Тексти для аудіювання

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Як відомо, матеріальною основою аудіювання є аудіотекст. Дотримючись основних традицій при підборі текстів я використала тексти-описи і фабульні тексти-повідомлення. В текстах-описах представлена сукупність ознак об'єкта і фактів які об'єднані загальною темою.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України


НВК «ОЛІМП» «ЗОШ I-III ступенів - гімназія»




для аудіювання

8 клас


Вчитель англійської мови  вищої категорії,  вчитель – методист

НВК „Олімп”

„ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів-гімназія”

Сватковська Наталія Сергіївна




Ширяєве 2006


АУДІЮВАННЯ - це розуміння сприйнятого на слух усного мовлення. З точки зору психофізіології аудіювання трактується як перцептивна розумова мнемічна діяльність. Перцептивна тому, шо здійснюється сприйняття - прецепція; розумова - бо повязана з основними розумовими операціями: аналізом, синтезом, індукцією і т.д; мнемічна тому, що відбувається виділення і засвоєння інформативних ознак мовних і мовленнєвих одиниць, реформування образу і впізнавання як результат зіставлення з еталоном, який зберігається в пам'яті.

Основою внутрішнього механізму аудіювання є такі психічні процеси як сприйняття на слух, увага, розпізнавання та зіставлення мовних засобів, їх ідентифікація, осмислення антиципатія, групування, узагальнення, утримання в пам'яті, тобто відтворення чужої думки та адекватна на неї реакція. Отже предметом аудіювання є чужа думка, яка закодована в аудіотексті і яку належить розпізнати.

Як відомо, матеріальною основою аудіювання є аудіотекст. Дотримючись основних традицій при підборі текстів я використала тексти-описи і фабульні тексти-повідомлення. В текстах-описах представлена сукупність ознак об'єкта і фактів які об'єднані загальною темою. Логічні звязки між окремими фактами нестійкі, допускається їх перестановка. Через це в текстах не завжди легко виділити головне та другорядне, і розуміння тексту залежить переважно від суми зрозумілих фактів, які необхідно запам'ятати. Текст-опис складається головним чином з простих речень, іноді з однорідними членами. Іноді зустрічаються складні речення з метою вираження відношень зв'язку чи протиставлення. В кожному реченні описується, як правило, один факт.

Визначальною ознакою фабульних текстів-повідомлень є динамізм подій, дій, та вчинків персонажів, що зумовлюються логічним інваріантом та означенням часу. В таких текстах легко виділити основне і другорядне. Між окремими фактами та епізодами існують логіко-смислові зв’язки і розуміння загального змісту такого тексту неможливе без розуміння окремих фактів, яке вимагає переосмислення інформації. Для контролю розуміння використовую тестові завдання, що подаються після звучання



Simonides was a great Greek poet. He was very poor; so he went from town to town in Greece and read his poems about champions of sports festivals. After some years when he had money for the journey, he decided to go back to his home.

The ship on which he travelled was very old and it was ship­wrecked in a storm. The passengers jumped into the water with their bags in their hands.

Simonides was carrying nothing and somebody asked him where his bags were. The poet answered that he was carrying with him all the riches which he had.

Many people died in the sea. They had their bags in their hands and could not swim well. But some of the passengers reached the land and went to the city near the coast. Their bags were in the sea now and they had no money or clothes. They walked in the streets of the city and asked people to help them.

A rich man who lived in that city knew Simonides's poems and liked them. When he saw the poet in the street, he asked him to his house and gave him clothes and money.

When Simonides saw the people from the ship in the streets again, he said: "I told you I was carrying all my riches. They were in my head. You lost all your riches in the sea, but 1 have all my riches with me."

Simonides-Сімонідіс                              Greek-гpeцький

to be shipwrecked-Koраблекрушіння            Greece-Греція                                                 riches-багатство












How Simonides was shipwrecked

Chose the right variant.

1. Why was Simonides travelling from town to town?

a) He just liked travelling a lot.

b) He liked to take part in different championships.

c) He wanted to earn some money in order to go home.

d) He was rich and liked to read his poem about champions all over the Greece.

2. Why did the passengers find themselves in the water during the travelling?

a) They decided to swim a bit.

b) The pirates attacted the ship.

c)The ship was in a bad condition and couldn't go though the storm. d) There were too much riches on the ship and that was why it came down to the bottom of the sea.

