Basic actions (at the kitchen)

Тест для розуміння лексики Basic actions для спецкурсу англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням "Кухар"

Додано: 11 липня
Предмет: Англійська мова
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

Remove by flowing out the extra water from the pot before adding the other ingredients.

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Запитання 2

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

The recipe says to finely shred the cheese first.

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Запитання 3

Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.

You must uniformly cut the vegetables, even though it takes a little longer.

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Запитання 4

Read the chapter and choose the correct answer.

Preparing ingredients.

As a cook`s helper, you will prepare ingredients.This allows the chef to focus on cooking. But different meals require different preparation methods.

Chop or mince an ingredient if you just need irregular pieces. You can grate some ingredients for small, irregular strips. If the chef tells you to dice it, cut uniform pieces instead. Some ingredients need excess material separated. Sift flour, sugar, and other powders to filter out chunks. For boiled ingredients, drain or pour liquid out before using.

The chef will sometimes ask you to combine ingredients. Toss them for a loose mixture. For a smooth mixture, blend them instead.

What is the main idea of the chapter?

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understanding a chef`s responsibilities

identifying ingredients

preparing food before cooking

determining proper cooking methods.

Запитання 5

Read the chapter and choose the correct answer.

Preparing ingredients.

As a cook`s helper, you will prepare ingredients.This allows the chef to focus on cooking. But different meals require different preparation methods.

Chop or mince an ingredient if you just need irregular pieces. You can grate some ingredients for small, irregular strips. If the chef tells you to dice it, cut uniform pieces instead. Some ingredients need excess material separated. Sift flour, sugar, and other powders to filter out chunks. For boiled ingredients, drain or pour liquid out before using.

The chef will sometimes ask you to combine ingredients. Toss them for a loose mixture. For a smooth mixture, blend them instead.

Which of the following does NOT cut food into irregular pieces?

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Запитання 6

Read the chapter and choose the correct answer.

Preparing ingredients.

As a cook`s helper, you will prepare ingredients.This allows the chef to focus on cooking. But different meals require different preparation methods.

Chop or mince an ingredient if you just need irregular pieces. You can grate some ingredients for small, irregular strips. If the chef tells you to dice it, cut uniform pieces instead. Some ingredients need excess material separated. Sift flour, sugar, and other powders to filter out chunks. For boiled ingredients, drain or pour liquid out before using.

The chef will sometimes ask you to combine ingredients. Toss them for a loose mixture. For a smooth mixture, blend them instead.

How are sifting and draining similar?

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They remove liquid.

They create smooth powders.

They separate excess material.

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