
Додано: 19 грудня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
10 запитань
Запитання 1

A: ___ a new T-shirt in this photo?

B: It’s not new. It’s my dad’s old T-shirt from the 80s.

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Do you wear

Are you wearing

Have you worn

Запитання 2

A: Did you make the jacket you’re wearing?

B: I did! I’m usually ___ at making clothes but this project was pretty successful.

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Запитання 3

A: What have you been doing?

B: Nothing special. I ___ an email to Lucy to ask her about our project. I hope she replies soon.

варіанти відповідей

‘m writing

‘ve written

‘ve been writing

Запитання 4

A: Sarah looks ridiculous in those tight jeans!

B: You know, I don’t think it’s ___ to make rude comments about people’s appearance.

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Запитання 5

A: Can you have a look at this picture? ___

B: Well, I’m not sure either.

варіанти відповідей

I can’t make out what it shows

I don’t think it is very interesting

It looks as though you could help me

Запитання 6

Choose the correct answer to the 1 gap

In every period throughout history there have been specific ideas of what the perfect human body should look like. Different body types have gone 1___ and out of fashion just like clothes and hairstyles, and these ideals led to the 2___ of fashions. The ancient Greeks, who admired slim, athletic bodies, went for a casual look, with soft 3___ and comfortable shapes. In Britain, the Elizabethans preferred women's clothes which forced their bodies into totally unnatural shapes, causing a lot of discomfort. During the early 19th century, Europeans believed that the Greek look was the best, and women's clothes became much more comfortable, but this did not last. The Victorians thought that a very small waist made women attractive, and women wore such tight garments they sometimes caused actual injuries. Nowadays, some of the most 4___ designers make clothes that fit all shapes and sizes. But judging by all the diet plans, exercise programmes and plastic surgery procedures that are available, it seems that things 5___ much up to now

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Запитання 7

Choose the correct answer to the 2 gap

In every period throughout history there have been specific ideas of what the perfect human body should look like. Different body types have gone 1___ and out of fashion just like clothes and hairstyles, and these ideals led to the 2___ of fashions. The ancient Greeks, who admired slim, athletic bodies, went for a casual look, with soft 3___ and comfortable shapes. In Britain, the Elizabethans preferred women's clothes which forced their bodies into totally unnatural shapes, causing a lot of discomfort. During the early 19th century, Europeans believed that the Greek look was the best, and women's clothes became much more comfortable, but this did not last. The Victorians thought that a very small waist made women attractive, and women wore such tight garments they sometimes caused actual injuries. Nowadays, some of the most 4___ designers make clothes that fit all shapes and sizes. But judging by all the diet plans, exercise programmes and plastic surgery procedures that are available, it seems that things 5___ much up to now

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Запитання 8

Choose the correct answer to the 3 gap

In every period throughout history there have been specific ideas of what the perfect human body should look like. Different body types have gone 1___ and out of fashion just like clothes and hairstyles, and these ideals led to the 2___ of fashions. The ancient Greeks, who admired slim, athletic bodies, went for a casual look, with soft 3___ and comfortable shapes. In Britain, the Elizabethans preferred women's clothes which forced their bodies into totally unnatural shapes, causing a lot of discomfort. During the early 19th century, Europeans believed that the Greek look was the best, and women's clothes became much more comfortable, but this did not last. The Victorians thought that a very small waist made women attractive, and women wore such tight garments they sometimes caused actual injuries. Nowadays, some of the most 4___ designers make clothes that fit all shapes and sizes. But judging by all the diet plans, exercise programmes and plastic surgery procedures that are available, it seems that things 5___ much up to now

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Запитання 9

Choose the correct answer to the 4 gap

In every period throughout history there have been specific ideas of what the perfect human body should look like. Different body types have gone 1___ and out of fashion just like clothes and hairstyles, and these ideals led to the 2___ of fashions. The ancient Greeks, who admired slim, athletic bodies, went for a casual look, with soft 3___ and comfortable shapes. In Britain, the Elizabethans preferred women's clothes which forced their bodies into totally unnatural shapes, causing a lot of discomfort. During the early 19th century, Europeans believed that the Greek look was the best, and women's clothes became much more comfortable, but this did not last. The Victorians thought that a very small waist made women attractive, and women wore such tight garments they sometimes caused actual injuries. Nowadays, some of the most 4___ designers make clothes that fit all shapes and sizes. But judging by all the diet plans, exercise programmes and plastic surgery procedures that are available, it seems that things 5___ much up to now

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Запитання 10

Choose the correct answer to the 5 gap

In every period throughout history there have been specific ideas of what the perfect human body should look like. Different body types have gone 1___ and out of fashion just like clothes and hairstyles, and these ideals led to the 2___ of fashions. The ancient Greeks, who admired slim, athletic bodies, went for a casual look, with soft 3___ and comfortable shapes. In Britain, the Elizabethans preferred women's clothes which forced their bodies into totally unnatural shapes, causing a lot of discomfort. During the early 19th century, Europeans believed that the Greek look was the best, and women's clothes became much more comfortable, but this did not last. The Victorians thought that a very small waist made women attractive, and women wore such tight garments they sometimes caused actual injuries. Nowadays, some of the most 4___ designers make clothes that fit all shapes and sizes. But judging by all the diet plans, exercise programmes and plastic surgery procedures that are available, it seems that things 5___ much up to now

варіанти відповідей

haven’t changed

didn’t change

haven’t been changing

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