3. Why did Simonides save himself so easily and all his property?

a) He had very small and not heavy bag.

b) He could swim better then other passengers.

c) He didn't take his bags and left them on the ship.

d) He had all his reaches in his head.

4. How did Simonides get clothers and money?

a) He was a well-known poet and everybody in the city liked him.

b) The rich man was his relative and friend and gave him money.

c) Simonides came to one rich man he knew very well and asked him to borrow some money,

d) The rich man knew Simonides and liked his poems and decided to invite the poet to his house and gave him money and clothes.

5.  What did Simonides say to the people from the ship when he met them in the street again?

a) That they hadn't to take their things with them.

b) That it's better to be poor and not to have anything at all.

c) That the best reaches are those, which are in one's head because it's impossible to lose them.

d) That he lost only a part of his reaches because he had more somewhere else.







Robin Hood is a legendary hero of English literature. Nobody knows if such a man as Robin Hood really lived. All we know of him comes from ballads. The ballads say that there was a man in the 12-13th centuries called Robin Hood who lived in Sherwood Forest near the town of Nottingham. Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor people.

Robin Hood was tall and strong. He could shoot very well. The poor people of England loved him and told many stories about the man.

Many English people knew that Robin Hood was in Sherwood Forest. A lot of poor men joined him there. They made Robin Hood their leader.

The sheriff of Nottingham wanted to kill Robin Hood. He sent his soldiers to Sherwood Forest many times, but they could not catch Robin Hood. Then the sheriff decided to organize a shooting competition in the town. The sheriff knew that Robin Hood could shoot very well. "Robin Hood will come," he said. "He will take part in the competition and we shall catch him." The prize was a golden arrow.

Robin Hood called his men and asked them if they wanted to take part in the shooting competition in the town. The men decided that the risk was great, but they wanted to be there.

The day of the competition was fine. The town was decorated with flags and the field for the competitions was full of people. The sheriff and his men looked for Robin Hood all over the town, but did not see him anywhere. The sheriff knew that Robin Hood and his men were always dressed in green. But there were no men in the town in gree" suits. At last the competition began. The prize was won by a man  who was dressed in red. He received the golden arrow and left the field of the competition with his friends. Nobody knew who they were. But it was Robin and his men! As the young men were walking near the sheriffs house Robin Hood shot an arrow into an open window. There was a paper at the and of the arrow with the words:

Robin Hood thanks the sheriff for the Golden Arrow! Golden- 3ojtotjth                                          ballad-,балада

Arrow- cтріла                                                to shoot-стріляти

Legendary- легендарний                               sheriff-шеріф







Robin Hood and the golden Arrow.

Chose the right variant.

1, Who is Robin Hood?

a). A person who didn't exist at all.

b). A person who really lived in Sherwood Forest.

c). A legendary hero of French literature.

d). A person about whom people don't know exactly if he existed or iiol

2 Why did the sheriff of Nottingham decided to organise a shooting competition?

a) He wanted to shoot Robin Hood there during the competition.

b) Because he wanted to give to Robin Hood a golden arrow as a present.

c) Because the sheriff couldn't catch Robin Hood in the forest and knew it would be easy to find out which of the comepitors is Robin Hood because he was the best shooter.

d) Because he wanted to make a great fastivity for the local people.

3.  Why didn 't the sheriff catch Robin ?

a) Because he and his people were looking for Robin Hood badly.

b) Because no one won the first Gold en Arrow

c) Because the sheriff expected Hood to be dressed in green and the mar. who won was in red.

d) Because Robin Hood didn't come to the competition.

4.  Why did sheriff wanted to kill Robin Hood?

a) Because people loved Robin more then him.

b) Because it was prohebited to live in such a plase as Sherwood Forest,

c) Because Robin Hood organised a band and robbed reach people, b) Because Robin Hood wanted to kill him.

5. How did Robin Hood let the sheriff know that it was him who the competition?

a) He redressed into green in the end of competition.

b) He with his people entered the sheriff's house while warking near it.

c) He shooted the sheriff through the opened window of his house.

d) He sent sheriff a message with his arrow.








Many hundreds years ago, in 1040, every city and town of England had its lord. The men and women of the town had to work for the lord. The lord also took money from the people, to pay his soldiers and to buy what he needed for his wars.

Lord Leofric was lord of the town of Coventry. He was a very bad man and the people of Coventry had to pay him very much money. Lord Leofric had a wife, Lady Godiva, a kind and beautiful woman., She always spoke kindly to the people and the people loved her.

