Семестрова контрольна робота з англійської мови з письма у 10 класі

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Дана семестрова контрольна робота з письма розроблена для учнів 10-го класу, які вивчають англійську мову на академічному рівні. Контрольна робота містить завдання на використання часових форм дієслова та вживання умовних речень.

Перегляд файлу

English Grammar Test 10th Form (Academic Level)


1. Поставте дієслова в правильній формі.

1) The party ... (to begin) before James and Chris came.

2) Pamela ... (not to finish) her project by the end of October.

3) ... the ferry ... (to reach) the island by 7 o'clock yesterday? — Yes, it....

4) ... Richard ... (to be) to Sheffield before? — No, he ... .

5) ... your brother „. (to book) the tickets for the concert beforehand? — Yes, he ....

6) Kate ... (to see) this film before it was on at our local cinema.

7) The plane ... (to land) by the time we got to the airport.

8) Clive ... (not to attend) computer courses before he entered university.

9) ... Nick ... (to make) all the calculations by the time the meeting began yesterday? — No, he .... He finished all the calculations

only after the meeting ... (to begin).

10) I ... (not to hear) about the festival before you told me about it.


2. Write the correct form of the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect.

My friend Mike (1)……..(live) in Cambridge but each winter he(2)…….. (go) to Spain. He (3)……..(attend) several Spanish language courses since he started going there and now he (4)……. (speak) Spanish quite well. While he is in Spain, he (5)…….              (go) mountain climbing and he(6)…….(climb) all the important mountains at least once. Unfortunately, he broke his leg last month so at the moment he (7)…….. (read) and (8)…….(watch) a lot of television. Usually he (9)……..(not watch) much television, but  since his accident he (10)……..              (see) at least two films every day.


3. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потріб­ній формі.

1. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 2. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter. 3. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 4. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together 5. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home. 7. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to con­sult) the doctor. 8. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful fur coat. 9. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay at home. 10. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) oil my coat. 11. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 12. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do.


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