Taras Shevchenko - the great Ukrainian personality

Про матеріал
Тема уроку: Видатні люди України. Тарас Шевченко. Тип уроку: створення групових проектів. Цілі: навчити студентів працювати в групах, розвивати швидкість мовлення, залучати студентів до обговорення, використовуючи їх знання та індивідуальну і групову роботу, стимулювати творче мислення по темі і здатність працювати незалежно, підвищувати інтерес студентів до української літератури,спонукати студентів до вивчення нової лексики
Перегляд файлу

Тема уроку: Видатні люди України. Тарас Шевченко.

Тип уроку: створення групових проектів.


  • навчити студентів працювати в групах
  • розвивати швидкість мовлення
  • залучати студентів до обговорення, використовуючи їх знання та індивідуальну і групову роботу
  • стимулювати творче мислення по темі і здатність працювати незалежно
  • підвищувати інтерес студентів до української літератури
  • спонукати студентів до вивчення нової лексики


Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор, комп’ютер, ілюстрації, картки.

Перший слайд комп’ютерної презентації:

Outstanding People of Ukraine. Taras Shevchenko.

Корисна лексика: (надрукована на аркушах):

serfdom – кріпацтво

 a serf – кріпак

 exile - заслання

 to ransom – викупити

masterpiece  – шедевр

background – походження, витоки, фон

liberation – визволення

ballads – балади

lyro-epic – лірико-епічний

to depict – зображувати

manor – маєток, поміщицький будинок

to expose – розкривати

oppressor – гнобитель

verse – вірш, поезія

etching – гравюра

creative heritage – творча спадщина

spiritual wealth – духовне багатство

compatriot – співвітчизник

accomplished – вправний, довершений, досконалий

proficient - вмілий

The Procedure

Good morning! Glad to see you, hope you are all fine and also hope that you’ll  enjoy the theme of today’s lesson, because it is «Outstanding people of  Ukraine. Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko». (What’s the Ukrainian for outstanding People?) During the last lessons we were speaking a lot about Ukraine and the capital of Ukraine Kyiv and then we have begun to learn about outstanding people of our country. Today we continue to speak about prominent Ukrainians. By the end of the lesson you’ll learn more about our national symbol Taras Shevchenko. I’m sure you are ready for active work. But first can you tell me whom do we consider to be our national symbols?

(Taras Shevchenko, Les Kurbas, Bohdan Stupka, Ivan Mykolaichuk, Olha Kobylianska, Yuriy Fedkovych, Sophia Rotaru, Pavlo Dvorskyi, Dmytro Hnatiuk, Nazariy Yaremchuk and many, many others)

All right.


Teacher’s words:

Now guess which person played an important role in Ukrainian culture and became our national symbol. Listen to me.

He was a man of universal talent. He was the Ukrainian poet, prose writer and a painter. All his life and creative work were dedicated to the people of Ukraine. The poet dreamed about the times when his country would be a free sovereign state, where the Ukrainian language, culture and history would be highly valued, and the people would be happy and free. (T. Shevchenko)

Look at this frame, please. Shevchenko’s lines are the slogan of our studies, the study of foreign languages, the study of English. So let’s read them: “Learn a plenty of the foreign and don’t avoid your own”. What does it mean? Who can translate it? …………….Where are these lines from? (І мертвим, і живим, і ненародженим землякам моїм в Україні і не в Україні моє дружнєє посланіє).


II. Warming –up

     First name adjectives and nouns that can characterize T. H. Shevchenko. What associations can you think of when you hear his name?

     Write the words on the blackboard and in your copy-books.

/Ss name the words: Kobzar, talent, folk songs, paintings, Academy of Fine Arts, soldier, serfdom, patriotism, love for Ukraine, devotion to his Motherland/

III.Brain Storming – ‘Jumbled surnames’

T: I guess you already know enough about Taras Shevchenko because you have studied Ukrainian Literature for a long time. Here are some (sur)names connected with the great Kobzar. Try to make them out. The notes in brackets will help you.

OK. I’ll prompt you.

