Central hematopoietic organ

Додано: 2 січня
Предмет: Біологія, 11 клас
3 запитання
Запитання 1

Reduction of the gland mass to 3.0 g was revealed in a 5-year-old child who died from acute destructive staphylococcal pneumonia during the study of the thymus. Histological examination of the thymus showed a decrease in the number of lobules of the gland, a significant decrease in the number of lymphocytes with the collapse of the stroma of lobules, inversion of layers, cyst-likeenlargement of Hassall's corpuscles. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely?

варіанти відповідей

Accidental involution of thymus

Thymus hypoplasia



Thymus dysplasia

Thymus agenesis

Запитання 2



of a 9-month-old


body, which died due to severe pneumonia complicated with sepsis, lack of thymus is observed. In the lymph nodes the lymphoid follicles and cortical substance are absent; follicles of spleen are reduced in size with no light zones and plasma cells. What is the cause of such structural changes?

варіанти відповідей

Thymus aging

Accidental involution of thymus

Thymus hypoplasia

Thymus atrophy

Thymus aplasia

Запитання 3

A child received a hit to the retrosternal region during a game. As a result of this trauma an organ located behind the restrosternal was damaged. Name this organ:

варіанти відповідей


Thyroid gland




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