Тест з теми "Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple"

Про матеріал
Вправа на закріплення знань граматичного матеріалу Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. В завданні потрібно розкрити дужки,використовуючи дієслова в потрібній видо-часовій формі.речення можуть бути стверджувальні,заперечні, або питальні.Звертайте увагу на тип речень.
Перегляд файлу


Present Simple,Past Simple, Present Continuous

  • Children often (to write) dictations?
  • Oscar (not to read) a book now.
  • My granny (to cook) a potato salad yesterday.
  • We (not to paint) pictures right now.
  • Sam (to ride) a merry-go-round an hour ago.
  • Fiona (to watch) a film every Sunday.
  • Ann and Kate (to go) to the cafe at the moment?
  • Leo (not to wipe) the dishes last week.
  • Sophie (to play) the flute twice a week?
  •  Stan usually (to dust) the furniture on Saturdays.
  • My parents (to go) shopping now.
  • Kitty ( not to do) gymnastics some days ago.
  • Nancy (to wash) her car last week?
  •  Abby ( to water) the flowers every day?
  •  Steve usually ( not to do) sports.
  •  My sister always (to buy) sweets.
  •  Willy ( to walk) in the park at present..
  •  The Smiths (to go) to Britain last year.
  •  My friends ( to have) a meeting an hour ago.
  • Nancy (not to eat) an ice cream now.
  • Phil (to clean) the windows two days ago.
  • Mrs  Brown sometimes (to ride) his bike.
  •  Billy (to fly)  a plane now?
  • Tom always (to sing) a song in the morning..
  •  Mr Robimson  (to sell) his car a week ago?
  • Kim (to do) her homework every day.
  • My friend (to drink) cola yesterday.
  • Ron usually (not to translate) texts.
  • Cliff (to learn) a poem by heart at the moment?
  • My brother always  (to go) to the cinema on weekdays.
  • Molly seldom (to cook) breakfast.
  • Jim (to read) English books now?
  • Vicky and Mary(not to take) photos last week.
  • Mike sometimes (to visit) his friend?


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