Семестрова контрольна робота з письма для 5 класу ( до підр. О.Д.Карпюк ) ІІ семестр

Про матеріал
Семестрова контрольна робота з англійької мови для 5 класу ( до підр. О.Д.Карпюк ) ІІ семестр
Перегляд файлу


II term

Variant 1

I. Match the word.(З’днайте слова з їх перекладом )

1. to be proud                     a) шукати

2. to improve                     b) з’являтися

3. to look for                     c) сльоза

4. to promise                     d) покращувати 

5. to appear                      е) бути гордим  

6.  a tear                               f)  обіцяти

ІІ. Fill in in, on, at, at the.(Вставте в пропуски in, on, at, at the)

1) People always go to church_________ Easter. 2) I like watching TV _________the evening. 3) Children like having rest in camps_____summer.

4) Last Saturday my classmates were_______ theatre. 5) Nick goes to the swimming pool ___Tuesdays and Fridays. 6) My aunt lives___________Donetsk. 7) Mike was _______seaside last summer. 8) My parents get up_________ 6 o’clock every morning.

ІІІ. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect orFuture Simple Tense.(Поставте дієслова у правильному часі)

1) Peter __________(to meet) his friend at the library yesterday.

2) Helen and Mary ____________(to play) badminton in the garden now.

 3) I promise I______________ (to help) you with the project tomorrow.

4) Nick _____________(to be) to this museum already.

IV. Match the parts of sentences.(З’єднайте частини речення)

1. My favourite lesson                                            a) in a nice village.

2. We celebrate Christmas                                      b) an independent country.

3. Ukraine is                                                            c) on the seventh of January.

4. My granny lives                                                  d) is History.

5. The weather is                                                     e) went to the circus.

6. Last Sunday they                                                f) hot and sunny.

V. Write the Past Simple of the verbs.(Запишіть слова у минулому часі)

1) to come —                                           6) to play —

2) to find —                                             7) to do —

3) to work —                                           8) to watch —

4) to have —                                           9) to live —

5) to start —                                           10) to be —





II term

Varianr 2

I. Match the word.(З’днайте слова з їх перекладом )

1. to try on                                a) складатися з

2. to enjoy                                        b) цвісти

3. to borrow                                   c) насолоджуватися

4. to bloom                               d) позичати 

5. to unite                                        e) приміряти

6.  to consist of                                f)  об’єднувати

II. Fill in in, on, at, at the. (Вставте в пропуски in, on, at, at the)

1) My birthday is  ____ April. 2) My friends often go to the cinema______

weekends. 3) John was______ the mountains with his parents last winter. 4) Kate visits her grandparents ______Saturdays. 5) Peter didn’t go to school yesterday because he was ______dentist’s. 6) Her cousin lives ______Lviv. 7) My mother is _____home now. 8) We usually greet guests________ Christmas Eve.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect or Future Simple Tense. (Поставте дієслова у правильному часі)

1) Den _____________(to finish) his homework already.

2) Sally______________(to take) this book from the library two days ago.

3) Robots_____________(to cook) food for people in a hundred years.

4) Boys______________(to play) football in the schoolyard now.

IV. Match the parts of sentences: (З’єднайте частини речення)

1. My favourite lesson                                            a) in a nice village.

2. We celebrate Christmas                                      b) an independent country.

3. Ukraine is                                                            c) on the seventh of January.

4. My granny lives                                                  d) is History.

5. The weather is                                                     e) went to the circus.

6. Last Sunday they                                                f) hot and sunny.

V. Write the Past Simple of the verbs. (Запишіть слова у минулому часі)

1) to do —                                           6) to cook —

2) to clean —                                       7) to forget —

3) to take —                                         8) to paint —

4) to come —                                       9) to make —

5) to wash —                                      10) to find —

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 жовтня 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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