LLBORUV  – ………(painter, academician)

OSHESNKO -……….( Ukrainian  painter)

EELHNGGARDT  -……….(landowner)

ATHEKANYR  -………. (member of T. H. Shevchenko’s family)

Keys: Brullov, Soshenko, Enghelgardt, Katheryna

IV.ВВЕДЕННЯ НОВОЇ ЛЕКСИКИ: Well done. Now I’m going to add some useful vocabulary. You’ve got it in the leaflets. Let’s pronounce them. Repeat after me.

Please copy out these new words into your copy-books: Serfdom, a serf, hagiographies, to ransom, to familiarize, background, liberation, ballads, lyro-epic, to depict, manor, to expose, oppressor, verse, etching, creative heritage, spiritual wealth, compatriot, accomplished, proficient.

Look at the screen and pronounce the new words.


V. Translation Concentration. Let’s recall some lexical units. You take the cards with an English word and choose the card with its translation. CARDS

VI. 2 м 20 с. Now you are ready to see a VIDEOPRESENTATION.

Викладач читає текст з презентації.

     Did you understand everything?


Презентація - вдруге. You can make notes on the text.


     Will you try to reproduce something from the presentation?

(Shevchenko is a great Ukrainian poet. He is the founder of the modern Ukrainian literary language. Shevchenko was born in the family of a serf in the village of Moryntsi in 1814. Young Taras became an orphan very early. He was a shepherd, a labourer to a priest and when he was fourteen, his master took him into the manor house as a boy-servant.)



We are to make a discovery what a great artist T. H. Shevchenko was. Read the questions and find the answers. Take turns.


  1. What anniversary of  T. H. Shevchenko did we mark and when?
  2. Do you know that now T.H. Shevchenko is one of the most respected writers of the Earth?
  3. How many monuments to T.H. Shevchenko are there in the world?
  4. How high is the highest monument to T.H. Shevchenko?
  5. Where is it situated?
  6. When and where was the first monument to T.H. Shevchenko made?
  7. When and where was the first monument to T.H. Shevchenko erected in Ukraine?
  8. Do you know that T.H. Shevchenko was a very talented artist?
  9. How many pictures did he paint?
  10. Where are the pictures exhibited?
  11. Where is the National T.H. Shevchenko Museum situated?


  1. On the 9th of March 2014 Ukraine marked the 200th anniversary of T.H. Shevchenko’s birthday.
  2. Yes we do.
  3. It is known that the most number of monuments in the world had been erected to T.G. Shevchenko. There are more than 1100 monuments to him.
  4. It’s seven metres high.
  5. In Kovel, Ukraine.
  6. It was made in St. Petersburg.
  7. The first monument to T.H. Shevchenko in Ukraine was erected in Kharkiv in 1897.
  8. Surely we do.
  9. The great artist painted upon the whole over 1000 pictures.
  10.  At the National T.H. Shevchenko Museum.
  11.  It is situated in Kyiv in Shevchenko Boulevard, 12.


  1. JIGSAW. READING THE TEXT. There are some texts about T. H. Shevchenko. Choose one of the letters A, B, C or D. Take your place at the adequate desk. Now, there is a passage of the text on each table. You read it and then tell it to the rest of your group. You must assemble the text and somebody will summarize it. You have got 5 minutes to work at the desk and 5 minutes to work in your group.

Feel free to ask questions!.................................................

Now you tell your passage to the rest of your group, you assemble the text and sb will summarize it.


A. Taras Shevchenko was born on the 9th of March 1814. He was an artist, a poet, the  national symbol of Ukraine. All children like drawing, but with little Taras drawing was a passion. He became a shepherd and enjoyed the beautiful nature of Ukrainian steppe in the pasture.

B. At the age of 14 he was taken by his owner, Engelhardt, to serve as a houseboy and travelled extensively with him, first to Vilnus and then to St. Petersburg. Engelgardt noticed Shevchenko’s artistic talent and apprenticed him to the painter V. Shiryaev for four years. Later he was sent to St. Petersburg to study painting. During that period he met his compatriots I. Soshenko, Ye. Hrebinka, V. Hryhorovych and O. Venetsianov.

