
Додано: 30 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 49 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___  you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей




as soon

Запитання 2

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей

in spite of




Запитання 3

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей




in spite of

Запитання 4

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей




as soon as

Запитання 5

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей


as soon as



Запитання 7

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей



in spite


Запитання 8

Choose the right answer:

One door leads to freedom, but which one? One guard tells the truth, but which one? I can ask one question, but what?

Here's a problem for you. Imagine you're in a prison cell with two doors. There's a guard at each door. You can ask one of the guards one question, and then you can go through one door.

(1)  ___ you choose the right door, you can go free. (2) ___, if you choose the wrong door, you have to stay in prison forever! 

And it gets worse! (3) ___ one of the guards always tells the truth, the other one always lies. And you don't know which one tells the truth.

It's an impossible situation - isn't it? No, it's not. But (4) ___  you're extremely careful, you might choose the wrong door. And you shouldn't choose a door (5)  ___ you're absolutely sure it's the door to freedom. And you'll only know it's the right door (6)___   you ask the right question. So if you ever find yourself in that situation, here's what you do.

Say to one of the guards, 'If I asked the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?' (7) ____  of not knowing if the guard always tells the truth or always lies, you'll always get an answer that will help you. (8) ___ you get the answer, go through the other door. You'll be free!


варіанти відповідей



as soon as


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