Тест складено на матеріалі підручника О. Карпюк для 11 класу рівня стандарту.
Має на меті перевірити рівень сформованості лексико-граматичних навиків за розділами "Starter" , "Being a Student"
1. Independent language learners always...for their own learning
2. There are a lot of methods how... the words
3. What is better: giving tests or continuous...?
4. You should steer clear of...
5. It is useful to write the word several times in order to improve your...
6. When you learn Englis, it is a ... language
7. If you work without any break, you will be...
8. Don't believe in any...before the test
9. A process in which someone makes the judgement of someone's achievements is...
10. If I get lost in London, I... ...someone to ask me the way
11. The photographs... ...much better if it were lighter in the room
12. His French won't improve ... he studies more
If I .....enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.
She'll miss the bus if she ......leave soon.
If I (go) out tonight, I will go to the cinema.
If the weather (not / improve), we won't have a picnic
She .... travel all over the world if she were rich
if I ,,, his number, I would call him.
He .... be so rich if he were not clever.
.... you help us if we asked?
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