1) A popular model of the mobile phone looks ____ a prawn when opened.
2) The most obvious reason ____ mobile phones are so popular is that the quality is going up at the same time as prices are coming down.
3) Science of communication and control in machines and brain is called ____ .
4) The factory’s current technology requires new industrial ____ .
5) There has been a power ____ and now the lights are not working.
6) I can’t plug in the lawn mower because the cable is too short. Please bring me the ____ lead.
7) The file sent together with an e-mail message is called ____ .
8) The programme which puts figures in grids for easier calculation is called ____ .
9) Are you going to _______ the software on your computer?
New phones are much more powerful ______ the cellular ones.
Memory in a computer
The batteries have _______. I need the new ones.
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