Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
I'm quite surprised but I'm really enjoing Italian ........ .
Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
Moussaka is one of the most delisious ........... you can eat in this country.
Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
The cost of your holidays includes two ........... a day : breakfast and dinner.
Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
When I visit you I will cook you a ........ that is from Thailand.
Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
The .......... in my country is delicious.
Complete the sentenses choosing a correct word "food", "dish" or "meal"....
Good part of the ........ grown here is used in the school's daily ........ .
What is it?
Customary means ...
Ukrainian cuisine is not inferior ............ other ones in tastes and quality.
Ukrainian cuisine is rich in.......
......... means to cook in oil or fat in an oven or over a fire.
What does the word mean a "reservation"?
After having entered a cafe a ... asked a waiter if he might sit in a certain place
... design is the art of planning the decoration of the inside a house or the office
Restaurant ...has been developing rapidly in Kyiv
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