні ми хочемо показати Вам свою роботу.

Учень 1:    So, let’s begin our Party.

Учень 2:     Ітак, починаємо наш вечір.

       (Учні декламують вірші )

 Cold December brings us skating,

 for the New Year we are waiting.


Winter is snowy, winter is frosty.

The ground is white, all day and all night.


This is the season, when children can ski,

Play snowballs and dance round the New Year tree


It’s winter, it’s winter, let us skate and ski!

It’s winter, it’s winter, it’s great fun for me!


The snow is falling, the wind is blowing,

The ground is white all day and all night.


Skating, skating, boys and girls so gay.

Like to skate together on a winter day.


I am skating on bright ice -

 winter holidays are nice.


Ведучі:      But New Year is a fairy-tale evening.

                       Але Новий рік – це чарівне свято.

                      And where are our guests?

                      Де ж тоді наші казкові герої та гості?


Звучить музика, виходять гості та співають пісню «How are you today»(Welcome 2).

Изображение 1237


Hi! My name’ s Richard. I am from the  UK. Hello, my name is Buddy. I am from the USA.

Richard:  I’ll  tell you how British children celebrate the New Year holiday. You see, in Britain the New Year is not as widely celebrated as Christmas. Some people ignore completely and go to bed at usual time. Others, however, celebrate it. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party. This usually begins at about 8 o'clock and goes on until the early hours of the morning. At midnight the radio is turned on, so that everyone can hear the chimes of Big Ben and on the hour a toast is drunk to the New Year. Then the party goes on. A lot of people also go to the Trafalgar Square and you can see them now.

На екрані видео зустрічі Нового року в Лондоні (видео з интернет ресурса youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUfqfXhdyQ0)


Buddy: In my country December, 31, New Year's Eve is a time for merriment. At midnight bells ring, horns blow, and friends exchange kisses. Everyone stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another January. At home or in restaurants, most Americans spend the final hours of the old year and the first hours of the new year.

One of the noisiest and most crowded of New Year's Eve celebrations takes place in New York at Times Square. Thousands of New Yorkers gather there, and millions of Americans across the country   join them watching TV.

На екрані видео зустрічі Нового року в  Нью – Йорку.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpcrV55xPyo)


Ведучі:  And in Ukraine we also have traditions, we want to tell you about.

 We like not only New Year, but also Christmas.

 На Україні ми теж маємо багато традицій, про які ми розкажемо.

 Нам подобається не тільки Новий рік, а і Різдво.

Учень 3. We know that in your countries Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December, but in Ukraine it is marked on 7th of January. This holiday symbolizes the reunion of the whole family. This holiday wakes a very special feeling of the family and traditions. We celebrate Christmas only in the family circle. The evening before is called Holy Eve, and mother cooks Holy Supper, which consists of 12 national dishes. People go from house to house, singing carols and showing verteps. Listen. (звучить українська колядка)


Richard: And we sing old Scottish song «Should all acquaintance be forgot». I hope you’ll like it.

На екрані відео з піснею, учні підспівують.


Изображение 1236


Buddy: And in our country we sing songs, which are popular around the world. Let’s sing them together.

Учні співають пісні «Jingle Bells», «Merry Christmas» , на екрані караоке до пісень.

Ведучі: Thank you. It is so interestimg to see your video and listen to you. And now the pupils of our school want to show you a national Ukrainian fairy-tale.



There was once an old man who lost his mitten. A Mouse came running up, and she climbed into the mitten and sat there.

By and by a Frog came hopping up, and she stopped and called out: "Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"

"I am. Crunch-Munch the Mouse. And who are you?”

"Hop-Stop the Frog. Let me in!”

Изображение 1216

"All right. Jump in!”

By and by a Rabbit came scurrying up, and he stopped and called out: "Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"

"We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse and Hop-Stop the Frog. And who are you?"

"Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. May I join you?”

"All right. Jump in!”

By and by a Fox came scampering up, and he stopped and called out: "Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"

"We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Hop-Stop the Frog and Fleet-Feet the Rabbit. And who are you?”

"Smily-Wily the Fox. Won't you make room for me?”

Изображение 1222

"All right. Jump in!”

So there the four of them sat, and by and by a Wolf came stalking up, and he stopped and called out:

"Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"

"We are. Crunch-Muhch the Mouse, Hop-Stop the Frog, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit and Smily-Wily the Fox. And who are you?"

"Howly-Prowly the Wolf. And I mean to get in!”

"All right. Go ahead!”

By and by a Bear came lumbering up, and he growled and roared and called out:

"Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?"

"We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Hop-Stop the Frog; Fleet-Feet the Rabbit, Smily-Wily the Fox and Howly-Prowly the Wolf. And who are you?"

"Grumbly-Rumbly the Bear. And I know you'll make room for me!" "All right. Get in!”

So the Bear squeezed in too, and there the six of them sat in the mitten.

By and by a Wild Boar came sauntering up, and he stopped and call¬ed out with a grunt:

"Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?”

"We are. Crunch-Munch the Mouse, Hop-Stop the Frog, Fleet-Feet the Rabbit, Smily-Wily the Fox, Howly-Prowly the Wolf and Grumbly-Rum- bly the Bear. And who are you?”

"Snout-Rout the Boar. And I'm sure you want me too.”

"All right. Climb in!”

So the Boar squeezed in, and there the seven of them sat in the mitten.

By and by a hunter came walking up. He saw the mitten move, and bang! — he fired his gun. The mitten burst, and away helter-skelter ran the seven friends.


Гості: We like your show very much. But what about Santa Claus? We can’t have the party without him.

Ведучі:    But in Ukraine we have Father Frost instead. And Snow Maiden.

Снігуронька виходить.

Presents we bring for each and all

Big folks, little folks, short and tall

Each one of you a treasure may win

So open your doors and let us in!

  Let's call Father Frost together!

 «Father Frost , COME TODAY!  WE LOVE YOU!»

Учні кличуть Діда Мороза, звучить «Jingle bells». На екрані новорічні картинки, усі підспівують)

Изображение 1238

Father Frost:

 Happy New Year , dear friends!

A happy New Year to You

A happy New Year to me

A happy New Year to all our friends

Wherever they may be

 A happy New Year to school

 And to our teachers.

 Very well, children, and who can recite a poem or sing a song ? (Учні декламують вірші)


Изображение 1241


Santa Claus lives in England.

He is funny and merry.

His cheeks are like roses,

His nose is like a cherry.


With a branch of green holy

And robin, his friends,

To all English children

New Year wishes he sends.


It is winter, it is cold.

Father Frost is very old.

But he is always full of joy,

And glad to give me a nice toy.


This is the season

When children ski,

And Father Frost brings

The bright New Year Tree.


I am running on my skis,

White and silver are the trees.

I am skating on bright ice

 Winter holidays are nice.


Look! We have a snowman,

He is tall and fat.

He has a carrot in his nose,

He has a funny hat.


Father Frost: You are very nice! I want to tell you.

Happy New Year, my friends!

And Merry Christmas today!


Изображение 4

Виходять учні:

A New Year Greeting is just for you,

Warm and most sincere.

To wish you every happiness

Throughout the coming year!

I want to give you lots of love

And want to say right here.

 Have a Happy New Year Day

And then a Happy Year!


New things to learn.

New friends to meet.

New songs to sing,

New books to read.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

 In this New Year!


Father Frost:

Thank you, boys and girls. Thank you very much! I want you to be healthy, to study well, to be good children and love your parents and friends! I’m sorry, but I must go. Children in other schools are waiting for me. Good bye!























До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
21 січня 2021
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