Lady Godiva often asked her husband not to take so much money from the people, but he only laughed at her. But she asked him again and again and at last he said:

"All right, I'll do it, but for this you must ride naked on horseback through the streets of the town."

"She won't do it," he said to himself.But she did.

There are two stories about how she did it. The first says that she rode on horsback and that her hair was so long that it covered her n bodv.

The other story says that the kind people of Coventry did not com* of their houses that day, and did not look out if their windows. t:l) she finished her ride. Only one young man, whose name was Tom, looked out.He saw the naked women and became blind.

There is a statue to Lady Godiva on hdrsebeback in the centre of Coventry.

















Lady Godiva.

Chose the right variant.

1. When did this story take place?

a) Few years ago.

b) In the eleventh century.

c) Two hundred years ago.

d) Yesterday.

2. What kind of person was lady Godiva?

a) She had the opposite character to what her husband had,

b) She loved money and was very mean.

c) She was very beautiful but bad.

d)  She was kind to her husband and rude to the people oF Coventry.

J. What did she ask her husband to do?

a) Not to take so mach money from people.

b) To give some money to people.

c) To let her give some money to people.

d) To take more money from people.

4. H'liat did the lord tell his wife to do in order to do what

a) To walk nude along the streets of the town.

b) To ride naked on the horseback out of the town.

c)  To ride naked on the horseback throught the streets of the town.

d) To ride out of the town.

5. What did Lady Godiva do?

a) She refused to do so.

b) She agreeded and did what he asked.

c) She did it but asked the people of the town not to look out o F their windows.











A man had three sons and he loved them all very much. He had no money, but the house in which he lived was a good one.

"To which of my three boys shall I leave my house? " thought the old man. "They are all good sons to me and T want to be good to them too."

Of course, he could sell the house and then divide the money, but nobody wanted to do this. The house had been in their family for many years. Not only the three boys, but their father, their grandfather, and their great-grandfather had lived in it. It was their home; they knew anil loved every room, every window, every corner of it, and they could :iot sell it to other people.

So the old man said to the boys, "All of you must go out into the world. Each can choose a trade and learn it well. In a year we shall meet here together, and he who has learned his trade best shall have the house. Do you agree?"

"Yes," said his sons, "that's right."

And the eldest said, "1 think I will become a builder. That is the kind of work 1 like best."

"And I," said the second, "have always wanted to make clothes."

"And I," said the third, "want most of all to~ become a gardener."

They agreed to come back in a year, and then they all went away.

Soon people began to talk about a young builder, a young tailor and a young gardener whose work was very good. Their father was glad to hear that.

When the father saw his sons again a year later, he said, "You all have learned your trades very well. The house is yours, I hope you can live here all together."

As non of them wanted the house all to himself, they all agreed and lived happily together for many, many years.












The three brothers.

Chose the right variant.1 Why couldn’t  an old man decide whom to leave the house?

a) Because all of his sons were bad.

b) Because two of his sons were good.

c) Because all of his sons were good.

d) Because he had four sons and loved all of them the same.

2Why didn't he want to sell the house and to divide money between his sons?

a)  Because everything in the house was too old and bad and the house was very cheap.

b)   Because  too  many  people  were  living there:  their  father,  their grandfather and their great-grandfather.

c) Because everyone got used to that house and loved it too much.

d) Because no one wanted to buy it.

3.  What did the old man decide to do with the house?

a) To sell it and to devide money among the sons.

b) To leave it to that son, who will become better in one's trade.

c) To leave the house to that son, who will become the richest in a year.-

d) To leave the house to the no one of his sons.

4.  What three trade did his sons choose?

a). A builder, a tailor and a gardener. b). A gardener, a builder and a carpenter, c). A carpenter, an architect and a dress-maker, d). A gardener, a builder and a ballerine.

5.  Why did they decide to live togather in the house?

a)  Because all of them were bad in their trades and couldn't get enough money to buy own house.

b) Because their father ordered them to do se.

c) Because non of them wanted the house all to himself.

d) Because they wanted to kill their father.











Seven times a year the offices and banks in England are closed on a Monday and no one works in them on these days. These public holiday:; are known as Bank Holidays. No business house and factories are open on these days.

On Bank Holidays Londoners like to go out of the city into the open air.They go to the seaside or to one of the big parks. Many families take a basket and puttheir lunch or tea in it. They will sit on the grass under a tree, have their meal in the open air. Good weather is very important, A wet Bank Holiday gives very little pleasure.

