?What are workstations in the race buses used for??
?What are the main three basic steps, which are involved in the process of processing the information in a computer??
?What are the main components of a computer??
?What units does the CPU consist of??
?What does the control unit do??
?What does “RAM” stand for??
?What is a “cache”??
?What does “ROM” stand for??
?What does ALU do??
?How many digits does a binary system use??
?What is called a pixel??
?What does the “refresh buffer“ mean??
?Which are the input devices??
?What are the functions of the mouse buttons??
?In what way does a colour scanner operate??
?What are the main components of a monitor??
?What does “LCD” stand for??
?How does LCD work??
?How can you protect your floppy disk??
?What does a floppy disk consist of??
?What is an “access time “??
?Which line names only the types of optical drives??
?What does operating system comprise??
?What does the term “user interface “ refer to??
?What features are offered by word processors??
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