C. Through them he met the Russian painter K. Brullov. Fortunately this artistic gifts attracted the attention of several humane Russian intellectuals. The great Artist Brullov, famous throughout the world for his painting “The Last Days of  Pompeii” painted a portrait of the prominent poet Zhukovsky and sold it for 2.500 roubles. With this money he bought out the young serf from his master. Shevchenko was admitted to the Academy of Arts, where he studied under Brullov and they two became close friends.

D. Though he was Brullov’s favourite student, Shevchenko took his own line in art. He became a highly accomplished artist. There are 835 existing pictures by T.G. Shevchenko. Another 270 are known, but have been lost. Shevchenko painted over 150 portraits, 43 of them are self-portraits. He also painted numerous landscapes. He was also very proficient in watercolour, aquatint, etching.


What information can your group deliver?


IX. Project – quiz

<The presentation is projected on the screen>

I have prepared a quiz. If you were attentive you’ll manage to answer the questions. You may use your copy-books for your answers.

  1. Shevchenko was still a child when he lost his parents. A) True B) False
  2. Shevchenko was born in the family of a A) Cossack; B) a serf; C) poor farmer D) landowner.
  3. Shevchenko was born on A) March 10, 1837; B) March 19, 1861; C) March 9, 1814 (new style).
  4. Shevchenko was good at: A) versifying; B) singing; C) painting.
  5. Shevchenko dreamed of becoming a A) poet; B) composer; C) artist.
  6. What stories impressed little Taras most of all? A) kobzars’; B) about haidamaky; C) about iron columns.
  7. Shevchenko served for his landowner as a A) Cossack; B) groom; C) cook.
  8. Who introduced T. H. Shevchenko to Ukrainian Diaspora  in St Petersburg? A) Serov; B) Perov; C) Soshenko.
  9. To ransom Shevchenko K.Brullov painted the portrait of A) V. Zhukovskyi; B) Yevhen Hrebinka; C) Enghelgardt.
  10.  T. Shevchenko got…. A) silver medals; B) gold medals; C) diplomas for his medals.


Today we’re going to round up the material you’ve prepared at home working in groups. You were supposed to find some information about the great poet, a talented artist and devoted revolutionary T. H. Shevchenko.

The first group had to prepare a project about Taras Shevchenko as a poet. You’re welcome.

Group I

Our group had to find some interesting and important facts on the topic “T. H. Shevchenko as a poet”. We’d like to refresh some facts from his life as his biography predetermines his future to a definite extent.

T.H. Shevchenko was born on March, 9, 1814 in the village of Moryntsi, not far from Kyiv, in the family of a serf.

Taras didn’t like his home. He called it the hell. His mother died because of exhausting work. Taras’ s father had to marry a widow. But his life was no much longer than his wife’s. And that was when the real hell began.

Taras’s outlook was greatly influenced by folk arts. His mother, father, sister Katheryna knew  a lot of folk songs (kolomyyky). The boy was also fascinated by poetic works created by Hryhoriy Skovoroda and Ivan Kotlarevskyi. He was particularly interested in hagiographies.

We can’t but mention that acquaintance with V. Zhukovskyi also played  role in Taras’s poetic talent. Gradually he began to pay less attention at his artistic work.

The subject of his ballads and lyro-epic poems were similar to other Ukrainian romantics depicting unusual heroes in extreme situations.

The great difference was that these unusual heroes were taken from real life. The conflict is not between real and unreal but it acquires social colouring (e.g. in Taras’s “Topolya”).

Taras’s works had folklore background. At the same time we must admit his innovations. He didn’t stylize folklore, neither he copied it. With help of it he exposed the spiritual wealth of Ukrainian people. Consider his poem “Perebendya”. It’s not only of folklore character. It has literature origin.

Not everybody could understand the epochal significance of that small book “Kobzar”. But “Literaturnaya Gazeta” of those times estimated its patriotism, vividness, brightness and freshness of the stylistic devices.

His exile simulated his poetic abilities, sharpened his patriotic and civic feelings.

Ми не лукавили з тобою,

Ми просто йшли; у нас нема

Зерна неправди за собою.

Ходімо ж, доленько моя!

Мій друже вбогий, нелукавий!

