Inventions and lifestyle

Додано: 30 січня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 174 рази
5 запитань
Запитання 1

1.What is another word for computer screen

a) monitor b) database c) RAM

2. Someone whose job is to invent things

a) wheel b) Penicillin c) Inventor

варіанти відповідей

a) 1.a), 2. c).

b) 1. b), 2. a)

Запитання 2

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

appliances, device, gadgets, machine, machinery, motor.

1. Empty the washing .

2. They have installed all the latest household .

3. The factory's current technology requires new industrial .

4. The tin - opener is a handy .

5. are small mechanical tools.

6. bikes are dangerous to ride.

варіанти відповідей

a) 1.machine, 2.machinery, 3.appliances, 4.device, 5.gadgets, 6. motor

b)1.machine, 2.device, 3.appliances, 4.machinery, 5.gadgets, 6. motor

c)1.machine, 2.machinery, 3.appliances, 4.gadgets, 5.device, 6. motor

Запитання 3

III. Choose the right variant

1. is the study of how living things relate to their environment.

a) geography

b) economics

c) engineering 

d) ecology

2. A person who studies or does research in the science.

a) artist


c) scientific

d) inventor

варіанти відповідей

a) 1c,2b

b) 1d, 2b

Запитання 4

IV.Complete the text with the name of the corresponding invention and discovery:

The first … that was made for individual use was called Apple II, and it was launched in 1977 by Apple Computers. It was sealed in a plastic case: it had a keyboard, a video unit and removable floppy discs. It was sold for € 3800 in today’s money.

a) the automobile  b)the atomic bomb  c) DNA d) the television set

 e) the washing machine f) the personal computer

  g) the mobile phone

варіанти відповідей

a) f

b) g

Запитання 5

V. Complete the text with the name of the corresponding invention and discovery:

… was invented by a Scottish inventor John Logie Baird in 1926, and it was first demonstrated in Selfridges, a department store in London. It was built of old cans, bicycle parts, lenses, string and sealing wax.

 a) the automobile  b) the atomic bomb c) DNA d) the television set e) the washing machine  f) the personal computer

  g)the mobile phone

варіанти відповідей

a) g

b) d

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