What is the Pentagon ?
What is the Pentagon like ?
Which military services does the Department of Defense in Pentagon include ?
Which US president did not live in the White House ?
What is the White House ?
Whom was the White House burnt in the 19th century ?
When George Washington (lay) the first corner stone of the White House ?
How much do the visitors pay for going through the White House?
Are visitors allowed in the rooms where the President lives and works ?
How ... visitors go through the White House every year ?
The sky is blue. It's _________.
The sky is cloudy. it's _______.
I think he ________.
She didn't study last last night, and _______.
Which tense form do we use for a fixed future arrangement ?
Which tense form do we use for a future intention ?
Which tense form do we use for a future intention ?
Which tense form do we use for a fixed future arrangement ?
Which tense form do we use for a fixed future arrangement ?
Which tense form do we use for a future intention ?
Choose either WILL (predictions about the future / promises) or GOING TO (predictions based on what we see)? - Why is he wearing that old clothes ? He _____.
Choose either WILL (predictions about the future / promises) or GOING TO (predictions based on what we see)? +Has she decided what to do about the job?
Choose either WILL (predictions about the future / promises) or GOING TO (predictions based on what we see)? - Why is he wearing that old clothes ? -+Oh, no. I have missed my bus.
Choose either WILL (predictions about the future / promises) or GOING TO (predictions based on what we see)? Look. I can see a man walking towards a banana skin.
It isn't raining today, and according to the weather report, _______.
I arranged to borrow some money because _____.
Could someone get me a glass of water ?
Why did you buy this flour?
Continue the following sentence: This chair is too heavy for you to carry alone. I ___.
Choose the correct variant.
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