Londoners often visit the Zoo where they can see many interesting animals from different countries. But many of them go with their families to Hampstead Heath. This is a large piece of open land near London where there is a fair on some of the Bank Holidays. There are, a lot of interesting things for children and young people at these fairs-merry-go-rounds, swings and many little shops which sell paper hats with the words "Kiss Me Quick", coloured balloons, cakes and sweets.

An important moment at the fair is the coming of the Pearly Kings and Queens. These are men and women eho have sewed pearl buttons. All over their dresses and suits. And their hats also have many pearl buttons over them. Those people who have the most beautiful costumes are named pearly King and Queen for one year.-


Fair- ярмарка

Merry-go-rounds- Kapyceлі


Balloon-повітряна куля



Queen- Kopoлева

To sew-шити,

Pearl buttons- nepлинові гудзики

Costume- костюм









Bank holidays in great Britain

Chose the right variant.

1. How many times are the offices and banks closed on a Monday?

a). Four times a month. b). Seven times a year. c). Three days a week.


2Where do people like to go on Bank Holidays?

a). Into the City. b). Into the open air. Into their offices.

3. Londoners take their baskets and put there a:

a). Breakfast. . Dinner.

4.  The families sit and have their meals;

a). In the car. b). At home. c). On the grass.

5.  What gives a very little pleasure? a). A sunny Bank Holiday.

b). A wet Bank Holiday. c). A hot Bank Holiday.























This happened in Africa. A man lived in a small house in a village. The man made caps. His caps were brown and white, grey and red. And his own cap was black.

One summer day the man went to the market to sell his caps. His <vay lay through a wood. He walked for a long time. He came to a big \xitu. The day was hot and the man was tired. He wanted to have a Jittfe r;:st. So hesat down under the tree and put his caps on the ground. Only his own black cap was on his head. The man lay down, and soon he ie'l asleep.

He slept for a long time. When the man woke up, he saw his caps iiad gone. Only his own black cap was on his head.

He looked to his right, but he saw no caps. He looked to his left, but again he saw no caps. He looked behind the tree. But there were no caps there. The man could not find his caps.

At iast he looked up into the tree. And he saw many monceys in the tree. The monkeys sat there. Every monkey had a brown, or white, or grey, or red cap on. The man looked at the monkeys. The monkeys looked at the man. The man didn't know what to do.

Then the man asked the monkeys to give him back his caps. Bui the monkeys did not understand him, and they did not give him back his caps.

The man got angry. He shook a fingre at them. But the monkeys only shook their fingers back at him. He got very angry, so he shook both hands at them. He asked them to give him back his caps. But the monkeys only shook their hands back at him.

At last he got very angry. So he took off his own black cap and threw Ii on the ground. When the monkeys saw that, they took off the caps and threw them on the ground, too.

The man was very glad when he saw all his caps on the ground, So he picked up all his caps and went to the market to sell them.










The man and the monkeys.

Chose the right variant.

1 Where did a man live?

a). In a large house.

b). In a large house in a small viliage.

c). in a small house in a village.

2.  What did the man sell?

a). Hats. b). Dresses, c). Caps. d). Gloves.

3.  What was the colour of his own cap?

a). Red. b). Brown, c). Grey. d). Black, c). Blue.

4.  Why did the man want to have a little rest?

a). The man was very old. b). The man was very ill. c). The man was tired.

5Why did .  the man see his caps having been gone?

a). He lost the cap.

b). He was robbld.

c). Monkeys took them.

6. Monkeys did not give him back his caps hecause-

a). They wanted to play with the man. b). They liked to wear caps, c). They liked to arritate the man. d). They did not understand the man.

7.  The man got angry, but monkeys only-

a). Repeated his actions.

b). Got angry too.

c). Showed him all his actions.

8.  What did the man do to take his caps back?

a). Take offhis cap.

b). Put it on his head.

e). Threw his cap on the ground.






















Manchester is the second largest city in Lancashire after Liverpool, [t is an industrial capital of the North of England. It has a good climate which is neither very cold nor very hot. The highest summer temperature is +27 C, the lowest winter temperature is -6 C:

Manchester is 56 kilometres away from the sea, but it is the third largest port in Great Britain. The Manchester Ship Canal connects the city with the sea.

Manchester is a very old city. For a long time it was the centre of the cotton trade not only in Britain but in the whole world. Now it has n large industry. At the factories of Manchester different machines, materials, raincoats, foods, soap and other things are made.

