семестрові контрольні роботи

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семестрові контрольні роботи з письма для учнів 9 класу за перший семестр допоможуть вчителеві краще провести перевірку знань учнів
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                             Form nine

              Writing                                   V.1

  1. Match the words

Chemistry        a) science about the structure of substance

Biology             b) science about the rocks

Geology            c) science about the life of animals

  1. Transform the sentences using gerunds.
  1. He has just finished to read the article about the natural resources of Ukraine.
  2. My father intends to spend his holidays in the Crimea.
  3. We preferred to go to Kyiv by plane.
  1. Complete the sentences by filling in “ who”, ‘which’, ‘that’, ‘where’ or ‘whose’.
  1.  Clowns … are really funny are hard to find.
  2. The mountains …. We have a cabin are covered by three metres of snow.
  3. The ring I gave her, … cost a lot of money, was eaten by our dog last night.
  1. Choose the answer.
  1. …… you ever been in London ?
  1. Have             b) has               c) do
  1. She …. Be here tomorrow.
  1. Does          b) will            c) has
  1. We …….. written a dictation  yesterday.
  1. Were              b) did                   c) have
  1. …… he move to a new house?
  1. Does         b) has               c) did
  1.  I have ……. this dish for 2 years.
  1. Cook             b) cooked        c) cooks
  1.  He …… in the pool every Tuesday.
  1. Swims           b) swim        c) swimed
  1. …… she play chess tomorrow?
  1. Have       b) will             c) does
  1. Write out only correct sentences.
  1.  She was hear today.
  2. They will buy a new car next week .
  3. You had catch a bird.
  4. He has written a dictation.
  5. She listen a music every day.
  6. I had met them.
  1.  Write a letter to your friend.














Form nine

              Writing                                   V.2

  1. Match the words

botany        a) science about the numbers

physics             b) science about the plants

mathematics   c) science about the matter and energy

  1. Transform the sentences using gerunds.
  1. My sister began to work in this beautiful Ukrainian city 5 years ago..

2)I have just begun to translate the text into Ukrainian.

3)We preferred to go to Kyiv by plane.

  1. Complete the sentences by filling in “ who”, ‘which’, ‘that’, ‘where’ or ‘whose’.
  1.  Robert … house has been in the market for one tear, wants to travel to India.

b)Nina and her husband… celebrated their 25th birthday last month, will be at the party.

C)I like to visit places …. Nobody else goes.

  1. Choose the answer.

1)…… you ever seen London ?

a)Have             b) has               c) do

  1. She …. come to us tomorrow.
  1. Does          b) will            c) has
  1. We …….. written a dictation  yesterday.
  1. Were              b) did                   c) have
  1. …… he buy to a new house?
  1. Does         b) has               c) did
  1.  I have ……. this dish for 2 years.
  1. Cook             b) cooked        c) cooks
  1.  He …… in the pool every Tuesday.
  1. went           b) go        c) goes
  1. …… she play chess tomorrow?
  1. Have       b) will             c) does
  1. Write out only correct sentences.

1) She was in town today.

2)They will see a new car next week .

3)You had catch a ball.

4)He has written a dictation.

5)She listens a music every day.

  1. I had speak with them.
  1.  Write a letter to your friend.












































































Form six

              Writing                                   V.1

  1. Compare the adjectives.

Fun, simple, cheap, dangerous.

  1.  Put the missing words.
  1. ……  is absent today?
  2. ……. Is your birthday ?
  3. …….   Do you think about  July ?
  4. …… don’t you go to school ?
  5. ……   many books do you have ?
  6. ……..  do you live ?
  1.  Complete the sentences.
  1. I …… go to school every day.
  2. She ….. stay with us.
  3. ……. I come in ?
  4. It is rainy. You … take the umbrella.
  5. They….. run fast.
  6. We …… read this book if she will bring it.
  1. Choose the item.
  1. ….. she come   to us?
  1. Does    b) do

          2)I …. Dancing now ?

               a) do       b) am

           3) They ……. To music every day.

                   a) listen         b) listens

       4) …… he looking good ?

         a) does         b) is

        5) My parents…. like my friends.    

          a) doesn’t                  b) don’t

         6) …… your brother working now ?

              a) am                b) is

        5. Write out only correct sentences.

1)  She amn’t listen a music.

2) They don’t go to school every day.

3) We are writing a dictation.

4) You doesn’ t listen to me.

5) I am waiting for you.

6)  She walk in the park.








Form six

              Writing                                   V.2

1.Compare the adjectives.

Big, active, small, expensive.

2. Put the missing words.

1)……  is busy today?

2)……. Is your party ?

3)…….   Do you think about  Kate ?

4)…… don’t you go to hospital ?

5)……   many cakes do you have ?

         6) ……..  do you train ?

3. Complete the sentences.

1) I …… wash my face every day.

2) She ….. play with us.

3) ……. I seat here ?

4) It is snowy. You … take ski.

5) They….. jump high.

