After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
Hanna is from:
After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
Where is Daniel planning to go?
After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
How does Hanna describe her native city?
After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
Mark the proper order of the showplaces in London that Hanna has mentioned:
After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
What is England famous for?
After listening for the first time. Choose the correct answer:
Where can you buy food from all over the world?
Listen again. Answer the following questions about the interview:
She says the _____ is mixed.
Listen again. Answer the following questions about the interview. More than one answer is possible.
She mentions _____ .
Listen again. Answer the following questions about the interview. More than one answer is possible.
She says the food is _____ .
Match the phrase with the definition below:
To look forward to something
Match the phrase with the definition below:
To be sure
Match the phrase with the definition below:
To expect something
Match the phrase with the definition below:
Match the phrase with the definition below:
All over
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для контролю знань і залучення учнів
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