The population of Manchester itself is about half a million people, but there are nine other cities not far from Manchester. Together they are now Greater Manchester with a population of about three million people. Many factories are shut down now, workers and young peooie., after they finish school, cannot find work.

Manchester was the first city in Britain that build an airport. This was in 1929. Today the Manchester airport connects the city with many big cities in Britain and with different countries of the world.

Manchester is an important cultural centre. It has many libraries, museums, art galleries. The famous Halle Orchestra is in Machester and it gives concerts two times a week. The city has many cinemas and theatres too.

Manchester has been the twin city of Leningrad since 1956. In June, 1981, the two cities celebrated their Silver Jubilee of friendship.

Temperature- xeMnepaiypa To connect- 3'e^HyBaTH Trade- TopriBjia Airport- aeponopT Halle Orchestra- opKecTp Xajrjie Twin city-Silver Jubilee- cpiGmift K)6ijiefi.












Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

1.  Manchester is the largest city in Lancashire.

2. The climate of Manchester is quite moderate.

3. Manchester isn't a port because it is too far from to sea.

4. Manchester is a new city.

5. Manchester is an industrial centre.

6. The population of Manchester is about 500 thousand peoples.

7. The Greater Manchester is the nine other cities not far from Manchester.

8. Manchester was the first city to build the airport in Britain.

9.  It is important international airport.

10.  The Halle Orchestra is the only concert hoi! in Manchester.

11. Halle Orchestra gives concerts two times a week.

12. The city has many cinemas and theatres.




























Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It lies on seven hills andgoes doun those hill to the sea. The highest hill is three hundred metres above the sea. From [he street in the centre of the city you can see ships coming to Edinburg from different countries of the world.

In the "old town" the streets are nerrow. The tall houses wth narrow windows go up the hills to Edinburg castle which is one thousand >ear* old. The modem town lies at the foot of the hills. The streets rtere an; straight and well planned, so it is easy to walk in the city when you go sightseeing in Edinburgh. The people say that only two cities In the world are well planned — Edinburgh and St. Petersburg.

Many great men have lived and worked in Edinburgh. Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet, published his first book of poems in Edinburgh. There is a monument tohim in the city.

Walter Scott, the father of the historical novel in world iitereiitrc, was born in Edinburgh. The monument to Walter Scott is n the main street of the city.

Robert Eouis Stevenson, a famous English writer, was born and lived in Edinburgh. He loved the city and wrote about it in his best novels.

Europe- Європа


















Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

L Edinburg is a capital of Wales.

2. Edinburg is a big port.

3. There are two parts in the city: the old and the new one.

4. There is no any difference between the architehture of the two parts of the city.

5. The streets of modern part are difficultto walk in.

6.   Edinburg  because  of it's planning  can  be  compared  with  St. Petersburg.

7. Robert Burns was born in Edinburg.

8. Waiter Scott published his third book here.

9. There is a monument to Jack London in this city,

10. The monument to the father of the historical novel in world literature is in the main street of the city.

11.   Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous French writer, was born in Edinburg.

12. He dedicated to this city his best novels.
























Charles Dickens was very fond of children. One morning he was walking in the little square opposite his house in London. On a bereh he saw a little girl who was playing with a big doll. Suddenly the doM fell to the ground and broke. The girl began to cry. Dckens went up her and said: "Come to my house, little girl, and we shall see if we can find another doll there."

So they went to Dickens's house and into the children's room, where there were a lot of dolls. Dickens took a big pretty doll and gave it to the little girl. Shi was happy to have a new doll. She thanced Dickers and ran home.

The girl's parents did not know who the kind man was. Bui they wanted to send him a present and thank him. So the next day they sent their daughter to Dickens with a book. When Dickens opened the book, he saw that it was "David Copperfield", one of his novels.






























Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

1.  Charles Dickens had a lot of children and loved all of them very much.

2.  Once when he was walking in the little square far from his house he saw a doll.

3. The girl began ti cry because her doll was broken.

4. The great writer wanted to help the little girl.

5. He proposet her to go to his house and repair her doll.

6. He had a lot of dolls in his children's room.

7.  Dckens presented a big ugly doll to a girl.

8.  The girl was glad to get a present and thanked him.

9.  Parents didn't know who was the man that gave a present to their daughter.

10. The parent sent the girl to give the doll back.

11.  The parens wanted to thank the man.

12. They presented to Charles Dickens his own book.























Better to ha ve stones.