  1. We …… draw this picture if she will bring it.

4.Choose the item.

1)….. she come   to us?

  1. Does    b) do

          2)I …. Dancing now ?

               a) do       b) am

           3) They ……. To music every day.

                   a) listen         b) listens

       4) …… he looking good ?

         a) does         b) is

        5) My parents…. like my friends.    

          a) doesn’t                  b) don’t

         6) …… your brother working now ?

              a) am                b) is

        5. Write out only correct sentences.

1)  She amn’t dancing now.

2) They don’t swim every day.

3) We are singing a song.

4) You doesn’ t listen to your mother.

5) I am not waiting for you.

6)  She walks in the park.



Form seven


  1. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.
  1. Must                                       c) needn’t
  2. must                                        d) can
  1. You … eat lunch in the school canteen. Some pupils prefer to go home for lunch.
  2. Every one ….. wear trainers in the gym.
  3.  He… leave the office before he finishes this work.
  4. I …. Play the piano very well.
  1.   Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.
  1. Enough
  2. Too much
  3. Too many
  1. I can’t go out. I’ve got … homework.
  2. There is ….. sugar in my tea. It’s too sweet.
  3. There wasn’t time to learn the poem.
  4. I can’t find my pen. There are … pencils in my pencil case.
  1.  Mark the correct pronoun to complete the sentence.
  1. The children were hungry, so they are…..
  1. Nothing
  2. Something
  3. Anything
  4. Everything
  1. He say there is a nice hotel …. near here.
  1. Somewhere
  2. Everywhere
  3. Nowhere
  4. Nothing
  1. There is …. In the kitchen. I can hear a voice.
  1. Anyone
  2. Everyone
  3. Someone
  4. No one
  1. …… has washed up the dishes. They aren’t clean.
  1. Everybody
  2. Anybody
  3. Nobody
  4. Somebody

5.Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

A) a few

b) little

c ) lot of

  1. Don’t buy anything. We’ ve bought …. Food.
  2. Yesterday I drank … coffee.
  3. Do you want sugar in your coffee? – Yes, … please
  4. Next week I am going for …. Days to the Carphatians.




















Form nine

First variant

1. Listening

Listening Comprehension 9th



Are teenagers studious and serious?

A recent survey showed that teenagers work much harder than they did 10 years ago. Many British teenagers say that they like school. Adam, aged 15, says, “I like meeting up with friends and extending my knowledge”. Sarah, aged 14, says it’s important because it gives you the skills for life. Teenagers think a lot about the future: 57% worry about getting a job when they finish their studies. Jamie, aged 16, says, “You know you can’t walk out of school into a job”.

Though school is important to many teenagers, other things can be  more  important. In 1998 General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) results were published on the same day as the new Oasis album arrived in the shops. Many 16-year-olds went to buy a copy of the album before they got  their results. Paul, aged 16, said, “I don’t care about my results – this is more important”.

Paul isn’t the only teenager who cares more about music than education. Music is the most important thing in many British teenagers’ lives. Some teenage boys spend more than 50 pounds a month on music. Money is also important for teenagers. Most of them are given between 4 & 5 pounds pocket money a week by their parents. Some also have jobs like paper rounds and baby-sitting. Katherine, 1ged 13, is too young to have a job, but she is doing a lifeguard course so she can work when she’s old enough. (You have to be 14 to have a part-time job in Britain.)

As well as music, popular activities with teenagers are: sports, computer games, cinema, shopping, watching videos, reading and watching TV. Teenagers watch less TV than they did 10 years ago, but they still watch a lot. They like soap operas, music and sports programmes best.

Parents who worry about their children smoking or taking drugs don’t need to worry so much – 70% of British teenagers neither smoke nor want to try it. Most teenagers are against drugs. Most teenagers do drink alcohol – about 80 % - but most of them only drink occasionally at family parties and weddings.

Since the 1950-s, teenagers have been supposed to rebel against their parents. But parents today understand teenagers a lot better and have better relationships with their children. Angela, aged 18, says, “I have a lot of respect for my mum. I know I don’t always know best.” Stuart, also aged 18, says, “Children aren’t rejecting their parents. We are more responsible than in the fifties – we can stay out until midnight, more teenagers own cars.”


Listening Comprehension 9th


True/ false

1. Teenagers do not work harder than they did 10years ago.

2. Many British teenagers do not like school.

3. Teenagers worry about getting a job when they finish school.

4. Most schoolchildren care more about music.

5. Money is important for teenagers.

6. Teenagers watch a lot of TV.

7. British teenagers are for taking drugs.

8. Most teenagers drink alcohol very often.

9. Teenagers respect their parents.

10. Parents today understand teenagers a lot better.


Choose the correct answer.

