English speaking countries.Canada.1 Reading

Додано: 24 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 542 рази
14 запитань
Запитання 1

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Fantastically beautiful Canada is filled with incredibly welcoming people, gleaming superior cities, and a diverse landscape: from the icy tundra of the Yukon to the rocky beaches of the east coast, from the mountains of Calgary to the rainforests of Vancouver. With over 10 provinces, this North American country is a comfortable and exciting destination for travellers of all ages. 

1.Canada has 12 provinces

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 2

Fantastically beautiful Canada is filled with incredibly welcoming people, gleaming superior cities, and a diverse landscape: from the icy tundra of the Yukon to the rocky beaches of the east coast, from the mountains of Calgary to the rainforests of Vancouver. With over 10 provinces, this North American country is a comfortable and exciting destination for travellers of all ages. 

2.Canada is the country of diversities:of icy tundra and rocky mountains.rainforesta and beautiful beaches

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 3

Canada is big and makes for a wonderful road trip country, but it’s hard to get around without a car. Within city limits, you’ll find great public transportation networks, especially the metro system. There is a train service called VIA Rail that runs from coast to coast and is very scenic. But when it comes to travelling between cities in Ontario and Quebec Megabus is the cheapest option as fares can be as low as 1 CAD if booked in advance! For long-haul routes throughout the country there are Red Arrow, Greyhound, or Coach Canada. If you’re going between provinces or staying a while in the country, consider renting a car. As your last alternative, you can fly, but the country has only two major airlines, WestJet and Air Can.ada, so both are with high prices. 

3.Canada is a very beautiful tourist country but it's difficult to travel there without a car

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 4

Canada is big and makes for a wonderful road trip country, but it’s hard to get around without a car. Within city limits, you’ll find great public transportation networks, especially the metro system. There is a train service called VIA Rail that runs from coast to coast and is very scenic. But when it comes to travelling between cities in Ontario and Quebec Megabus is the cheapest option as fares can be as low as 1 CAD if booked in advance! For long-haul routes throughout the country there are Red Arrow, Greyhound, or Coach Canada. If you’re going between provinces or staying a while in the country, consider renting a car. As your last alternative, you can fly, but the country has only two major airlines, WestJet and Air Canada, so both are with high prices. 

4.If people want to travel in Quebec and Ontario they would better rent a car.

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 5

Canada is big and makes for a wonderful road trip country, but it’s hard to get around without a car. Within city limits, you’ll find great public transportation networks, especially the metro system. There is a train service called VIA Rail that runs from coast to coast and is very scenic. But when it comes to travelling between cities in Ontario and Quebec Megabus is the cheapest option as fares can be as low as 1 CAD if booked in advance! For long-haul routes throughout the country there are Red Arrow, Greyhound, or Coach Canada. If you’re going between provinces or staying a while in the country, consider renting a car. As your last alternative, you can fly, but the country has only two major airlines, WestJet and Air Canada, so both are with high prices.

5.Canada has many cheap airlines 

варіанти відповідей

1. True


Запитання 6

Accommodation rates can vary a lot depending on what city you’re staying in. On average, for a dorm room at a hostel or a budget hotel room you can end up paying some 30-60CAD. But expect prices to rise remarkably in larger cities, like Vancouver or Toronto, while smaller towns won’t have many options, though are generally quite cheap. Also don’t hesitate to ask the locals for advice. Remember, Canadians are friendly

6.Accomodation price in Canada is very cheap

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 7

Accommodation rates can vary a lot depending on what city you’re staying in. On average, for a dorm room at a hostel or a budget hotel room you can end up paying some 30-60CAD. But expect prices to rise remarkably in larger cities, like Vancouver or Toronto, while smaller towns won’t have many options, though are generally quite cheap. Also don’t hesitate to ask the locals for advice. Remember, Canadians are friendly

7. Accomodation prices in big cities is very cheap

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 8

Accommodation rates can vary a lot depending on what city you’re staying in. On average, for a dorm room at a hostel or a budget hotel room you can end up paying some 30-60CAD. But expect prices to rise remarkably in larger cities, like Vancouver or Toronto, while smaller towns won’t have many options, though are generally quite cheap. Also don’t hesitate to ask the locals for advice. Remember, Canadians are friendly

8.Prices of accomodation in small towns is really cheap

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 9

If camping is your thing, you’ll have plenty of options all across the country. Prices will vary depending on the grounds and many of the major campgrounds will sell out early, so be sure to book in advance during the peak season. 

9.Those who like camping have many options in Canada

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 10

Food can be inexpensive as long as you cook for yourself. A meal out at a restaurant will cost you around 15-35 CAD, so cheap sandwich shops and fast food are your most favourable option. 

10.Food is very expensive in Canada

варіанти відповідей


2. False

Запитання 11

Canada has a lot of outdoor activities – kayaking and canoeing, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and white-water rafting are just some of those available. No matter what part of the country you are in, and no matter the season, you will always find something to do. There is definitely a reason everyone around the world loves Canada and its people.

11.Canada has no outdoor activities at all.

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 12

Canada has a lot of outdoor activities – kayaking and canoeing, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, and white-water rafting are just some of those available. No matter what part of the country you are in, and no matter the season, you will always find something to do. There is definitely a reason everyone around the world loves Canada and its people.

12.All people like Canada and Canadians

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 13

A FEW TIPS FOR YOU: • Canadians drive on the right hand side and using mobile phones while driving is illegal. • In Quebec province, road signs are in French and in many areas, it is legal to turn right on a red light. • Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks. 

13. Canadians drive on the left hand side

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

Запитання 14


• Camera – You’ll want to look back on the amazing views.

• Warm clothes – Temperatures can drop far below 0°C!

• Waterproof clothes – You are guaranteed to come across rain or snow

. • Hiking boots – There are numerous national parks to explore.  

14.You must take warm and warter-proof clothes otherwise you will have unpleasant problems

варіанти відповідей

1. True

2. False

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