Семестровий контроль аудіювання для 5 класу. Listening comprehension НУШ

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Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання для 5 класу НУШ. Listening comprehension. Аудіозаписи до завдань: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PhKSRPlrYqYUtxEiP6PwfkErPhM6uRuP?usp=share_link
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imageTask 1. Listen and write. There is one example.

0)   Brother’s name:                             Mark

1)   How old:                                         ___________________

2)   Where he works:                           ___________________

3)   How many days he works:          ___________________

4)   What he does at weekends:       ___________________

5)   What sport he plays:                    ___________________


Task 2. What did Jim do last week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture. There is one example.


Task 3. Listen and draw lines. There is one example.


Task 4. Listen and tick () the box. There is one example. 0) What’s the panda doing now?



1)   What’s in Mary’s bowl?



2)   Where’s John’s book now?


3)   What pet has Jane got?



4)   What’s Lucy’s story about?



5)   Which woman is Anna’s aunt?



1) 17/seventeen   2) (in a) library   3) 4/four

4) (goes to the) cinema   5) table tennis


Task 2.  

1)   Wednesday – helped aunt in garden, went to the cinema

2)   Tuesday – went to the market, bought paintings

3)   Sunday – swam in the sea, saw dolphins

4)   Thursday – party in garden, painted a pirate

5)   Monday – went swimming in pool


Task 3.

Lines should be drawn between:

1)   Daisy and the girl under the table, with a puppy

2)   Vicky and the woman with a cup and no shoes on

3)   Jim and the boy with sunglasses on, with the dogs

4)   Sally and the girl on the phone, with a game under her arm

5)   Peter and the boy with a towel, wearing a scarf


Task 4. 

1)   B   2) A   3) A   4) C   5) B



WOMAN:   Hello, John. Tell me about your brother, please.

BOY:   OK. What can I tell you?

WOMAN:   Well, what’s his name?

BOY:   It’s Mark.


BOY:   Yes, M-A-R-K.


WOMAN:   How old is Mark?

BOY:   He’s 17 now.

WOMAN:   Oh, 17!


WOMAN:   Is Mark at school?

BOY:   No, he works now. He works in a library.


WOMAN:   Does he work at the weekend?

BOY:   No. He doesn’t work on Saturdays, Sundays or Wednesdays.

Oh, he only works four days a week.



WOMAN:  What does he like doing at the weekend?

BOY:   He always goes to the cinema.

WOMAN:   Does he take you with him?

BOY:   Sometimes!


WOMAN:   Does he do any sport?

BOY:   He likes watching soccer, but he doesn’t play. He plays table tennis every Wednesday.


Task 2.  

WOMAN:   Hello, Jim. What did you do last week on your school holiday?

BOY:   Hello, Mrs White. I went to uncle and aunt’s new home. Their apartment is on a beach!

WOMAN:   That’s great! Did you enjoy it?

BOY:   Well ___ on Saturday I had to help uncle paint his boat.

WOMAN:   Oh, no! Was it difficult?

BOY:   Yes, but in the afternoon we went for a walk on the beach.


BOY:   Wednesday was a busy day.

WOMAN:   Why?

BOY:   I helped aunt in the garden. We planted some flowers.

WOMAN:   Oh, did you like doing that?

BOY:   It was OK. aunt was happy because I helped her. She took me to the cinema. The film was about pirates!


BOY:   Friday was a nice day. Oh no, I mean Tuesday.

WOMAN:   What did you do on Tuesday?

BOY:   aunt and I went to the market.

WOMAN:   Did you buy something?

BOY:   Yes, we bought three paintings of some boats on the sea.


WOMAN:   Did you go swimming in the sea?

BOY:   Yes. It was exciting!

WOMAN:   Which day did you do that?

BOY:   Sunday. And I saw some dolphins!

WOMAN:   Wow!


BOY:   We had a great party one day. All uncle and aunt’s friends came to see the new apartment.

Which day was that?


WOMAN:   Oh, Thursday. Did you cook any nice food for them? BOY:   No, we sat in the garden. I painted a picture of a pirate.


WOMAN:   What did you do on Monday?

BOY:   aunt wanted to put some flowers on the balcony.

WOMAN:   Did you help her?

BOY:   No, not that day. I went swimming. uncle and aunt have a swimming pool in their garden.


Task 3. 

BOY:   We had a garden party last week, Miss Long. dad cooked sausages outside!

Here’s a picture!

WOMAN:   Oh, yes. Is that your dad? The man in the grey shirt?

BOY:   Yes. His name’s Paul. Do you know him?

WOMAN:   I think I do!


BOY:   There’s sister, Daisy.

WOMAN:   Where?

BOY:   She’s there, under the table with one of the puppies.

WOMAN:   Oh ___ She looks very young!

BOY:   Yes, she’s only four.


WOMAN:   And who’s that? The person with the cup in her hand?

BOY:   That’s one of Mum’s friends.

WOMAN:   What’s her name?

BOY:   Vicky.

WOMAN:   Why hasn’t she got any shoes on?

BOY:   Because we’ve got a swimming pool in the garden. She put her feel in the water.


BOY:   And there’s Jim. I gave him those sunglasses!

WOMAN:   The boy who’s sitting on the grass?

BOY:   Yes. he lives in the next house. He loves our dogs. WOMAN:   I can see that!


WOMAN:   Who’s the girl that’s got the phone?

BOY:   The girl with the blonde hair? That’s Sally.

WOMAN:   What’s she carrying under her arm?

BOY:   It’s a new game, but we didn’t play it.

WOMAN:   Oh ___


What about the boy with the towel? Who’s he?

That’s friend, Peter. He went in the pool too.

WOMAN:   Why is he wearing a scarf?

BOY:   I don’t know.


Task 4. 

What’s the panda doing now?

BOY:   Look at this funny panda on TV, Mum!

WOMAN:   What’s it doing? Is it climbing that tree?

BOY:   No, look, it’s hiding from the tiger that’s playing with the ball.

WOMAN:   Oh dear!

1)   What’s in Mary’s bowl?

MAN:   What’s in that bowl, Mary? Is it chicken?

GIRL:   No, Dad. It’s some vegetable soup. It’s great. Would you like some? MAN:   No, thanks. I had some salad. I’m not hungry.


2)   Where’s John’s book now?

BOY:   Did you take book, Mum? It’s not on the table.

WOMAN:   Yes, John. I put it on the stairs. Take it upstairs to your bedroom, please. BOY:   But I want to read it now.

WOMAN:   Well ___ all right.

3)   What pet has Jane got?

GIRL:   friend Jane loves animals.

WOMAN:   Does she? Has she got a kitten?

GIRL:   No, she’s got a rabbit. It’s great!

WOMAN:   When I was a girl, I had a parrot.

4)   What’s Lucy’s story about?

MAN:   Are you reading a good story in your comic, Lucy?

GIRL:   Yes, Dad.

MAN:   Is it the one about the farmer?

GIRL:   No, I’m reading about a clown.

MAN:   Oh, I liked the one last week about the pirate.

GIRL:   Oh, that one was boring.

5)   Which woman is Anna’s aunt?

MAN:   There’s a woman in the playground with a white coat on, Anna. Do you know her?

GIRL:   Yes, Mr Kite. It’s aunt.

MAN:   That one who’s wearing jeans?

GIRL:   No. That’s cousin. aunt’s got a dress on.




taken from https://english4real.com/practice/a1_l.html

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