1. What did a recent survey show?

A Teenagers work harder than 10 years ago. B Teenagers work worse than 10 years ago

C Teenagers work harder than 20 years ago

2. What do the teenagers like about school?

A meeting up with friends and extending their knowledge; B meeting up with new teachers; C possibility to work after school

3. What did many 16-year-olds go to buy before they got their GCSE results?

A a copy of the New Oxford Dictionary;

 B a copy of the new book about Harry Potter; C a copy of the new Oasis album;  

4. What is the most important thing in many British teenagers’ lives?

A education; B music; C part-time job;

5. What kinds of part-time jobs were mentioned in the text?

A paper rounds and babysitting; B car washing and babysitting; C  paper rounds and car washing;

6. What do they like watching on TV best?

A Sports programmes and animated cartoons; B TV shows and talk shows; C soap operas, music and sports programmes;  

7. Why do not parents need to worry about their children smoking or taking drugs?

A 70% of British teenagers neither smoke nor want to try it; B 70% of British teenagers go in for sports; C  70% of British teenagers are hopeless;

8. Where do most of teenagers drink alcohol occasionally?

A at school parties and family parties; B at school parties and in clubs; C at family parties and weddings;

9. What does Stuart say about his relationship with his parents?

A “Children are not rejecting their parents” B “Children are always rejecting their parents” C “I have  a lot of respect for my mum”

10. How much money do the British teenagers spend on music?

A  50 pounds a month; B  50 dollars a month; C 50 pounds a year;















2. Reading

Reading Comprehension 9th grade

Variant 1




On 7 September, 838, Grace Darling’s life was changed forever by a single act of heroism. She was twenty-three years old, the seventh child of William Darling, a lighthouse keeper on Farne Island off the coast of Northumberland. She had received little education and had had a very strict, religious upbringing. Her life consisted of the daily drudgery of cooking and cleaning. Then, on 7 September, 1838, the steamship Forfarshire was wrecked in a storm of Farne Island. Five passengers managed to swim to rocks and hang on, but in the seas they were in danger of being swept away by the huge waves. Grace Darling and her father got into an open boat and rowed out to the rocks, struggling against strong winds, driving rain and dangerous currents. They reached the rocks and succeeded in rescuing all the survivors and taking them to safety.

News of Grace’s exploit spread quickly and she soon became a celebrity. There were many stories about her in newspapers and magazines, often written by journalists who had never met her. They made a lot of things up. Soon she was a household name. Portraits of her were painted by artists who had never seen her. She appeared on mugs, plates and other souvenirs, always looking much prettier than she really was. Over ₤ 1700 was collected from people who admired her bravery. All this money was given to her and the Royal Humane Society gave her a gold medal. She received many offers of marriage from she had never met, but she turned them all down. She was invited to appear in a circus, but she refused. People wrote to her requesting locks of her hair and she also received many begging letters from people who thought that she was now rich (as indeed she was). She had become a legend in her own lifetime. Grace, who was really a shy, plain, simple girl was very upset by the publicity and found it difficult to cope with. She lived at the beginning of the age of mass communication and was one of the first people to be “famous for fifteen minutes”. Her father was mystified by hysterical public reaction. He regarded the rescue as a normal part of his job, and something he had done many times before. Cynics said that the publicity surrounding Grace was a way of distracting attention from the incompetence of the captain and owners of the Forfarshire.

Grace didn’t enjoy being famous. Her health began to fail and four years after her heroic deed she died of tuberculosis. In the village where she was born there is a Grace Darling Museum where you can see the boat she and her father rowed. It is 6.4 m long and 1.8 m wide.




















9-th Grade

Reading Comprehension


                                           Variant 1

I. Write  (true) or – (false) for each of the statements below:

1. The life of Grace Darling was changed forever on 17 September, 1848.

2. Grace was the youngest daughter in a small family of a lighthouse keeper.

3. Grace Darling and her father rescued the passengers of the steamship Forfarshire which was wrecked in a storm.

4. She became very popular because of her sea adventure.

5. People worshipped her.

6. She never turned down any opportunity to appear in public places.

7. Some people requested strange things from Grace.

8. Grace was happy to be outstanding.

9. There is the Museum named after Grace Darling  not far from the place of shipwreck.

10. Grace’s publicity didn’t become the only reason of her death.


II. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of upbringing did Grace have?

2. How did Grace and her father manage to save other people?

3. Why did people write and speak about Grace?

4. Where did Grace appear after her exploit?

5. How was she rewarded?

6. Was it easy for Grace to cope with the publicity?

7. Who did Grace become in her own lifetime?

8. What kind of a girl was Grace?

9. What disease did Grace suffer from?

10. Where is the Museum named after Grace Darling situated?





1. Circle the correct item.

1) Tina sunbathed/was sunbathing while her children swam/were swimming in the sea.

2) Mr White phoned /had phoned us after the conference was beginning/had begun.

3)Theyii>ere sailing/ had been saili ng for two weeks before they reached the continent.

4) My brother bought/had bought this computer a year ago.

5) We had/were ha ving breakfast when our neighbour knocked/had knocked at the door.

6) Tom's eyes were red because he had worked/had been working at the computer all day.

