If you ______ (study), you ______ (pass) the exam.
If it ______ (rain), we ______ (stay) at home.
If they ______ (not hurry), they ______ (be) late.
If you ______ (eat) too much, you ______ (feel) sick.
If he ______ (call) me, I ______ (answer).
If you ______ (not water) the plants, they ______ (die).
If we ______ (leave) now, we ______ (catch) the bus.
If she ______ (not go) to bed early, she ______ (be) tired tomorrow.
If you ______ (help) me, I ______ (finish) faster.
If he ______ (not study), he ______ (fail) the test.
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