There was an old man who had a lot of money, but he did not like to spend it. He always said, "1 don't buy meat and fruit because 1 can eat bread and drink water. T don't buy new clothes because 1 can v/e-ur my old trousers and my old shirt. Tf I spend my money, f shall have it no more. If I hide the money, I shall always have it."

So he put his money in a box in the ground under a big tree.

Every Sunday he went to the tree, opened the box and looked at his money. He did the same thing for many years; he never spent his money but always put some more into the box.

One day he came to the tree, but the box was not there.

"Oh, my money! My money!" he shouted. "Where is my box of money? Somebody has taken my money! What shall I do withoui it?"

The people heard him and they began to ask him questions, and the old man told them his story.

'Tt was a bad man who took your money," said a woman, "and we shall try to find him."

"But what shall I do without my money if you do not find the man: asked the old man.

"What did you do with your money when you had it?" said the woman. "Nothing. So get some beautiful stones, put them in a box, hide the box and go there every day to look at them."















Better to ha ve stones.

Chose the right variant.

1.  Why didn V the old man spend his money?

a)  He was poor.

b) He was mean.

c) He hid it and then couldn't find it.

d) He didn't like to eat good food and wear beautiful clothes.

2.  What did he do with his money for many years?

a) He never spent the money and always put some more into the box.

b) He looked at his money and sometimes took some part of it.

c) He never took money from the box and never added more money there.

d) He just came to the place where he kept it and looked at it.

3.  What happened one day when he came to the tree?

a) He found only half of his money.

b) The box was there but it was empty.

c) There were no box.

d) The thiefs took away the box and left the money.

4.  What did the people told him ?

a) That the man was guilty himself because he found a bad place to hide the monev.

b) That some bad man took away his money and the man had to find the thief himself.

c) That the money disappeared itself.

d) That they will try to help the man.

5.  What did the woman advise him to do after she knew what the man was going to do with the money if he had it again?

a) To keep the money more careffuly.

b) To spend all of it as soon as he finds it.

c) Not to be much worried because anyway there wasn't anv use of it.

d) To hide it away and never look there.










The ca ts and the monkey.

Once upon a time there lived two cats. They lived in a little house in the wood. There lived a monkey in that wood, too. He was a clever one,

One day the cats were very hungry. For a long time they walked in the wood. Suddenly they found a big piece of cake. They were very glad. Now they could eat the cake. So they took the piece of cake and bioke it into two pieces. Each cat took one piece. But they did not eat the c?ke,

One cat said that the other piece of cake was too big. But the other cat cried that her piece of cake was too small.

They said this to each other many times. At last the two cats decided to ask the monkey to help them. So they went to the monkey.

The monkey looked at two pieces of cake: Then he took one piece of cake in one hand and the other piece in his other hand and looked at them again.

At last he said that one piece of cake was too big. So he took a bite off that piece of cake. He looked at it again and then he looked at the other piece. Now the other piece of cake was too big. So he took a bite off it.

The two cats sat and looked at him with hungry eyes.

The monkey took many bites off each piece, but one piece was always bigger than the other piece.

The pieces of cake grew smaller and smaller. At last there wen: only two very small pieces in the moncey's hands. But he decided that the two small pieces were for him because he helped the cats. And he put them into his mouth. So the two cats got nothing, and the monkey ate all the cake.















The cats and the monkey.

Give answers to the following questions,

3. What did the cats find?

2. Why did they not eat the cake?

3. Whom did they decide to ask to help them?

4.  Was the monkey a clever one? Why do you think so?

Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

1. Once upon a time there lived two dogs.

2. One day the cats were very hungry.

3. Suddenly the cats found a big piece of bread.

4. So the cats took the piece of cake and broke it into two pieces.

5. Then the cats ate the cake.

6. One cat said that the other piece of cake was too big.

7. At last the two cats decided to ask the fox to help them.

8. The monkey took many bites off each piece, but one piece was always bigger than the other piece.

9. So the two cats got nothing, and the monkey ate all the cake.























Bohdan Khmelnutskiy

Bohdan Khmelnutskiy is one of the most well-known leaders in Ukrainian history. His name is closely connected with struggle of the Ulrainian people against Polish landlords in the 17-th century. Bohdan(Zinoviy) Michailovich Khmelnutskiy was born in ! 595 in a small village Subotivnot far from Chigirin. This village belonged to his father. Bohdan studied in Kiev, Jaroslan and Lviv.