7) Dolly took/was taking a letter, opened/was opening it and started/had started reading.

8) After we cleaned/had cleaned the house we decided/had decided to go to the cinema.

9) The boys were playing/had been playing tennis at 3 o'clock yesterday.

10) Mrs Davis was upset because she was losing/had lost her purs

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous,

the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1) The boys ... (to play) volleyball on the beach yesterday.

2) They ... (to play) volleyball from 9 to 11 yesterday morning.

3) By 5 o'clock yesterday their team ... (to play) two games of volleyball.

4) Den ... (toplay) volleyball for ten minutes yesterday when he suddenly ... (to twist) his ankle.

5) At that time Ron ... (to listen) to music in his room and ... (not to hear) the doorbell.

6) The secretary ... (to talk) on the phone for twenty minutes when the door ... (to open) and her boss ... (to come) into the


7) Peter ... (to drive) towards the airport last Sunday when he suddenly ... (to remember) that he ... (to leave) his passport at


8) We ... (to go) to a cafe after we ... (to meet) Sally.

9) When David ... (to return) home yesterday his wife ... (to cook) the chicken which she ... (to buy) in the supermarket the

day before.

10) It ... (to be) midnight and Linda ... (to sleep) hut John ... (to lie) sleepless because he ... (to think) about the words his chief

... (to tell) him at the end of the working day.


3.Find mistakes and correct them.

1) Greg and Bob had looked for their dog for two hours before they found it sleeping under a bench in the park.

2) We had been boating in the lake at 10 o'clock yesterday morning.

3) She finished cooking dinner by the time her children returned from school.

4) When Henry opened the door of the living room, his little brother watched cartoons on TV.

5) Sally took a piece of paper and had written her phone number on it.

6) We were driving for six hours before we saw a small hotel beside the road.

7) After my friends left I washed the dishes and switched on the TV set.

8) What had you been doing at the moment the fire broke out?

9) How much was your camera costing a year ago?

10) What were Nelly doing while you were doing the ironing

















Listening                                                                                      6th form


A Cat and Mice


When the cat was strong and young, he caught many mice. The mice were afraid of him then. But in time he grew old and could not catch mice any more.

One day he decided to play a trick on the mice. He lay on his back and did not move at all. A mouse saw him and thought he was dead. She ran to her friends and told about it. And the mice began to dance and play. They were very happy. They danced and danced round the cat, and the cat didn’t move. Then one of the mice jumped on the cat’s head.

«Look at me! Come nearer, all of you! The cat is dead! Let us dance on his head! »

But suddenly the cat jumped up and caught the silly mouse. The other mice ran away as quickly as they could.






Listening                                                                                      7th form



The Story of Two Sisters


Once there lived two sisters Sally and Susan. They were very different. Susan was a hard-working girl. She got up early in the morning, swept the floor, brought water and made breakfast for her sister. She went to the forest to pick up berries and mushrooms. Susan worked a lot about the house. She was very kind, clever and beautiful.

Her sister Sally was very lazy. She slept till noon and never did any housework. She was angry and selfish.

One day an old woman came to their house. She was hungry and thirsty. She asked the sisters for some food and water. Sally said, «Go away! We have nothing to give you. » But Susan took some bread and water and gave them to the old woman. The woman thanked Susan and went away.

That woman was a good fairy. She made Susan’s life happy. Susan married a good man and had a happy family. Sally lived alone. She had to do everything about the house herself.



Test 2.                  A Cat and Mice


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to catch, to swim, to play, to jump up, mice, lice.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cat was very young and strong.


___ 2. The mice were afraid of the cat.


___ 3. The mouse danced on the cat’s head.


___ 4. The cat didn’t catch the mouse.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The mouse saw the cat who didn’t move.


2.___ The mice ran away.


3.___ The cat jumped up.


4.___ The cat grew older.






















The Story of Two Sisters


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What were the sisters’ names?


2. Who was hard-working?


3. Who was lazy?


4. What did Susan do?


5. What did Sally do?


6. Who came to the sisters one day?


7. What did the sisters do to help the old woman?


8. How did the woman thank sisters?


2. Знайди в тексті слова, які описують дівчат і випиши їх.


Susan                                                   Sally

hard-working                                        lazy

___________                                     ___________

___________                                    ___________

___________                                    ___________




















Listening                                                                                      4th form


The Friends


Mary has a cat. Nick has a dog. Mary’s cat is big and white. Nick’s dog is little and black. The cat’s name is Pussy. The dog’s name is Jessy.

Mary and Nick are friends. Pussy and Jessy are good friends, too. Mary and her cat, Nick and his dog are in the street. They run and jump and play. The children are happy and Pussy and Jessy are happy, too.
































Test 3.                        The Friends


1. Доповни речення.


1. Mary has _____________________________.

2. The cat’s name is _______________________.

3. Nick has______________________________.

4. The dog’s name is ______________________.


2. Постав речення у правильній послідовності.


