Form 5 Test Grandma's Stories
Variant I
I.Choose the correct variant.(Вибери правильний варіант)
a) oa b)ho c)oh a) ar b)er c)ea
3. Ch_ _ stmas 4. deli_ _ ous
a) ri b) re c)ir a) si b)sh c)ci
5. br_ _ch 6. horr_ _
a)en b)an c)un a) or b)er c)ar
II. Insert in, on or at (Встав прийменники in, on or at)
1. _____Sunday 2. _____Christmas
3._____2 o’clock 4. _____spring
5. ____New Year’s Day 6. ____the morning
III. Fill in the gaps with was or were. ( Постав was or were)
IV. Write past forms of the verbs. (Напиши минулу форму дієслова)
to read, to do, to come, to be, to write, to go,
V. Write negative and questions sentences. (Напиши заперечне і питальне речення в минулому часі.)
1. My friends visited me yesterday.
2. He took his sister to school last month.
4. They said these words last lesson.
Form 5 Test Grandma's Stories
Variant IІ
I.Choose the correct variant.(Вибери правильний варіант)
a) oa b)ho c)oh a) ar b)er c)ea
3. Ch_ _ stmas 4. deli_ _ ous
a) ri b) re c)ir a) si b)sh c)ci
5. br_ _ch 6. horr_ _
a)en b)an c)un a) or b)er c)ar
II. Insert in, on or at (Встав прийменники in, on or at)
1. _____Monday 2. _____Easter
3._____6 o’clock 4. _____winter
5. ____New Year’s Day 6. ____the evening
III. Fill in the gaps with was or were. ( Постав was or were)
IV. Write past forms of the verbs. (Напиши минулу форму дієслова)
to make, to do, to meet, to be, to sing, to go,
V. Write negative and questions sentences. (Напиши заперечне і питальне речення в минулому часі.)
1. Steve went to school last Monday.
2. I skated last winter.
3. She made present for her mother.