Додано: 15 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 781 раз
18 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentence.

Parents can be surprised by their child's _______ of family issues.

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Запитання 2

Complete the sentence:

Efron is currently dating High School Musical _______ Vanessa Hudgens.

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Запитання 3

Complete the sentence: A wonderful natural way to ________ stress is meditation.

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Запитання 4

Complete the sentence:

Children adore her and sit __________ as she performs her magic.

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentence:

It was a fairly _________ piece of work

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Запитання 6

Complete the sentence with a proper preposition:

I expected listening ___ some interesting, outstanding groups.

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Запитання 7

Complete the sentence with a proper preposition:

You know I am keen ____ classical music.

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Запитання 8

Complete the sentence with a proper preposition:

Many people agree that today TV dominates the life ___ each family.

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Запитання 9

Complete the sentence with a proper preposition:

Instead ____ going to theatres,going _____ walks, doing sports, reading books, visiting friends children watch TV day and night.

варіанти відповідей

of, to

for, with

of, for

for, by

Запитання 10

Complete the sentence with a proper preposition:

The programme "Fantastic Creatures" is filled ____ surprises and interesting facts.

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Запитання 11

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №1 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №2 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №3 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 14

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №4 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

варіанти відповідей



going to

Запитання 15

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №5 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 16

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №6 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 17

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №7 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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Запитання 18

Choose the correct word to complete sentence №8 of the text:

Jack Gazzollo is a movie 1 ______. But in his movies the animals are the 2_____ and the scenery is some of the most beautiful and remote parks of the world. Jack 3____ wildlife documentaries about his expeditions and posts them online.

As a child, he wanted to live in the jungle and he kept lots oh plants in his bedroom. He loved 4 _____ TV shows about the natural world with famous 5 ____ .

Before he 6 _____ a film maker, he studied film and lighting and worked on movie sets. He made his first film in 2006 and bought his first movie 7 ____.

Today, he films 8 ____ in jungles, mountains and rainforests all over the world.

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action films



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