Семестрові контрольні роботи 6 клас до підручника Г.К.Мітчелл 2 варіант

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Семестрові контрольні роботи 6 клас до підручника Г.К.Мітчелл 1 варіант Містить 4 види завдання та аудіо супровід.
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Test I


Variant 2


1. Listen to the text and mark «True» or «False».

1) One of the monkeys ran up to a tree.   ________________

 2) Through the leaves he saw a bird’s nest on a branch. ________________

3) The mother bird was in the nest.     ________________

4) The monkey liked eggs.      ________________

5) The monkeys were playing under a tree the next day. ________________

6) The monkey and his friends couldn’t hide.  ________________


2. Answer «Yes» or «No».

1) Did the monkey see a bird’s nest?    _________

2) Were there any eggs in the nest?    _________

3) Could the monkey see the mother bird?   _________

4) Was there a hungry tiger watching the monkeys? _________

5) Was the mother bird sitting in the grass?   _________

6) Did the mother bird help the monkey?   _________


3. Fill in.

1) The mother bird wasn’t sitting on the ______________.

2) The ______________ saw three beautiful blue eggs in the nest.

3) The monkey didn’t take the ______________.

4) The mother bird said, “______________ you!”

5) The next day she saw the monkey and the ______________.

6) The mother bird told the monkeys to ______________ and hide.


Test I


Variant 2

1. Describe one of your relatives filling in: 

My Cousin / Aunt / Uncle / Grandfather / Grandmother

1) My relative’s name is _______. He/She is ten / thirty / forty-two / sixty.

2) He/She is _________ tall / short / slim / plump.

3) My relative is a __________ dark-eyed / blue-eyed / grey-eyed boy (girl) / man/woman.

4) His/Her hair is _________ dark / fair / curly / straight / blond / grey.

5) He/She is _________ helpful / clever / polite / talented / kind / lazy / outgoing / unfriendly.

6) His/Her hobby is __________ sport / music / gardening / fishing / doing arts / reading books / playing computer games / cooking.

7) My relative is good at __________ sport / cooking / gardening / music, etc.


2. Describe the picture according to the plan.

1) What season is it? What is the weather like?

2) Whom can you see in the picture?

3) Are the children making a snowman?

4) Who is sledging?

5) Is the boy or is the girl skating?

6) Are the children happy? Why?

7) Do you like winter? What do you like to do when it is snowing?



Test I


Variant 2


1. Read the text and choose the correct variant.

An Address Without a Letter

 Before 1840 there were no stamps. In those days people usually paid a lot of money for a letter when they received it. That is why people who were very poor did not write to one another. But when they sent or received a letter, it was a very important thing for them.

 There is a story about a letter to a poor woman. One day the postman came to her house to bring her a letter. He told the woman to pay a lot of money, which she did not have.

 She looked at the letter, and gave it back to the postman. “I cannot pay for it,” she said.

 Just at that moment a man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman.

 He came up to the woman and said, “Let me pay for the letter. I have money and I want to help you.” Then he gave the postman the money.

 “I thank you very much,” said the woman, “but you must not pay for the letter. It is from my brother. He sends me one letter every three months. He does not write about himself and his family, he writes only my address. Then I know that he is well, and as I cannot pay for the letter, I give it back to the postman.”


1) When people sent or received a letter, it was very a. important b. difficult.

2) There is a story about a letter to   a. a rich woman b. a poor woman.

3) The postman told the woman a. to pay a lot of money b. to pay a little money.

4) The woman looked at the letter and 

      a. gave the letter back to the postman b. paid for it.

5) The man who heard the conversation a. paid for the letter b. passed by.

6) The woman’s brother sent her a letter a. every week       b. every three months.




2. Correct the wrong sentences.

1) Before 1840 people paid little money for a letter.

2) Rich people did not write letters to one another.

3) Sending and receiving letters was not important for many people.

4) One day the postman came to a poor woman’s house and brought her three letters.

5) The man heard the conversation between the postman and the woman and passed by.

6) The letter was from her aunt.


3. Complete the dialogue with phrases a-e.

a. They say we’ll have a mild winter

b. Yes, indeed

с. It was terribly cold last winter

d. It looks like rain

e. It’s hot and sunny

f. No, I haven’t


Granny: Have you heard the weather forecast?

Mary:  (1) ___________. But I can tell you that it is cold, and a strong wind is blowing.

Granny: Yes, autumn is here. (2) ___________.

Mary:  I think we are not going to see the sun for days and days.

Granny: (3) ___________.

Mary:  I do hope so. (4) ___________.

Granny: But the sunny mornings were very pleasant, weren’t they?

Mary:  (5) ___________. 

Granny: As for me, I like summer. (6) ___________.






Test I


Variant 2

1. Fill in the verbs in Past Simple or Past Progressive.

1) Allison ____________ her homework at five o’clock yesterday (to do). 

2) Mark ____________ football last Sunday because it was raining (not to play).

3) Sara ____________ London five years ago (to visit).

4) __________ you ___________ the guitar when Ben came (to play)?

5) My mother ____________ shopping the day before yesterday (to go).

6) My classmates ____________ famous people for our school holiday last week (to invite).

2. Fill in the postcard to your friend.

photos, fun, goodbye, scuba diving, tent, Zoo

Dear Liz,


 We are having a good time in New Zealand. Yesterday we went __________ (1). It was fantastic! My brother Charlie took __________ (2). They are wonderful. Today we are going to look at the animals in the __________ (3).

            Tomorrow we will take our __________ (4) and go to the mountains. I think we’ll have a lot of __________ (5). I say __________ (6) for now.








Liz Ferguson

88 Forest Lane,

Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK


3. Describe your last trip.

1) Last summer I went to ___________.

2) We decided to visit ___________.

3) It was ____________ amazing / lovely / comfortable / interesting / expensive.

4) The weather was ____________ fine / rainy / sunny / nasty / hot / cool / windy / foggy.

5) I travelled there by ___________ bus / train / ship / car / plane.

6) I liked/didn’t like this trip because ___________.

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Всього відгуків: 3
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  1. Гольонко Інна
    Добрий вечір. А де взяти аудіо до listening?
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  2. Федик Леся Богданівна
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  3. Костенко Тетяна Миколаївна
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    Відповідність темі
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