When a fellow, Khmelnutskiy joined the cossacs and a bit later became their leader. He took part in numerous battles aginst Turkeyand in 1620 he during one of the battles he was captured and spent two years in Turkey. There he learned bout lical traditions and was studying their language. It helped him a lot in his future military activity. After his younger son's death he went to Polish king Volodislav IV to ask him to punish the guilty. But the king was himselof afraid of landlords and couldn't control the situation in his country. So Bohdan had an indirect permission from the king to revenge. He began to organise a wide anti-landlord compaign, which soon transformed into an overnational uprising.


























Chose the right variant

1.Who was Bohdan Khmelnitskiy?

a) a well-known writer

b) a well-known king

c) a well-known Polish landlord

d) a well-known leader of Ukrainian uprising

2. When was he born?

a) in 1559

h) in the end of the XVI century

c) in the XVII

d)  1595 B.C.

3.  What was his father?

a) a noble Polish landlord

b) a poor Ukrainian peasant c"S an owner of a small village

d) a bishop in the Polish Kingdom

4.  Whom did he fight with in 1620?

ft) the Polish king

b)  the Turkey

c)  the Talars

d)  Polish landlords

5.  Who reigned Poland in 1648?

a) Volodislav I

b) Volodislav II

c) Volodislav III <n Volodislav IV

6.   Where did he go for justice after his son's death ?

a) to Turkey?

b) to Zaporizhyan Sich

e) to Polish king

d) to Moscow

7.  What made him go back to the Sich and start his compaign ?

a) his father's death

b) his hatred to Polish landlords

c) Ins wish to become richer

d) his wish to become a Polish king

8.  Why didn't the Poish king help to Khmelnitskiy?

a) because he had no real power

b) because he didn't want to

cl because he supported landlords d) because his wife didn't allow him

9. What did he decide to do after visiting the king?

a) to kill the king

fa) lo continue the war against Turkey

c) to go to the Sich and to slay there

d) to go to Sich and to organise the troops there




Ivan Mazepa

Ivan Mazepa is one of the most popular leaders in the Ukrainian history. He was born in a small village not far from Bila Tserkva. Nobody knows the real date of his birth. There is a hipothesis that it was in 1640. His mother, Maryna, was playing an important role in religious activity of Ukrainian church. There were two children in the family—daughter Olesya and son Ivan. The boy began to read from his early years. He read religious literature and beletristics. He finished Jesuit school in Warslaw in the XVII century. Then he studied in Holland, Italy, France. He was a very educated man. He could speak Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Italian, French, German, Dutch. He knew Latin, which he studied in Jesuit school. He had a lot of books and kept them in his home library. He wrote poems himself, he composed songs, a lot of which became folk. He was aquainted and worked with Polish king Kazimir, with Ukrainian hetmans Doroshenko and Samoilovuch. Ivan was admired by Polish kings, Russian tsars, Crimean khans, but all his life he tried to serve the purposes of his country, Ukraine. He became hetman in 1687 and ruled the country up to 1708. Despite russian oppression,it was a period of economic, political and cultural development of Ukraine. Ivan Mazepa was the first hetman who made an effort to fight for independance of Ukraine and Ukrainian people.

Admire - захоплюватися



Decay -занепад














Ivan Mazepa. Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

1. Ivan Mazepa was born in Bila Tserkva

2. The certain date of his birth is 1640.

3.There were two children in the family of Mazepas-Ivan and Oleksandr.

4. He finished Jesuit school in Moskow, and then was educating only in the territory of Eastern Europe.

5. The only thing he studied in the Jesuit school was religion.

6.  He spoke all main European languages of that times.

7.  He became hetman in 1708.

8. The leaders of powreful states treated him badly.

9. In that times Poland was ruling all over the territory of Ukraine

30. The period, when Mazepa was a hetman, was the time of economic and cultural decay.




























The Celtic LlanguageToday.

To this day the descendants of the ancient Celts live in the territory ofthe British Isles. The Welsh who live in Wales'are of Celtic origin. People in most parts of Wales speak Welsh, a Celtic tongue. In the Highlands i f Schotland as well as in the Western parts of Ireland the people speak a tongue of Celtic origin too.

Some words of the Celtic langudge can still be found in Modern English and most of them are geograflca] names. Many rivers, hills and cowns are still called by their old Celtic nanes. Thus in England there are several rivers called Avon which in Celtic means a river. Some ruvers have name Derwent, which in Celtic means clear water. The chalk highlands in the southern and south-eastern parts of England are called "The Downs". This name comes from the Celtic word down which means"bare, open highland".




