Ходімо дальше, дальше слава,

А слава — заповідь моя. 


We two have never left

our pathway rough

have gone straight

forward, and no man can find

One grain of falsehood

that we’ve left behind…

Let us then still go on,

My destiny,

Most humble,

Unpretentious friend to me;

Let us proceed:

for there the glory lies,

And glory is my

All – consuming prize.


All his life he loved Ukraine, he wanted to live in Ukraine, but the great part of his life he was far from his native land – in prisons and deportation. And we can read:


Мені однаково, чи буду

Я жить в Україні, чи ні.

Чи хто згадає, чи забуде

Мене в снігу на чужині —

Однаковісінько мені.

В неволі виріс між чужими

І, неоплаканий своїми,

В неволі, плачучи, умру.

І все з собою заберу,

Малого сліду не покину

На нашій славній Україні,

На нашій — не своїй землі.

І не пом’яне батько з сином,

Не скаже синові: — Молись,

Молися, сину, за Вкраїну

Його замучили колись. —

Мені однаково, чи буде

Той син молитися, чи ні...

Та неоднаково мені,

Як Україну злії люде

Присплять, лукаві, і в огні

Її, окраденую, збудять...

Ох, не однаково мені.


It does not touch me, not a whit,

If I live in Ukraine, or no,

If men recall me, or forget,

Lost as I am in foreign snow,

Touches me not the slightest whit!

Captive, to manhood I have grown

In strangers homes, and by my own

Unmourned, a weeping captive still,

I’ll die… all that is mine, I will

Bear off, let not a trace remain

In our own glorious Ukraine,

Our own land – yet a stranger’s rather.

And speaking with his son, no father

Will recall, nor bid him: “Pray

Pray, son of old, for our Ukraine,

They tortured all his life away!”

It does not touch me, not a whit,

Whether that son will pray, or nor…

But it does touch me deep, if knows,

Evil rogues, lull our Ukraine

Asleep, and only in the flames

Let her, all plundered, wake again…

That touches me deepest pain!


To sum up we’d like to say that studying the heritage of  great Kobzar we enlarge our outlook and have a good example of what person to be. Shevchenko’s poems and prosaic works are actual  nowadays. The language of his poems is like the incarnation of the Ukrainian language itself.

Would you like to ask any questions?

-         What is your favourite poem by T. Shevchenko? (As for me it’s Haydamaky)

What information was absolutely new for you?

-          Hagiographies.

Did you understand what is it? (Biographies of  holy people, the saints)



The second group had to prepare a project about Taras Shevchenko as an artist. You’re welcome.

Our group had to find some interesting material on the topic “T.H. Shevchenko as an artist”. As for me T.H. Shevchenko was more of an artist than a poet.

Shevchenko was not only a poet, he was also a beautiful artist.

Taras Shevchenko began copying pictures when he was serving to his master (landowner). Among his first works there is a portrait of P. Enghelgardt, of an unknown woman, a set of sketches on historical themes.

The decisive point in his career was meeting Ivan Soshenko in Letnyy Sad (St Petersburg). The latter introduced him to the members of Ukrainian Diaspora  in St Petersburg.

Shevchenko began attending the lessons at the Academy of Fine Arts. Then he was introduced to the Ukrainian writer Yevhen Hrebinka, the conference – secretary of the Academy of Fine Arts. He also got acquainted with V. Hryhorovych, O. Venetsianov, V. Zhukovskyi.

Taras’s talent was admitted as an undoubtful fact. So the plan of his ransom was worked out.

 The famous Karl Brullov painted the portrait of V. Zhukovskyi and with the money he collected in the lottery the talented young man was ransomed from his landowner.

After Shevchenko’s death, his works of art, manuscripts, documents, personal belongings and library fell into the hands of private collectors who were admirers of his talent.

And the famous pictures of Shevchenko are: “Kateryna”, “The Gypsy Fortune Teller”, “The Head of Woman”, some self-portraits.

The Description of the picture «Kateryna» by Shevchenko

T.G. Shevchenko’s genius was embodied not only in his poetry, but in his painting as well. His pictures are to be paid not less attention to than his poems. I admire the way T. G. Shevchenko portrayed his favourite character Kateryna.

