Тест (контрольна робота)

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота складена для перевірки сформованості навичок читання за І семестр. Перше завдання - вибір правильних/ неправильних тверджень. Друге завдання - вибір правильної відповіді на основі прочитаного тексту. Третє завдання - складання речень на основі вивченого матеріалу теми. Четверте завдання - тест на використання відносних займенників. П'яте завдання - вибрати правильну професію за визначенням.
Перегляд файлу

I.          Reading. True / False statements.

1.                  Amanda was a film star.

2.                  Amanda was born in the countryside.

3.                  A theatre wanted new actors for a new play.

4.                  Amanda agreed to play with a young actor, but he had to be the gifted one.

5.                  The last name of Tom means one of the colours.

6.                  Tom played a role of s driver to know something about Amanda in her native village.

7.                  Tom wanted to talk to Amamda’s relatives.

8.                  Nobody told Tom anything about Amanda in the village.

9.                  Next day Tom went to the theatre to tell Amanda about her relatives.

10.               After listening to stories about her relatives there were tears on Amanda’s face.

11.               Tom told the truth to Amanda about his real profession.

12.               Tom was a bad actor.


II.                Choose the correct answer.

1. Where did Amanda play her parts?                 

a)   in the theatre                                                  

b)  in the circus                                       

с) in the films

7.  Where did Tom play a part of a farmer?

a)   in the theatre                                                  

b)  outside the theatre

c)   in the streets

2. What kind of parts did Amanda play?                  

a)   small                                                             

b)  main                                                              

с) old ladies

8. What was Tom shown in the village?

a)   newspapers               

b)  letters

c)   pictures

3. What was the theatre going to do?                  

a)   a new play                                                     

b)  a new concert                                                

c)   to dismiss actors

9. Where did Amanda have dinner?

a)   in the dining room

b)  in the living room

c)   outside her house

4. What actor did Amanda want to play with?

a)                   talented                                                                          

b)                  funny                                                                 с) angry

10. What impressed Amanda much?

a)   old photos

b)  an article in a newspaper 

c)   Tom’s words

5. Why did young actors come to the performance?          

a)   to watch a performance                                              

b)  to look at Amanda                                          

c)   to show their skills

11. What did Amanda do?

a)   gave up her job

b)  played with Tom in a new performance

c)   took aunt Emily to the city

6. How old was Tom White?                   

a)   86

b)  26                                                                 

c)   65                                                                 

12. What conclusion can we make after reading?

a)   Amanda is a kind-hearted person

b)  it’s not good to be a talented actor

c)   being an actor or an actress is a hard job


III.             Write 5-7 sentences about the role of the Internet or the television in the life of a teenager.


_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

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_______________________________________________________________________________________________IV.        Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentences.

1. ____ is the author of the famous novel "Pride and Prejudice"? a) what

b)  when

c)   who

d)  where

7. The day ____ the event took place is still fresh in my memory.

a)   where

b)  what

c)   who

d)  when

2. Can you tell me the country _____ the Eiffel Tower is located? a) when

b)  where

c)   what

d)  who

8. I have a friend ___ lives in Australia.

a)   when

b)  what

c)   who

d)  where


3. I don't remember the day ____ we first met.

a)   who

b)  where

c)   when

d)  what

9. I can't remember the reason ____ I came to this place.

a)   when

b)  who

c)   why

d)  where

4. The person ____ won the lottery was very surprised. a) where

b)  who

c)   when

d)  what

10. Can you tell me the street _____ the museum is located? a) what

b)  who

c)   where

d)  when

5. Can you tell me the reason ___ he was late?

a)   when

b)  what

c)   why

d)  where

11. The time _____ the party will start is 8 PM.

a)   where

b)  who

c)   what

d)  when

6. Do you know the city _____ Shakespeare was born? a) where

b)  when

c)   who

d)  what

12. The person ____ called you is waiting outside.

a)   where

b)  what

c)   who

d)  when


V.         Matching.

a person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court


travel agent


a person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses/ land for people

estate agent 


a person who works to improve bad social conditions and help people in need



a person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, at a place of business, visiting a doctor 



a person trained to look after sick animals


a person whose job is to work with electricity

social worker 

a person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical book



a person who makes and sells medicines


a person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to arrange travels



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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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