English in Use

Додано: 31 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 166 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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Запитання 2

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace. 

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Запитання 3

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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Запитання 4

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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Запитання 5

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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Запитання 7

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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Запитання 11

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

Glastonbury is the largest open-air music festival in the UK. 200,000 music fans from all over the world attend the five-day (1) ___________, which takes (2) ________________ at the end of June. Over the years, the site has grown to the (3) _________________ of about 500 football pitches, which makes it the largest open field festival in the world. In (4) ___________________ to contemporary music, the festival (5) _________________ hundreds of comedians, dancers and other performing artists. Glastonbury has many interesting things to see, including a (6) _________________ stage which is never shown on a (7) _________________ of the festival site. Several films and recorded albums have been (8) __________________ over the decades. Every year the festival attracts (9) ___________________ TV and media coverage. The first festival was held in 1970, largely (10) _________________ by the hippie movement of the 1960s. Only 1,500 music fans paid 1 pound for the whole event. Since then, prices have soared to 248 pounds for a weekend ticket today. The (11) _________________ from the festival go (12) ___________________ to charity organisations like Oxfam and Greenpeace.

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