She is depicted in the foreground, wearing a white blouse, a red apron, and a skirt. Her head is decorated with a red ribbon with flowers. She is an ordinary Ukrainian girl, but she is a beauty. Barefooted she is slowly walking along the dusty road her head and eyes down. She is touching the edge of her apron as if going to wipe a tear. Deep feelings are expressed in the white image. The artist painted the girl when she was experiencing a deep private grief. Her beloved so-called Moskal betrayed and left her. He is also depicted in the picture but in the back

ground riding a horse going away from Kateryna, most probably forever. The picture is very moving. We deeply sympathize with Kateryna, because she is pregnant. And so does the old man sitting by the road, cutting his spoons out of word. On one side of the picture there is a tomb with a mill over it, and the steppe far off. A great tree in the background seems to symbolize the mighty force of life. God knows, what the fate of the miserable, but so much loved by the artist and ourselves Kateryna would be?


“The Gypsy Fortune Teller”


Winner of the 1841 Silver Medal at the Imperial Academy of Arts.


In September 1841, Shevchenko was awarded his third Silver Medal for The Gypsy Fortune Teller. In this picture the scene of fortune-telling takes place on the background of romantic atmosphere. A young girl in Ukrainian suit stretches her hand to a Gypsy and, turning from her, is cautiously listening the words of fortune-telling. On the back of a fortune-teller there is a half-naked baby, near the girl there is a dog. Poses of characters are emphatically theatrical and a bit static.

To sum up the discussion on the topic “Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko as an artist” I’d like to emphasize the fact that he was a gifted pupil. He went farther than his teacher K.Brullov. He acquired the thought that the nature is the best object for painting. Being exiled from his people and native surroundings he missed them a lot. Life and nature were the best models, moreover, the best teachers for him.

Have you got any questions?

-         Do you like Shevchenko’s  picture “The Head of Woman”?

-         Yes, I like it. But most of all I like “Kateryna”.

-         Why do you like it?

-         I admire the way T. G. Shevchenko portrayed his favourite character Kateryna. The picture is very moving. We deeply sympathize with Kateryna.

Group III

The third group had to prepare a project about Taras Shevchenko as a prominent Ukrainian. You’re welcome.

The investigation made by our group is “Taras Shevchenko as a prominent Ukrainian”.

Taras Shevchenko’s civic activities were the essential part of his life.

Patriotism, devotion to his Motherland, love to Ukrainian people are the main topics of his poems, prosaic works, paintings and so on. Taras sacrificed everything for the sake of his people.

The acquaintance with Yevhen Hrebinka accelerated the process of Taras’s national consciousness. It was in Hrebinka’s library where the future poet plunged into the world of revolutionary literature: I. Kotliarevskyi, P. Hulak-Artemovsky, H. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko and the world of Ukrainian folklore and historic works.

The majority of Taras’s verses were inspired by romantic poets. The motives of his early works are nostalgia, the feeling of social estrangement.

The first references of Russian critics to the famous Kobzar were disapproving.

The most peculiar feature of the poet and the artist as well was his love to people.

He affirmed with all his life and the art that an artist can’t  create anything without “love to people”. And his portraits, drawings, etchings are the evidence of this statement.

He was a son of a peasant and he became a ruler in the kingdom of spirit. He was a serf and he became a giant in the kingdom of human culture. The best and most precious reward fortune bestowed on him only after his death – eternal fame and the endless joy in millions of human hearts that is aroused by his works…

All his life he loved Ukraine, he dreamed about Ukraine. We all know his lines:

My poor Ukraine

I love her so

that for her sake

I’d even curse God.

And bring my soul

to ruin.


Я так її, я так люблю Мою Україну убогу,

Що прокляну святого бога,

За неї душу погублю!

Quietly flows the mighty Dnieper. Overlooking the river, not far from the old town of Kaniv, rises the picturesque Chernecha Mount which is now well known as Taras Mount throughout the world. Here lies the great Ukrainian poet, artist, thinker Taras Shevchenko.

