Тест (контроль аудіювання)

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Контрольна робота допоможе вчителеві англійської мови перевірити рівень навченості учнів з аудіювання, читання та письма. Завдання різної складності відповідають інтересам учнів і поглиблять знання з географії.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Test “The Easter Island statues”(11th form)Мета. Проконтролювати:навички розуміння іншомовного тексту;знання лексики та вміння дати пояснення і застосовувати в реченнях за змістом;використання означеного та нульового артиклів у реченнях;знання форм дієслова і використання їх у реченнях;Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Павлівської СЗШ Базилевська В. М.

Номер слайду 2

The Easter Island statues. Listen to the text “The Easter Island Statues”:www.ngllife.com/easter-island-statues

Номер слайду 3

1 The Easter Island statues …a) are modern.b) are moving.c) are very old.2 People don’t really understand …a) what the statues are made of.b) where the statues came from.c) how people on the island moved the statues.3 In general, scientists and historians …a) have the same ideas about thehistory of the statues.b) do not agree about the history of the statues.c) have no idea about the history of the statues.4 José Tuki …a) lives on a beach.b) is an artist.c) makes statues.5 The moai …a) are statues of animals.b) are made of wood.c) are very big and heavy.6 Easter Island …a) is very near South America.b) is in the South Pacific Ocean.c) is a large island.7 Tourists travel to Easter Island …a) by boat.b) by canoe.c) by plane.8 Some historians think …a) people moved the statues with ropes and wood.b) animals pulled the statues along the ground.c) people didn’t move the statues.9 Jared Diamond thinks that …a) there were trees on the island in the past.b) people built the statues after a disaster.c) people grew a lot of trees on theisland.10 José Tuki …a) knows the truth about the statues.b) doesn’t know the truth about the statues.c) doesn’t think the moai are important. Listen to the article and choose the correct option.

Номер слайду 4

Disastera/ a thick cord or wire that is used for jobs such as pulling cars or tying thingstogether2. ground b/ different from normal and better or more important than other people orthings3. rope c/ a set of equipment or parts which are used for doing something 4. stone d/ all the facts about it, rather than things that are invented or imagined 5. special e/ something very bad that happens and which causes a lot of damage 6. system f/ the material which forms the parts of a tree 7. truth g/ the surface of the earth 8. wood h/ a hard solid substance found in the ground and often used for building houses. Match the words with definitions:

Номер слайду 5

1 At weekends I go climbing. I use a ____________ to climb the mountains.2 Do you have a ____________ to learn English vocabulary?3 The table and chairs in my house are made of ____________ .4 Do you ____________ flowers and vegetables in your garden?5 Oh no! There’s an earthquake! It’s a ____________ !6 The archaeologist found some interesting objects in the ____________ .7 This pizza is ____________. There’s enough for ten people!8 The Taj Mahal in India is a beautiful white ____________ building.9 An honest person always tells the ____________ .10 Today is a ____________ day – it’s our anniversary. Complete the sentences with the words in the Keywords box. growtruthstonesystemdisasterspecial ropewoodgroundenormous

Номер слайду 6

1. four ____2. eleven ____________3. twelve ____________4 . thirty ____________5. thirty-three ____________6. eighty ____________7. two thousand one hundred and fifty ____________8. fifty thousand ____________Listen to the text again. Write words connected with these numbers in the article. What do they refer to?

Номер слайду 7

1. ____José Tuki is a 30-year-old artist from ___Easter Island in ___ South Pacific Ocean.2. ___ statues are from four feet tall to 33 feet tall.3. ____ moai are made of a type of stone that doesn’t exist on ___Anakena beach.4. ____ first Polynesians arrived at Rapa Nui (Easter Island) by canoe hundreds of years ago. 5. This small island is 2,150 miles west of ___South America.6. ___ scientist and writer Jared Diamond thinks that ___many people moved the statues. Use articles if it’s necessary (The, X) :

Номер слайду 8

1. In 2011, 50,000 tourists ___ to Easter Island. ( flow, flew, are flown, flowing)2. There ___ different ideas about how the Rapa Nui people moved the moai. (are, was, has been, being) 3. They ___ the wood to move the statues. (need, needed, needs, needing) 4. They say that it was possible _____ the statues with a small number of people and a system of ropes.( move, to move , moving, moved)5. Easter Islander José Tuki says, ‘I want ____the truth, but maybe the island doesn’t tell all its answers’.( knew, know, knowing, to know)6. The statues _____ hundreds of years old.( is, was, are, were)

Номер слайду 9

A mystery in the South Pacific Ocean. José Tuki is a 30-year-old artist from Easter Island in the South Pacific Ocean. He’s sitting on Anakena beach and he’s looking at enormous statues of people —the moai. The statues are from four feet tall to 33 feet tall. Some of them weigh more than 80 tons. They are hundreds of years old. The moai are made of a type of stone that doesn’t exist on Anakena beach. People made the statues in a different place and then they moved them 11 miles to the beach. ‘How did they do it?’ Tuki asks. The first Polynesians arrived at Rapa Nui (Easter Island) by canoe hundreds of years ago. This small island is 2,150 miles west of South America. These days, 12 flights arrive every week from Chile, Peru, and Tahiti. In 2011, 50,000 tourists flew to Easter Island. All the tourists go to see the moai. There are different ideas about how the Rapa Nui people moved the moai. Some historians think the ancestors used ropes and wood and pulled the statues along the ground. The scientist and writer Jared Diamond thinks that many people moved the statues. He also thinks that the people cut down the trees on the island. They needed the wood to move the statues. They also needed a lot of space without trees to grow food. Because they cut down the trees, there was an environmental disaster on the island. But archaeologists Terry Hunt of the University of Hawaii and Carl Lipo of California State University Long Beach don’t agree with Jared Diamond. They say that it was possible to move the statues with a small number people and a system of ropes. Last year National Geographic Expeditions Council paid for an experiment to test Hunt and Lipo’s idea. Easter Islander José Tuki says, ‘I want to know the truth, but maybe the island doesn’t tell all its answers.’ He thinks that the moai are very special and powerful and maybe it’s not a good idea to know the truth.

Номер слайду 10

До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, академічний рівень) 11 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
20 квітня 2018
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