1. _____ They run and jump and play.

2. _____ Mary and Nick are friends.

3. _____ Mary has a cat.

4. _____ The children are happy.


3. Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Mary has a ___.

a) dog                   b) cat

2. The cat’s name is ___.

a) Fluffy               b) Pussy

3. Nick has a ___.

a) dog                    b) cat

4. The children are ___.

a) sad                    b) happy

















Task 3.                         The Friends


Mary has a cat. Nick has a dog. Mary’s cat is big and white. Nick’s dog is little and black. The cat’s name is Pussy. The dog’s name is Jessy.

Mary and Nick are friends. Pussy and Jessy are good friends, too. Mary and her cat, Nick and his dog are in the street. They run and jump and play. The children are happy and Pussy and Jessy are happy, too.


Task 2.                                Seasons


There are 12 months in a year. March, April and May are spring months. June, July and August are summer months. September, October and November are autumn months. December, January and February are winter months.

Children like winter because they have great fun. Children like spring because everything is joyful and gay. Children like autumn because it is beautiful. All trees have leaves of red, yellow and brown colours. Children like summer because they don’t go school.


.                           Nelly’s Cat


Nelly has a grey cat. The cat’s name is Carry. Carry is a big cat. She has three little kittens – a black kitten, a white kitten and a grey kitten. Nelly’s cat Carry and her kittens do not sleep in Nelly’s room. They sleep in the kitchen in a box. The box is on the floor near the table. Nelly likes to take the ct to her room. She likes to play with her cat Carry, but Carry doesn’t like to play with Nelly, she likes to sleep in Nelly’s bed. The kittens like to play with Nelly. They like to run in Nelly’s room. Nelly has a little toy mouse. She gives the toy mouse to the kittens. The kittens like to play with Nelly’s toy mouse.


Nelly’s Birthday


Today is Nelly’s birthday. Mother makes a big cake for Nelly and puts five candles in the middle of the cake. Many little girls and boys come to see Nelly. They give her pictures, many books with pictures, red, blue, green, yellow, black, rosy, orange, brown and grey pencils. Some children give her balls, big balls and little balls, and many toys. Father and Mother give Nelly a very bid nice doll. Nelly is very happy.

In the evening the children have tea.

Mother asks, “Nelly, where do you want to sit?

“I want to sit near Jane”.

“Why do you want to sit near Jane?” asks Mother.“She sits near the birthday cake!”answers little Nelly.





.                          At the Zoo


Last week Mr. Brown and his son Sam went to the Zoo. They saw many animals there: tigers and lions, crocodiles and snakes, giraffes and bears, elephants and monkeys, wolves and foxes, zebras and hares, birds and fish.

Sam watched the monkeys. They were so funny. They jumped, ran, played and made funny faces. Then he watched the lions and the tigers. They didn’t run. They slept.

Sam wanted to feed the animals but the zookeeper said:

«Don’t do it, please! They are not hungry now. »

«Oh, I’m sorry, » said Sam.

Then the zookeeper invited Sam and his father to have a look at a tiger cub.


The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


One day in summer a fox saw a cock near a village. It was time for dinner and the fox decided to eat the cock. He went up to the cock and asked him to sing. The cock shut his eyes and began to sing. The fox has caught the cock and ran away.

A farmer saw the fox and cried out to the other farmers: «Look! The fox has caught our cock! It’s our cock! » The cock heard the farmer’s words and said to the fox: «Tell them that I’m your cock now, not theirs!» When the fox opened its mouth to say it, the cock jumped up into a tree. The poor fox was very unhappy and said: «Mouth, you talk too much and we have no dinner today».


Task 2.                      A Cat and Mice


When the cat was strong and young, he caught many mice. The mice were afraid of him then. But in time he grew old and could not catch mice any more.

One day he decided to play a trick on the mice. He lay on his back and did not move at all. A mouse saw him and thought he was dead. She ran to her friends and told about it. And the mice began to dance and play. They were very happy. They danced and danced round the cat, and the cat didn’t move. Then one of the mice jumped on the cat’s head.

«Look at me! Come nearer, all of you! The cat is dead! Let us dance on his head! »

But suddenly the cat jumped up and caught the silly mouse. The other mice ran away as quickly as they could.


Task 3.                  My Native Village


I am a village boy. My village is big and beautiful. It is not far from a big town. The houses in my village are not high, but they are nice. There are gardens round the houses. The streets in my village are green with fruit-trees and flowers. My school is not far from my house. We have a museum at school.

In the centre of the village you can see a hospital, shops, a church and a new village club. Near the village you can see a forest, fields and meadows. There is a cattle – farm, a pig – farm and a poultry–farm in our village too. The poultry-farm stands on a little river. My mother works on this farm. I like to help her. I love little ducklings and goslings. They are very nice and funny.



Task 4.                Sashko Goes to School


Sashko is Ukrainian boy. He is eleven and he is a sixth-year pupil. But he is not a very good pupil; he doesn’t like to go to school.

