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You can’t live in one place your entire life and expect to gain anything valuable enough to incorporate it into what you’re passionate about. Travelling broadens your perspective on the world around you. The culture, the tastes, smells, the diverse groups of people, landscapes and the beauty of the adventurous unknown - for a designer, travelling is essential. It was what led me away from my hometown into the arms of Paris.

The daughter of an interior designer, I grew up around textiles. Since I was a child I would spend hours playing with my mom’s fabrics, creating patterns and making clothes for my dolls as well as for myself. I remember so well the feeling of creating something of my own and wearing it with pride! It was many years later, when I dusted off my mom’s wooden prints that she had used for T-shirts, that I created the idea of wearable art in the form of bags.

My creative and business background led me to pursue an advertising career as a Print Producer in New York. In over a decade, I worked with many talented photographers and illustrators, learning much about the world of commercial art, as well as developing an eye for composition. So I moved to Paris with my love of fashion, art and design and began my handbag business.

Додано: 27 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 77 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

.Kasia left her hometown because it was a chance for her __________

варіанти відповідей

to become famous

to purchase valuables

to find inspiration

to make business contacts

Запитання 2

Kasia first found an interest in fashion and design when she __________

варіанти відповідей

played at her mother's textile company

tried her hand at sewing dresses for dolls

attempted to convert T - shirts into bags

helped her mother restore wooden prints

Запитання 3

Before becoming a handbag designer .Kasia __________

варіанти відповідей

lived and worked in a number of countries in Europe

set up her own printing company in New York City

took courses to develop an eye for fashion design

gained the necessary experience from specialists

Запитання 4

What did Kasia learn about the fashion business in France? $ )rench consumers know little about American designers % You need the support of a famous designer to be successful & :orking with local manufacturers makes products expensive D It¶s harder to get into the fashion market in )rance than in the US

варіанти відповідей

French consumers know little about American designers

You need the support of a famous designer to be successful

working with local manufacturers makes products expensive

it's harder to get into a fashion market in France than in the USA

Запитання 5

What problem did Kasia have setting up her business in Paris?

варіанти відповідей

finding an enterpreter

buying quality fabrics

hiring a local producer

getting sewing equipment

Запитання 6

Kasia worked in New York for...

варіанти відповідей

a month

half a year

ten years

a year

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