Listening ( 6 tasks)
Before doing the test you have to listen to the text twice.
Посилання на відео до тесту
Read the tasks attentively and choose the correct answer.
Listening. Сhoose the right variants. More than 1 answer is possible.
How do video games improve physical skills?
What effect do video games have on decision-making?
How can video games help with psychological problems?
What was NOT mentioned in the text:
How do video games affect language learning?
How do video games influence sleep duration?
What social skill do video games improve?
Vocabulary Practice. Reading.
Read the brief fragment of radio programme and choose the correct variant to each question.
“Ah, nothing likes good old rhythm and blues to calm the soul this late Wednesday night. This is Harry Williams, and I’ll be with you throughout the night here on OQ1150. Oh, and don’t forget that I’ll be giving away tickets on the hour from now until sunrise for those of you who can identify this Jazz mu-sic. Call me at 693-3019 and be the seventh caller. And if you can tell me the name of that piece and the year it was recorded, you’ll enjoy the tunes of one of the best bands this Saturday night downtown at the Silver Palace. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy listening to OQ1150”.
What kinds of music does this radio station play?
What is the disk jockey’s first name?
Listeners can win … by saying the name of the song.
The man’s phone number is … .
To win, listeners must know the name of the song and … it was recorded.
Grammar practice
I always have breakfast … I leave home.
I was not at home … he came to see me.
… she finished that project, she started working on the next.
… I have finished my work, I will accompany you to the park.
… I think of her, my eyes get misty.
I will start … I am ready.
I will not go … I get my money back.
Match the halves of the sentences
Keep personal
Keep your own
Be careful
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