
Додано: 31 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 767 разів
19 запитань
Запитання 1

A film which continues the story of an earlier film is called...

варіанти відповідей

a part

a continuation

a sequel

a scene

Запитання 2

Use the appropriate participle form in the sentence:

Look at the picture ... (paint) by a young artist.

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being painted


having been painted

Запитання 3

Use the appropriate participle form in the sentence:

The lady ... (stand) on the bank of the river is very beautiful.

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being stood

having stood

Запитання 4

Use the appropriate participle form in the sentence:

We see some boats ... (sail) down the river.

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being sailed

having sailed

Запитання 5

Use the appropriate participle form in the sentence:

... (come) in the morning, they have been staying here for some hours.

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Having come

Being come

Запитання 6

Use the appropriate participle form in the sentence:

... (do) all the exercises, I went for a walk.

варіанти відповідей

Being done

Having been done

Having done


Запитання 7

A "still life" is...

варіанти відповідей

a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers or other decorative things 

a real life

a painting representing a scenery of nature or countryside

Запитання 8

A "landscape" is ...

варіанти відповідей

a picture depicted on wood

a painting of unanimated subjects

a picture representing a scenery of nature or countryside

Запитання 9

What genre is it?

варіанти відповідей

Still life




Запитання 10

a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill

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Запитання 11

Підбери слово, яке означає

to study something closely

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 poor over



Запитання 12

Підбери слово, яке означає

to take something in gradually

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Запитання 13

to study something closely

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 to pore over


 to enliven


 to sink out

Запитання 14

to have the most important noticeable place

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to absorb


 to dominate


to affect

Запитання 15


This trilogy of 1.____ won a total of 17 Oscars, including the Best Picture and the Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They 2._____ the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. The story is 3______ in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic 4______. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday 5._______ by UK travellers.

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 16


This trilogy of 1.____ won a total of 17 Oscars, including the Best Picture and the Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They 2._____ the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. The story is 3______ in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic 4______. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday 5._______ by UK travellers.

варіанти відповідей

2. speak


 2. tell


2. say

Запитання 17


This trilogy of 1.____ won a total of 17 Oscars, including the Best Picture and the Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They 2._____ the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. The story is 3______ in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic 4______. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday 5._______ by UK travellers.

варіанти відповідей

3. scened


3. set


3. shown

Запитання 18


This trilogy of 1.____ won a total of 17 Oscars, including the Best Picture and the Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They 2._____ the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. The story is 3______ in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic 4______. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday 5._______ by UK travellers.

варіанти відповідей

4. plot


4. composition

Запитання 19


This trilogy of 1.____ won a total of 17 Oscars, including the Best Picture and the Best Director. They are based on the books written by JRR Tolkien. They 2._____ the story of a hobbit, Frodo Baggins, who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by a group of friends. The story is 3______ in an imaginary land called Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen because of its magnificent and dramatic 4______. The director of the film, Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular holiday 5._______ by UK travellers.

варіанти відповідей


5. call


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