Test"Complex object"

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Даний матеріал можна використати для узагальнення і систематизації знань з граматчної теми "Complex object"
Перегляд файлу

1.Write the verbs using the Complex Object.

1.When I got to the cinema, I saw ____ for me. (he, to wait)

2.I knew the guests had arrived because I could hear ____ downstairs. (they, to laugh)

3. Do you want ____ with you? (I, to come)

4. Hot weather makes ____ tired. (I, to feel)

5. Do you want ____ some money to you? (I, to give)

6. Glasses make ____ older. (he, to look)

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

I wish I _____ (to be) the manager of this company.

Peter wishes he (not to buy) that car. It breaks down so often and causes him trouble.

You look overweight. I wish you ______ (attend) a gym this summer.

My father wishes he ______ (not forget) to take the camera with him. The view was wonderful.

The students wish they ______ (study) more. They all got bad marks from the Maths exam last week

3. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use It’s time / It’s high time / It’s about time.

Example: You should forget about the issue It’s not important. – It’s high time you forgot about the issue. It’s not important. 

  1. The government should invest more in the environment.
  2. Get up! You’ll be late for school.
  3. Your hair is dirty. Wash it!
  4. Please hurry up and do your homework.

4.Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets.

Начало формыWe usually  (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.score

  1. Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she  (it / make) by a designer in Italy.score
  2.  (you / ever/ anything / steal) from your house?score
  3. He didn't fix his car himself, he (it / fix) at the garage.score

5.Choose the right answers.

1.. If the weather were fine, they … out of town.

would go
had gone

2. If Tom had enough money, he … to the USA long ago.

would have gone
have gone
would go

3. If I … their language, I could understand what they were saying.

had known
will know

4. We … win the cup If we keep playing this well.

are winning
could have

5. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you … an electric shock.

will get
would get
would have got
would have been got

6. If I … noticed Nick, I would have stopped him.

would have

7. "Listen to me, Mary! The officer says I cannot go abroad now! I wish I ... the parking fine! I'm so sorry!"

had paid
would pay


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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 жовтня 2023
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