What unusual animals roam the steppes of the Askania Nova Reserve?
Where is the Askania Nova Reserve located?
What is the main attraction of the Askania Nova Reserve besides its animals?
When is the best time to visit the Askania Nova Reserve?
What is the largest island in the Black Sea?
What is unique about the wildlife on Dzharylhach Island?
Where is the Shatsk National Nature Park located?
What is special about the lakes in the Shatsk National Nature Park?
Which lake in the Shatsk National Nature Park is the deepest in Ukraine?
What is the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve known for?
What percentage of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve is made up of virgin forest?
What is special about the Carpathian National Natural Park?
The Askania Nova Reserve is home to animals from all over the world, including Africa.
Dzharylhach Island is the smallest island in the Black Sea.
The Shatsk Lakes are located in the Carpathian Mountains.
Svitiaz Lake is the deepest lake in Ukraine and is located in the Shatsk National Nature Park.
The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is the largest wetland in Europe.
The Carpathian National Natural Park is known for its diverse flora and fauna, as well as its mineral springs.
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