The Celtic LianguageToday. Questions. Write if each statement is true or false.

1. Great Britain is a place where Celtic tribes lived long ago.

2.   In some parts of Wales, Ireland and Schotland people still speak Celtic language.

3.  In the Modern English the words of Celtic origin are completely eradicated

4.  Most of these words are the names of domestic animals and cattle.

5. Englishmen still use the old Celtic names only for the rivers.

6. Avon in Celtic means "clear water".

7. There are several rivers in British Tsles with the same names, because of their Celtic origin

8. "The Downs " is a chalk highlands in the western part of England.

9. The word "Down" is of trench origin.

10.  "Down" in Celtic means the place with a lot of rocks with rie^ t rees and grass growing on them.

























Samylo Kishka.

Samylo Kishka was a clever and heroic man. He had the best traits of Ukrainian Cossack.

He was birn in Bratslavschina and was Zaporyzhian hetman. During the sea campaign in XVI century he was taken to the Turkish captivity and 25 years he was the slave. The slaves oarned at the turkish boars, but Samyilo tricked the guard and stole the keys and the slaves attacked the crew of the boat and came back to Ukraine. ■

Soon after that he became Zaporyzhian hetman again. Cossaks respected him for his courage and wisdom.

Samyilo Kishka died in Livonia because in 1602 he went there with 2000 cossacs.

His glory stay in the memory of Ukrainian people forever.





























Samylo Kishka.

Chose the right variant.

/. Samylo Kishka was

a) courageous and heroic

b) brave and courageous

c) mean and wise

d) heroic and clever

2.  He had the best traits of:

a) Ukrainian cossack

b) English gentleman

c) Japenese samyrai

d) Islamic terrorist

3. He was born in

a) Kyiv

b) Zaporyzhzhya

c) Brats lavschyna

d) Livonia

4. Samylo was a

a) otaman

b) hetman

c) serf

d) peasant

5. In what century was he taken to the turkish captivity?

a) XVI


c) XVI11


6. How many years was he the slave?

a) 10 b)15 c)20 d)25

7.  What did the slaves had to do in the turkish boats?

a)to rest



b) To oar

c) to sunbathe

d) to swim

8.  What did he steal?

a) keys b)books c) clothes d)jewe!ery

9.  Where did the slaves came back to?

a) England

b) Russia

c) Ukraine

d) France

10.  Whim did he become again?

a)  a king

b) a hetman

c) a prince

d) a slave

11.  Cossacks respected him for

a) courage and wisdom

b) courage and heroism

c) courage and readiness

d) kindness and cherity

12.  Where did Samyilo Kishka die?

a) in Europe

b) in Turkey

c) in Ukraine

d) in Livonia



























Petro Sahaidachnuy

Petro Konashevuch-Sahaydachnuy was born in Halychina. His father was a rich man and wanted his son to be a clever and educated man. Petro was a capable boy and his father sent him to Ostroh Academy.

After graduating from the academy he worked as a clerk in the court. While studying in the Academy. He got .the name of Sahaidachnuy because he was a good archer. He could shoot wery well.

In 1614 he and some of his friends from the Academy went to Sich. Petro was strong, brave and courageous in battles. That's why he was elected as cossacs' chief and later in 1616 as a hetman of Zaporizhyan Cossacs.






























Petro Sahaidachnuy

Chose the right variant.

1. Where was Petro Sahaidachnuy born?

a) in Halychuna b} in Kviv

c) in Europe dj in New York

2.  When did he go to the Sich ?

li) in 1614

b) in 1610

c) in 1615

d) in 1620

3.   What kind of person was Petro Sahaidachnuy?

a) weak and lazy

b) brave and strong

c)  courageous but stupid

d)  strong but lazy

4.  Where was he studying?

a) in Ostroh

b) i'l Kyiv

c) in Zuporizhyan Sich

d) in Las-Vegas

5.   Where did he work as a clerk?

a) in Court

b) in Library

c) in Parliament

d) in the Embassy

6.  What thing could he do very well?

a) he could shoot

b) he could ride a horse

e) he could drive a car

d) he could compose music

7.  When did he become a Hetman?

a) in 1616 b)inl617 c)in 1618 d) in 1619

8.  Why did the cossacs elect him their Hetman?

a) because he had all necccssary treats for this post

b) because he was rich

c) because no one else wanted to be Hetman

d) because he asked them

9.   With whom did he go to the Sich ?

a) with one of his friends

b) with his wife

c) with several of his friends

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