
Додано: 20 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 175 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Якщо я побачу Мері завтра, я розповім їй про наші справи

варіанти відповідей

If I see Mary tomorrow, I will tell her everything about our affairs

If I will see Mary tomorrow, I shall tell her everything about our affairs

If I see Mary tomorrow, I tell her everything about our affairs

If I shall see Mary tomorrow, I will tell her everything about our affairs

Запитання 2

2 Шкода, що я не зустріла її вчора

варіанти відповідей

It's a pity you hadn't met her yesterday

I wish I met her yesterday

I wish I had met her yesterday

I wish I hadn't met her yesterday

Запитання 3

3 Якщо ви побачите мою маму, попросіть її зателефонувати додому

варіанти відповідей

If you see my mother, ask her to ring up home

If you seeing my mother, ask her to ring up home

If you wiil see my mother, ask her to ring up home

If you would see my mother, ask her to ring home up

Запитання 4

4 Шкода, що я не зустріла її в школі

варіанти відповідей

I wish I have met her in school

I wish I had meet her in school

I wish I meet her in school

I wish I had met her in school

Запитання 5

5 Якби я побачила Марка, я б сказала йому, що вже прочитала його книжку

варіанти відповідей

If I see Mark I would tell him I had read his book already

If I saw Mark I will tell him I had read his book already

If I saw Mark I would tell him that I had read his book already

If I saw Mark I would told him I already read his book

Запитання 6

6 Якби Б. Шоу не був талановитим, він не став би знаменитим

варіанти відповідей

If B.Show weren't talented he wouldn't become famous

If B.Show wasn't talented he wouldn't become famous

If B.Show wasn't talented he would become famous

If B.Show weren't talented he wouldn't became famous

Запитання 7

7 Якби ти йому допомогла ,він зміг би завершити роботу до кінця тижня

варіанти відповідей

Have you helped him, he could have completed the work by the end of the week

Had you help him, he could have completed the work by the end of the week

Had you helped him, he could have completed the work by the end of the week

Had you helped him, he would complete the work by the end of the week

Запитання 8

8 Я сьогодні з ним зустрілася б, якби він був у місті

варіанти відповідей

I will call on him today if he were in the city

I would call on him today if he have been in the city

I would call on him today if he were in the city

I wouldn't call on him today if he was in the city

Запитання 9

9 Якби я тільки знала, що робити!

варіанти відповідей

If only I knew what to do!

If only I shall know what to do!

If only I know what to do!

If I knew what to do!

Запитання 10

10 Якби тільки настала весна!

варіанти відповідей

If only spring come!

If only spring came!

If spring only came!

If only spring comes!

Запитання 11

11 Я хотів би бути молодшим

варіанти відповідей

I wish to be younger

I wish I am younger

I wish I were younger

I wished I was younger

Запитання 12

12 Шкода, що вона запізнилася на роботу

варіанти відповідей

It's a pity she had been late for a work

I wish she had not been late for a work

I wish she had not late for a work

I wish she wasn't late for work

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