Тексти із завданнями з граматики на утворення Past Simple i Present Simple Tenses для 4 класу по темі:"Відпочинок і дозвілля" простого

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Виконання завдань з граматики,як один із видів діяльності, відіграє важливу роль при вивченні англійської мови. Цю збірку текстів із завданнями складено відповідно до теми: «Відпочинок і дозвілля» у 4 класі. Читання поданих текстів та виконання завдань допоможуть учням краще закріпити граматичний матеріал,а вчителю проконтролювати рівень вмінь учнів правильно утворювати форми теперішнього і минулого простого часу .Цей матеріал цінний тим,що може використовуватися як на окремих уроках цієї теми,так і на підсумковому.

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Тексти із завданнями з граматики на утворення форм теперішнього і минулого простого часу для 4 класу по темі: «Відпочинок і дозвілля»




          Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.


             A REST-DAY


Bob and Nick (to be) brothers. They like (to spend) a rest-day together. After dinner the boys (to go) to the cinema and they (to watch) cartoons about pirates there.

Then they go to the play ground. Bob and Nick (to play) football with their friends there. Their football team (to be) good. After four o’clock p. m. The brothers go home. Bob (to like) to play chess but Nick likes computer games. That (to be) why the boys (to play) chess on their computer.

In the evening they (to like) to read books. Bob (to read) about Harry Potter and Nick reads about robots. The boys (to be) very glad. They like their rest-day.






            Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

            FAVOURITE TOYS

Helen and Vicky (to be) friends. Helen (to be) nine. Vicky is ten. They live in Ukraine. They are pupils. Helen is good at Maths and Vicky (to like) English.

But girls like to play toys. They have many toys at home. Helen’s favourite toy (to be) doll. She calls her doll Dolly.Helen (to have) some new dresses for her doll. Dolly (to be) nice. Dolly can sing a song. Helen (to like) to go with Dolly to her friend Vicky.

Teddy bear is a favourite toy of Vicky. This toy is very big and brown. There (to be) a blue cap on teddybear’s head. Vicky can not go with teddybear to her friends. But she (to like) this toy very much. She often (to speak) to teddybear.

Helen and Vicky (to be) happy. They have beautiful toys.



                       Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.


My family (to be) small. I have a father and a mother. But our family (to be) very friendly. We usually spend our free time together.

My mother’s hobby (to be) cooking. She (to read) many books about cooking new dish. She (to like) to cook different salads. I and my father often (to help) her. On Saturdays we usually eat new dish.

My father’s hobby is fishing. On Sundays we usually go fishing. Sometimes we catch many fishes. But last Sunday we didn’t catch any fish. We (to be) not sad. The weather (to be) fine and we spent our rest-day good.

My hobby is reading comics. My mother and father usually (to bring) different comics to me. I (to study) English at school and I can read English comics. My mother is an English teacher and she often (to help) me to read English comics right.



              Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.


Bohdan and Stepan (to be) friends. They are pupils. Stepan and Bohdan (to be) 10. They study in the same form. The boys (to like) sports and games. They often play football with their friendsafter classes. The boys(to be) very glad. Yesterday they (to have) football competition with football team of another school. Bohdan and Stepan are winners. Their team (to take) the first place.

The boys (to like) to play chess and tennis too. Bohdan usually (to take) first place in school tennis competition. Stepan (to be) the best chess player of their school. On winter holidays the boys like to ski and skate. They (to go) to the river or forest every day.

Sometimes they (to make) a snowman and play snowballs with their friends.



Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

          THE LAST DAY OFF

I like free time. Usually I spend it with my family. Yesterday my parents (to have) a day off. We (to go) to a village. My grandmother (to live) there. The weather was fine. The sun (to be) shining brighty. My grandmother likes to gather mushrooms. We went to the forest together. There (to be) many mushrooms. We gathered two baskets of mushrooms.

Then my mother and grandmother went home.

My father likes fishing. He usually(to catch) many fishes. I and my father went to the river. My father caught five fishes and I only one. And then we went home. My mother likes cooking. She (to take) our fishes and (to cook) tasty fish soup. My brother is a little boy. He (to be) only four. He likes to play toys. His favourite toy is a ball. After dinner we often (to play) a ball with him.

We (to be) friendly and happy.


19 березня 2018
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