It is Monday morning. It’s half past seven. Sashko gets up from his bed. His lessons begin at eight o’clock. He has no time to do his morning exercises; he doesn’t wash his face and hands. He only puts his trousers, a shirt and a jacket on. He looks at the clock. It is almost eight o’clock. He has no time for breakfast. And he has one more problem: he cannot find his books and exercise-books. At last he finds them under the table. Sashko puts his things into his bag and runs out to school quickly.

The boy’s school is far from his house. So he is late.


Task5.             The Story of Two Sisters


Once there lived two sisters Sally and Susan. They were very different. Susan was a hard-working girl. She got up early in the morning, swept the floor, brought water and made breakfast for her sister. She went to the forest to pick up berries and mushrooms. Susan worked a lot about the house. She was very kind, clever and beautiful.

Her sister Sally was very lazy. She slept till noon and never did any housework. She was angry and selfish.

One day an old woman came to their house. She was hungry and thirsty. She asked the sisters for some food and water. Sally said, «Go away! We have nothing to give you. » But Susan took some bread and water and gave them to the old woman. The woman thanked Susan and went away.

That woman was a good fairy. She made Susan’s life happy. Susan married a good man and had a happy family. Sally lived alone. She had to do everything about the house herself.


Task 6.                         Two Kittens


Two little kittens didn’t have a mother and a father. They lived in s big house with their aunt. She didn’t like kittens. They were very kind and friendly but their aunt was arrogant and selfish. She met her friends every evening and they ate, played games and sang songs. Poor kittens were often hungry and cold. Nobody took care of them. One day their aunt told the kittens to go away.

They cried, took their clothes and left their home.

It was winter. It was cold and windy. Poor kittens found a small house and lived there. Their aunt didn’t remember about the kittens. She lived in the big warm house.

But one day the house burnt and she didn’t have a place to live in. Her friends didn’t want to help her. The aunt-cat went to the kittens and asked them for help. The kittens were happy to help and let their aunt to live in their small cold house. They were real friends!

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Task 7.           We Go to Australia


The Wilmots were an English family. They lived in London. The father, Mr.Wilmot, worked in an office and the mother, Mrs. Wilmot, looked after the house and the children. There were three children in the family: a son, Aidan, who was thirteen years old, and two daughters, Harriet, she was twelve, and Rose, who was ten.

One day their father got a letter from Australia. The letter said that Mr. Wilmot’s uncle was dead, and that his house and farm in Australia were now Mr. Wilmot’s house and farm. Mr. Wilmot decided to go to Australia and take his family with him.

So one day in January they got on a big ship to go to Australia. They were on the ship for three weeks. They got to Australia after six weeks on the ship. It was summer because January, February, March and April are summer months there.


Task 8.                 The Parrot


I am a nice green parrot. My name is Poll. I live in Kyiv with Borys, his father and mother. I am their friend.

I like to talk. I speak Ukrainian. But I can speak English, too. I like to speak English. When I hear the knock at the door, I ask, «Who is there

When Borys gets up in the morning, I say, «Good morning, Borya!»Then I say, «Borya, wash your face, wash your hands! »

When Borys comes home from school, I say, «Do your homework, Borya, do your homework!»

When I see Borys with a ball in his hands, I say, «Football, football! ».

I like Borya’s friends, and they like me. When they come to see us, they say, «Hello, Poll! » And I say, «Hello, friends! »When Borys does his English, he teaches me to speak English. I can say, «My name is Poll. I live in Kyiv, I like English! »



Test 3.                        The Friends


1. Доповни речення.


1. Mary has _____________________________.

2. The cat’s name is _______________________.

3. Nick has______________________________.

4. The dog’s name is ______________________.


2. Постав речення у правильній послідовності.


1. _____ They run and jump and play.

2. _____ Mary and Nick are friends.

3. _____ Mary has a cat.

4. _____ The children are happy.


3. Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Mary has a ___.

a) dog                   b) cat

2. The cat’s name is ___.

a) Fluffy               b) Pussy

3. Nick has a ___.

a) dog                    b) cat

4. The children are ___.

a) sad                    b) happy






Tests for Listening

Form 3



Test 2.                          Seasons


1. З’єднай слова з їх значенням.


gay                                                       листя

joyful                                                   радісний

months                                                 веселий

leaves                                                   місяці


2. Обведи правильне число. Прочитай речення.


1. Ayearhas3 / 4 seasons.

2. A season has 3 / 12 months.

3. There are 3 / 4 months in summer.

4. There are 30 / 31 days in December


3. Познач правильну відповідь.


1. Ther eare      months in a year.

a) 12                                b) 24

2. March, April, May are               months.

a) summer                       b) spring

3. June, July, August are                months.

a) summer                        b) winter

4. December, January, February are         months.

a) autumn                         b) winter

Test 3.                     Nelly’s Cat


1. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. grey / a / Nelly / cat / has.


2. is / cat / a / big / Carry.


