Повторне тестування на 11.20 - 029-18 (50 питань) на 22.10.2020 (Середа) - 1 пара 08.20

Додано: 21 жовтня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 39 разів
50 запитань
Запитання 1

Fill in the blanks: what ___________the obligations of the contractor include ?

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Запитання 2

Fill in the blanks: What _____ the Contactor provided to do?

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Запитання 3

Fill in the blanks: when ______we salute an addressee with “Dear Sirs” ?

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Запитання 4

Fill in the blanks: what ______ the word fax come from?

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Запитання 5

Fill in the blanks: what phrases can we _______a business letter?

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Запитання 6

Fill in the blanks: What _______ fax message useful?

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Запитання 7

Fill in the blanks:___ sent quickly to many different recipients at the same time?

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can fax be 

can be fax

could fax

could be

Запитання 8

Fill in the blanks: what _______ you need to send and receive email?

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Запитання 9

Fill in the blanks: what _____ you with connection software?

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is provide

is providing

Запитання 10

Fill in the blanks: _____email useful when you want to send documents with drawings ?

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Запитання 11

Fill in the blanks: Is email useful when you ______ to send documents with drawings ?

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is wanting

are wanting

Запитання 12

Fill in the blanks: what _____to keep email messages short?

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do sometimes people does

does sometimes people do

do sometimes people do

do sometimes peoples does

Запитання 13

Fill in the blanks:__ light colours used for handwritten fax messages ?

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Запитання 14

Fill in the blanks: Are light colours ______ for handwritten fax messages ?

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be used

be use


is used

Запитання 15

Fіll in the blanks: __ technical problems ___ the process of getting of email messages?

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Does ... affect

Do ... affect

Do ... affects

Is ... affect

Запитання 16

Fill in the blanks: What ______ the advantages of emails?

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Запитання 17

Fill in the blanks: ______fax be______ quickly to many different recipient at the same time?

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Can ... sent 

Can ... send 

Can ... sended 

Can ... sented

Запитання 18

Fіll in the blanks: Can fax be sent quickly to many different recipients at the same time?

варіанти відповідей

No, it doesn't

No, it can

Yes, it does

Yes, it can

Запитання 19

Fill in the blanks: ______ it possible to send a fax not only from a fax machine but also from a computer?

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Запитання 20

Fill in the blanks: Why ______ it a good idea to use a fax transmission cover form ?

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Запитання 21

What affects the length of the letter ?

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the writer's style and the kind of his language

the number of information you are going to put in the letter

letters written by different people

writer's ability to be laconic and not too wordy

Запитання 22

What does it mean to get the right tone in the letter ? It means___.

варіанти відповідей

to aim for a neutral tone

to avoid pompous language

to avoid too informal language

to complicate the message

Запитання 23

В цьому листі є декілька неправильних моментів.

варіанти відповідей

There are a number of things wrong with this letter.

There is a number of thinks wrong with this letter.

There is the number of things right with this letter

There is a number of things wrong with this letter

Запитання 24

Bob _____ (work) in a factory, but he doesn’t now.

варіанти відповідей

Bob use to work …

Bob used to work…

Bob didn’t use to work

Did Bob use to work …?

Запитання 25

Andrew ______(be) very tall, but now he is.

варіанти відповідей

didn't use to be very tall

used to be very tall

use to be very tall

didn't used to be very tall

Запитання 26

Chris _____(drink) coffee, but now he does.

варіанти відповідей

didn’t use to drink coffee

used to drink coffee

use drink coffee

didn't used to drink coffee

Запитання 27

Why do your parents think you are lazy ? They think I am lazy because____.

варіанти відповідей

I am talkative.

I don’t want to help with the household.

I am too noisy.

I have run out of stories.

Запитання 28

I think I am an ambitious person because _______.

варіанти відповідей

I set up high goals in athletics.

I can sing.

I always do my homework.

I do not pass my homework

Запитання 29

Брати моїх друзів

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My friend's brothers

My friends' brothers

My brothers' friends

My brother's friends

Запитання 30

брат його батька

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His father's btother

His brother's father

His brothers' father

His father brother

Запитання 31

Choose the correct grammar tense and try to explain what it expresses. He is always telling everyone what to do.

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Present Simple, confidence

Present Continuous, annoyance

Present Perfect, ignorance

Present Perfect Continuous, reliance,

Запитання 32

to commute to the center of London

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to travel a long distance every day between your home and London (your place of work).

to get to the center of London

to make a living.

to think calm thoughts.

Запитання 33

здавати випускні екзамени

варіанти відповідей

to take your finals

to take responsibility

to be called a school leaver

to make your choice after school

Запитання 34

Choose some correct variants. Why is language called the most powerful tool ?

варіанти відповідей

We can to establish peace with the help of language,

We use the language to express our thoughts.

The language helps us to spread our ideas.

We can reach out to others with the help of an Language.

Запитання 35

Choose some correct grammar variants: What is habit formation while learning a foreign language ?

варіанти відповідей

Acquiring the ability to use a language automatically

ability to use language automatically without stoping to think

It requires much practice.

It require a lot of practice.

Запитання 36

At the hotel the receptionist asked me to fill ... the form.

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Запитання 37

When you arrive ... a foreign country it is necessary to go through passport control and customs inspection.

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Запитання 38

May I phone Mr. Black? No, you ... ? 

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can not

may not

must not

make not

Запитання 39

We ... offer you a discount of 5%.

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must to


can't to

Запитання 40

The clerk said that the plane ... land at 3:50 p.m.

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had to

was to

wes to


Запитання 41

You ... translate this letter as soon as possible.

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has to

Запитання 42

Are there ... passengers at the lounge of the railway station ?

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Запитання 43

Make up a question according to the following sentence: She invited me yesterday. But she didn't invite him. Why ... him yesterday ?

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Why didn't she invite him yesterday ?

Why she invited him yesterday ?

Why she didn't invite him yesterday ?

Why didn't she invited him yesterday ?

Запитання 44

Make up a question to the following sentence: She invited him yesterday.

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Who did she invited yesterday ?

Who she invited yesterday ?

Whom didn't she invited yesterday ?

Who did she invite yesterday ?

Запитання 45

Choose the correct special question to the following sentence: They went to the baker's shop last week,

варіанти відповідей

When did they go to the baker's shop ?

Did they go to the baker's shop last week ?

Why did they went to the baker's shop last week ?

Where did they go to ?

Запитання 46

Make up a special question to the following sentence: They have already invited the guests.

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Have they invited the guests yet ?

When did they invite the quests ?

Why have they invite the guests ?

Whom have they invited yet ?

Запитання 47

Make up a special question to the following sentence: We didn't smell any fresh bread then.

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Why did you smell the fresh bread then ?

What didn't you smelled then ?

When didn't you smell any fresh bread ?

Why dud not you smell some fresh bread then ?

Запитання 48

Make up a special question to the following sentence: My sister is buying some bread now.

варіанти відповідей

What is your sister buying now ?

Why is your sister buying any bread now with ?

Who is your sister buying the bread with now ?

What does she buying now ?

Запитання 49

I _____ (forget) about this, if she excused.

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would forget


will forget

can forget

Запитання 50

If Kate______(go) on a diet, she ____ (lose weight).

варіанти відповідей

will go/ will lose

would go/ lose

goes/would lose

goes/ will lose

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