Choose the wrong line: A hotel is … .?
Choose the most appropriate answer: ‘Does a successful business always work to improve customer service’ ?
Choose the odd line: Which of the following words can be considered as accommodation?
Choose the correct variant: ‘піклуватися про багаж’
Choose the correct grammar tense: ‘Have you ever worked at the hotel yet’ ?
Fill in the correct variant: The ……… is responsible for the restaurant and the waiting staff.
Choose the odd word: non-alcoholic beverage
Choose one or more correct variants:
Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or adverb: The Regal is a very ...hotel.
Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or adverb: Front desk staff must speak guests.
Make up a question and choose the correct answer: He reserved two double rooms.
Make up a question and choose the correct answer: He needs his trousers this afternoon.
Make up a question and choose the correct answer: He called from Istanbul.
Make up a question and choose the correct answer: You booked a table for one o’clock.
Make up a question and choose the correct answer: The guest in room 292 needs a taxi now.
Is it important to wash the floor in the hotel every day?
Choose one or more the correct variants: Ви хотіли б замовити вина?
Choose one or more the correct variants: Just ... of red wine, please.
Choose the correct variant: I want to change ...
Does the hotel have an emergency dentist?
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