3. has / little / She / three / kittens.


4. has / toy / a / Nelly / little / mouse.


5. doesn’t / play / like / to / Carry / Nelly / with.


6. kittens / with / mouse / like / play / to / The / toy.



2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What has Nelly?


2. What colour is the cat?


3. What is the cat’s name?


4. How many kittens has the cat?


5. What colour are the kittens?


6. What toy has Nelly?


6. She makes an umbrella of the leaves.


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who is Fluffy?


2. Is the weather snowy?


3. Has Fluffy an umbrella?


4. Is she wet?


5. What does Fluffy see?


6. Is his umbrella of the leaves?


Test 6

Tests for Listening

Form 4


Test 1.                  Nelly’s Birthday


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Who has a birthday party today?


2. How old is Nelly?


3. Who comes to see Nelly?


4. What presents do the children give Nelly?


5. What do the father and mother give Nelly?


6. What do the children have in the evening?


7. Where does Nelly want to sit at the table?


8. Where does Jane sit at the table?


2. Обери правильні речення і випиши їх.


1. Today is Nina’s birthday.

2. Mother puts five candles in the middle of the cake.

3. Father and Mother dive Nelly a very big nice car.

4. Nelly wants to sit near Jane.

Test 2.                         Sally’s House


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

House, mouse, floor, door, bright, light.


2. Запиши речення правильно.


1. Sally lives in a house on London.


2. Sally’s house is not very big.


3. Sally plays on the computer in the children’s room.


3. Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. In Sally’s house there are_____ floors.

a) one b) two          c) three

2. There are _____ rooms on the first floor.

a) two b) three        c) four

3. Sally works on the computer_________.

a) in the morning  b) in the afternoon c) in the evening


4. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Where does Sally live?


2. How many rooms are there on the ground floor?


3. Where is Sally’s brothers’ room?


Test 3.                         Apples


1. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. apples / Ann / Little / likes.


2. likes / She / to / them / eat.


3. gives / Her / apples / day / mother / her / every.


4. give / Ann / She / cannot / apple / an.


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What does Ann like?


2. Who gives her the apples?


3. Where are the apples in the evening?


4. Do big apples sleep in the night?


3. Встав пропущені букви в словах.


ap_l_                                              l_ttl_

g_ve                                               sl_ep

ev_nin_                                          e_t

b_g                                                 pl_y

Test 4.                  My Pen – Friend’s Family


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What is the pen’s name?


2. Where does the pen-friend live?


3. What is the boy’s father?


4. What is his mother’s name?


5. What is Willie’s mother?


6. What is Willie’s brother?


7. How old is Willie’s brother?


8. What is the boy’s grandfather?


9. Where does the grandfather work?


2. Обери правильні речення і випиши їх.


1. I have a pen-friend.


2. His name is Bob.


3. He is Ukrainian.

Test 5.         Mrs. Nelson Goes Shopping


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

Walking, talking, food, foot, cake, bake.


2. Запиши речення правильно.


1. Mrs. Nelson is working now.


2. Mrs. Nelson is buying fish now.


3. Mrs. Nelson wants to make a cake.


3. Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. Mrs. Nelson is in the________________.

a) garden                    b) street                   c) house

2. She is having a party in the___________.

a) morning                 b) afternoon             c) evenings

3. The woman wants to buy some________.

a) fish                         b) meat                    c) sausages


4. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Where is Mrs. Nelson now?


2. Why is the shopkeeper friendly?


3. What is she buying for tea?

Test 6.                        At the Zoo


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. When did Sam and his father go to the Zoo?


2. What animals did they see there?


3. Why were the monkeys funny?


4. What did tigers and lions do?


5. Where did the zookeeper invite Sam and his father?


2. Зроби речення за зразком.

Зразок:The giraffe has got a long neck.


1. The elephant______________________________.


2. The fox__________________________________.


3. The dog__________________________________.


4. The cat__________________________________.


5. The bear_________________________________.


6. The monkey______________________________.


7. The wolf_________________________________.

Test 7.                 Veronica’s Birthday


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

Farmer, summer, together, gather, cake, lake.


2. Запиши речення правильно.


1. Veronica was ten last summer.


2. Her mother gave her some nice flowers.


3. The guests sat down on a sofa in the room.


3. Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. Rolf was Veronicas________.

a) cousin                    b) classmate      c) friend

2. Veronica’s___ made some tasty things for birthday.

a) granny, mother      b)aunt, uncle     c) mother, sister

3. They had the party ________.

a) in the yard              b) at the café    c) at home


4. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. How old was Veronica last week?


2. Who came to her birthday party?


3. What did the guests do at the party?

Test 8.                My Favourite Subject


1. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.


1. school / in / is / centre / Our / city.


2. forty / are / There / rooms.


3. very / It / big / is.


4. to / We / five / week / a / go / school / days.


5. timetable / have / a / We.


6. lesson / 40 / One / minutes / is.


2. Допиши речення за текстом.