Towering high above the mount, the bronze monument of the poet looks out upon the beautiful vista of hazy river expanses, blue lakes and green fields that stretch right to the horizon.

Once, fascinated by the unusual charm of this lovely locality, Shevchenko decided to move here and build a cottage of his own design. But this dream was not destined to come true. Shevchenko died in St. Petersburg. Later his friends brought his remains to Kaniv and buried him on Chernecha Mount according to his wish.

Would you like to ask any questions?

-         What is your favourite verse?

-         What is the most peculiar feature of Taras Shevchenko?

-         To my mind the most peculiar feature of him was his love to people.

Thank you very much.

     How did you like your presentations? What did you like most? (Interesting information, music, illustrations of paintings, poems in English.)

     Викладач робить підсумок презентацій із зазначенням найяскравіших моментів: As for me, I admire your preparation to this lesson. Each of you has found rather important and interesting facts. You have shown a lot of portraits and mentioned a lot of people connected with Shevchenko. You recited verses in Ukrainian and English. And you proved that Taras Shevchenko is surely an extraordinary personality.


ХI. BRAINSTORM: Let’s determine the main points from your presentations. Студенти вигукують з-за парт фрази, викладач записує на дошці. (outstanding personality, talented poet, he criticized the tsarist regime, he demanded liberty for serfs, favourite author of millions of Ukrainians, his works are translated into many languages).

Let’s compile all the information you’ve found together. It is going to be your group project: “Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko – poet, citizen, artist”



Imagine that you are standing in front of the monument to T. Shevchenko. A foreign tourist comes up to you and asks you to tell him about this personality. 


Please feel free to ask any question concerning your dialogues.


Look at the screen, please. You can use these phrases in your dialogues:


I’m interested in …              Я цікавлюся …

What about you?                  А як щодо тебе?

I advise you to …                 Я раджу тобі …

Let me see.                           Дай мені подумати.

I suggest …                          Я пропоную … 

I hope you’ll enjoy that …   Я сподіваюсь, тобі сподобається та (той) …

I prefer …                             Я надаю перевагу …



-         Which activities did you enjoy most?

OK. I agree that presentations have been the most interesting part of our lesson. Today we have learned about your personal attitude to our Kobzar by creating your associations. We have seen your beautiful informative presentations and developed your reading and speaking skills. And I’d like to add that Shevchenko’s memory is honoured throughout the world. As we have already mentioned, there are more than 1100 monuments to Taras Shevchenko all over the world. And besides, his poems are still being put into modern music. Look and listen.




So tell me what countries are the monuments to Shevchenko situated in?

(Canada, the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Hungary, Italy, France, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan)






When I am dead, bury me

 In my beloved Ukraine,

 My tomb upon a grave mound high

 Amid the spreading plain,

 So that the fields, the boundless steppes,

 The Dnieper's plunging shore

 My eyes could see, my ears could hear

 The mighty river roar.


When from Ukraine the Dnieper bears

 Into the deep blue sea

 The blood of foes ... then will I leave

 These hills and fertile fields --

 I'll leave them all and fly away

 To the abode of God,

 And then I'll pray ... But until that day

 I nothing know of God.


Oh bury me, then rise ye up

 And break your heavy chains

 And water with the tyrants' blood

 The freedom you have gained.

 And in the great new family,

 The family of the free,

 With softly spoken, kindly word

 Remember also me.


— Taras Shevchenko,

 25 December 1845, Pereiaslav


How nice this verse sounds in English. Right?

What was it? Right. This is Заповіт, TESTAMENT in English. Will you be able to learn it by heart for the next lesson? OK.

XIX. Домашнє завдання:

1) Your home task is to compile all the information you’ve found together. It is going to be your group project: “Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko – poet, citizen, artist”.

2) Write 10 sentences about T. H. Shevchenko from the lesson material and be ready to tell them to the class.

3) Learn Shevchenko Testament by heart.

ХХ. Оцінювання навчальних досягнень студентів.

Thank you, students, for your hard work and your attention!

Did you like our lesson?

What did you like most of all?

Well done. Your marks are…. because your answers were full, you described the pictures in detail.

The lesson is over.






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