Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання

Про матеріал
Різнорівнева контрольна робота з аудіювання для учнів 5 класу за підручником О.Карп'юк для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів на основі лексики теми "Вільний час та хобі"
Перегляд файлу





Form 5

Term 1






I like summer holidays very much. It’s warm. I spend much time outdoor. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lie in the sun.

In July my parents return to their work and I go to a camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.

August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. They have a big old house and I go to see and help them. We spend a lot of time near the river: fishing or swimming.

I have a nice time in the country. 

I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic. I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.




І. Розташуй вирази із тексту в логічній послідовності.


 1) to swim in the Black Sea

 2) go to a camp

 3) go to Sochi

 4) return home

 5) like summer holidays

 6) August comes

 7) return to their work

 8) have a picnic


II. Закінчи речення:


  1. I spend June at…
  1. the seaside;
  2. home;
  3. school.


  1. In July I go to…
  1. the village;
  2. a camp;
  3. the seaside.


  1. In August I go to…
  1. the country;
  2. the mountains;
  3. the camp.


  1. There is …near our camp.
  1.    a lake;
  2.    a church;
  3.    a forest.


  1. I meet my friends and have…
  1. a party;
  2. a discussion;
  3. a picnic.


ІІІ. Дай відповіді на питання.

  1. Where does she usually spend June?
  2. Where does she go when her parents return to work?
  3. Where do they go to have a picnic in the morning?
  4. Whom does she go to see in the country?
  5.  When does she return home from the country?


IV. Напиши стислий переказ тексту.

До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
7 травня 2021
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