1. We have _____ or ___ lessons every day.


2. After each lesson we have a__________.


3. We study a lot of __________________.


4. My favourite subject is ______________.


5. I also like ________________________.


6. I like my ________ and my__________.

Texts for Listening

Form 5


Test 1.       The Fox and the Cock   (a fable)


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to cry, to swim, a farmer, to jump up, a book.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cock was very hungry.


___ 2. The fox didn’t eat the cock.


___ 3. The fox met the cock near a big city.


___ 4. It was time for dinner.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The farmer saw the fox.


2.___ The fox decided to eat the cock.


3.___ The fox opened his mouth to answer the cock.


4.___ The fox asked the cock to sing.


Test 2.                  A Cat and Mice


1. Обери і випиши слова, які ти почув.

A fox, a cat, to catch, to swim, to play, to jump up, mice, lice.


2. Познач правильні твердження.


___ 1. The cat was very young and strong.


___ 2. The mice were afraid of the cat.


___ 3. The mouse danced on the cat’s head.


___ 4. The cat didn’t catch the mouse.


3. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ The mouse saw the cat who didn’t move.


2.___ The mice ran away.


3.___ The cat jumped up.


4.___ The cat grew older.


Test 3.                My Native Village


1. Познач правильну відповідь.


1. I am a village _____________________________.

a) girl              b) boy

2. My village is _____________________________.

a) big and beautiful         b) small and narrow

3. There are ___________________ round the house.

a) fields                b) gardens

4. My school is _________________ from my house.

a) far                       b) not far

5. My mother works on the _____________________.

a) farm                    b) forest

6. In the centre of the village there is _____________.

a) a new village club                       b) cinema


2. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Is his village big or small?


2. Are there gardens round the houses?


3. What can you see in the centre of the village?


4. Where is his school?


5. What can you see near the village?


6. What farms are in the village?

Test 4.              Sashko goes to School


Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Is Sashko a Ukrainian boy?


2. Where does Sashko live?


3. How old is Sashko?


4. Is he a good pupil?


5. What time do his lessons at school begin?


6. When does the boy get up on Monday morning?


7. What does he do in the morning?


8. What doesn’t he do in the morning?


9. Where does he find his books and exercise-books?


10. Why does Sashko run to school quickly?


11. Is the boy’s school far from his house?


12. Is Sashko late for his lessons?


Test 5.          The Story of Two Sisters


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. What were the sisters’ names?


2. Who was hard-working?


3. Who was lazy?


4. What did Susan do?


5. What did Sally do?


6. Who came to the sisters one day?


7. What did the sisters do to help the old woman?


8. How did the woman thank sisters?


2. Знайди в тексті слова, які описують дівчат і випиши їх.


Susan                                                   Sally

hard-working                                        lazy

___________                                     ___________

___________                                    ___________

___________                                    ___________


Test 6.                  Two Kittens


1. Дай відповіді на запитання.


1. Have you got friends?


2. Do your friends help you when you are in need?


3. Do your friends think you are a good friend?


2. Підкресли правильний варіант.


1. Two little kittens _________ a mother and a father.

a) had            b) didn’t have

2. They lived in a _________ house.

a) small  b) big

3. They lived with their _____________.

a) aunt   b) uncle

4. She ___________ the kittens.

a) liked        b) didn’t like

5. One day their aunt told the kittens ____________.

a)to go away           b) to come in

6. It was _______________.

a) summer               b) winter

7. The kittens found a _____________ house.

a) small                   b) big

8. One day the aunt’s house _____________.

a) burnt                               b) broken

9. A friend in need is a friend__________.

a) indid                                       b) indeed

Test 7.             We Go to Australia


1. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.


1.___ Mr. Wilmot got a letter.


2.___ The family took the ship.


3.___ The Wilmots lived in London.


4.___ They spent six weeks in the sea.


2. Познач правильні твердження і виправ неправильні.


___ 1. Aidan was the eldest daughter.

___ 2. Mrs. Wilmot works at school.

___ 3. February is spring month in Australia.

___ 4. The Wilmot’s got a house and a farm in



3. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. How many sons had Mr. Wilmot?


2. What was the name of the youngest daughter?


3. How many weeks did the Wilmots spend on the ship?

4. Did Mr. Wilmot take his children with?

Test 8.                         The Parrot

1. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. What is Poll?


2. What colour is Poll?


3. Where does Poll live?


4. What language does the parrot like to speak?


5. When does the parrot say the following words?

a) Who is there? ______________________________

b) Good morning! Wash your face! _______________

c) Do your homework! _________________________

d) Football, football! __________________________

e) Hello, friends! _____________________________

2. Склади речення зі слів у рядку і запиши їх.

1. green / parrot / I / a / nice / am.


2. name / Poll / My / is.


3. live / in / I / Kyiv.


4. live / Borys / I / with.


5. to / I / talk / like.


6. Ukrainian / speak / I.


7. teaches / He / English / to / me / speak.






































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