Семестровий контроль навичок письма у 9 класі по темі " Places of interest "

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Семестровий контроль навичок письма у 9 класі на II семестр за підручником О. Карпюк. Перевірка знань по темі '' Places of interest ''
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Summative test: Writing

Topic: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (geographical position, climate and economy). London


Level 1

  1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:
  1. capital                        a. берег
  2. population                  b. промисловість                 

3. industry                       c. суднобудування

4. ship-building               d. морський порт

5. seaport                         e. столиця

6. coast                            f. населення

7. produce                        g. острів

8. island                           h. виробляти

     2. Insert the English words/word-combinations instead of the Ukrainian ones:

        1. London ( складається з) four main districts which differ from each other.

        2. The City is ( діловий центр ) of London.

        3. Buckingham Palace is London (резиденція) of the British sovereign.

        4. London ( розташований ) on the river Thames.


  Level II

          1.Write a paragraph about London. Say where it is, what it is like and what it is famous for. Use the following plan:

              * Location

              * Description

              * Main attractions ( Places of interest)

     Useful words/word-combinations:

Westminster Abbey, Piccadilly Circus, (the) Houses of Parliament, (the) British Museum, administrative, art galleries,(the) Stock Exchange, Hyde Park.


Level III

  1. You have just returned from Britain. A friend asks you to describe the town where you have stayed. What questions would your friend ask ?

Here are some of the cues :

How large ?                      1. ________________________  ?

What like?                        2. _________________________ ?

Parts of the city?               3. _________________________ ?

River ?                              4. _________________________ ?

Places of interest ?            5.__________________________?

Weather ?                          6. _________________________  ?

What else?                         7. __________________________ ?

    Level IV

                  You are staying in London.

                   Write a letter to your mother describing your impressions of the city.

            Start like this:

            Dear ….

                 I’m writing this letter from London. I had a wonderful day yesterday.

            In the  morning I went to see   _______________________________








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